Member Since: 8/18/2007
Band Members: ::AlexCogan:Drums:: ::AlexHillhouse:Bass:: ::PaulBarrow:GuitarVocals:: ::DavidPowell:Guitar:: ::JamieOToole:Guitar::
Influences: ::Oceansize:: ::yourcodenameis:milo:: ::65DaysofStatic:: ::Dredg:: ::Battles:: ::Reuben:: ::QueensOfTheStoneAge:: ::Yes:: ::Radiohead:: ::Fugazi:: ::Tool:: ::HellisforHeroes:: ::BlackSabbath:: ::LedZeppelin:: ::Primus:: ::JoyDivision:: ::BiffyClyro:: ::HundredReasons:: ::Deftones::
Sounds Like: Instantly one could be forgiven for detecting faint flickers of Queens of the Stone Age, which surely can’t be a bad thing? As each naughty riff delves into the listener’s brain demanding 100% attention, Your Daily Briefing clearly want this bad. The band play post prog rock at its most satisfying and tonight there’s no messing about. Confident in their abilities it’s no wonder they’re going about to embark on a nationwide tour along-side Jon Jones and The Beatnik Movement. When watching these lads perform, it’s quite possible that every other gig you’ve been to see will seem totally soft cock in comparison. - Surface Unsigned Review.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None