football profile picture


About Me

'football' is a gig night which happens at cafe saki in manchester and is run by chris holden and james betts. we used to run a night called 'transition' in lancaster which was loads of fun as we got to put on some bands we really like such as parts & labor, dartz!, itch, jeniferever, the longcut, that fucking tank, gofaster, cowtown, maps, this aint vegas, napoleon IIIrd and others. but then we moved to manchester and got bored of the name 'transition' so fancied a change. we really, really want the gigs to be fun and for people to have a good time. hopefully we come close to achieving this in some sort of way. we also hope you can make one... x

My Interests


Member Since: 1/20/2008
Band Members: chris holden and james betts
Influences: huddersfield town and manchester united
Sounds Like: we like the following bands/artists loads...

ryan adams, american football, ...and you will know us by the trail of dead, animal collective, apples in stereo, arcade fire, at the drive-in, battles, beach boys, beirut, bjork, blink 182, bonnie ’prince’ billy, the books, broken social scene, clouddead, sam cooke, cornelius, cursive, dinosaur jr, the dismemberment plan, eels, efterklang, explosions in the sky, four tet, fugazi, gang of four, ghosts and vodka, the good life, the go team, hidden cameras, im from barcelona, iron and wine, isis, itch, jesus and the mary chain, joan of arc, joy division, karate, lcd soundsystem, les savy fav, the liars, loney dear, low, the magnetic fields, make believe, maps, mercury rev, minus story, modest mouse, mogwai, the monkees, my bloody valentine, napoleon IIIrd, neutral milk hotel, new pornographers, joanna newsom, nirvana, oasis, okkervil river, owen, owls, pelican, plus/minus, otis redding, panda bear, fionn regan, todd rundgren, kate rusby, sebadoh, shellac, slint, sonic youth, phil spector, radio dept., raveonettes, ride, shearwater, the shins, the smiths, sonic youth, regina spektor, spiritualized, bruce springsteen, stars, sufjan stevens, stone roses, subtle, sun kil moon, teenage fanclub, this aint vegas, tortoise, tristeza, velvet underground, the wedding present, weezer, why?, wilco, brian wilson, wolf parade, xiu xiu, yo la tengo
Record Label: N/A

My Blog

instruments, itch, elks, spokes, chrik. saturday 28th june.

it's going to be our last one for quite a while so we've made the best line-up we've ever made (in our opinion anyway). we're incredibly excited about this one. more information will soon follow. the ...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 08:02:00 GMT

goFASTER>>, Elks, Rotary Ten, Beat The Radar

goFASTER>> Like fellow Liverpudlians Hot Club De Paris after a bag of strawberry bootlaces and a couple of litres of cola or The Futureheads on a bouncy castle, their take on the everyday occurrence ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 14:31:00 GMT

FREE afternoon BBQ at Saki with some people also playing some music

This will start in the early afternoon of Sunday 25th May. So far there will be Edmund Cottam, The Lightshines, The Container Drivers, Chrik, Palmstruck and Jam on Bread providing the soundtrack to th...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 14:26:00 GMT

substiton - Napoleon IIIrd comes on for Itch

Napoleon IIIrd will now be playing this Friday instead of Itch. He is very good. Here’s an example of nice thinsg people have said about him. "one of the most exciting solo artists in the countr...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:41:00 GMT

Friday April 4th

FRIDAY 4th April at Cafe Saki Itch "Itch are quite breathtakingly, pant-twitchingly awesome. Songs stop, start, fall over themselves, kick themselves up the arse, explode into cataclysmic bursts of en...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 06:06:00 GMT

Gig Postponed....

Hey guys,bad news - Cafe Saki have been having some trouble with their music license so were not going to be able to put the gig on this Saturday (23rd Feb).good news - were gonna try to re-schedule i...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:40:00 GMT

Itch, Arms At Last, Spokes and Chrik

F O O T B A L L presents on Saturday 23rd February at Cafe Saki Itch Angular mathy rock with intense vocals "Itch are quite breathtakingly, pant-twitchingly awesome. Songs stop, start, fall over th...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 14:00:00 GMT

Instruments, Married To The Sea, Cats In Paris, Peter Lyons

This on Sat 9th Feb at Cafe Saki. Instruments "Influenced equal parts by noise-mongers Faraquet through to singers such as Sufjan Stevens (okay: maybe more Faraquet than Sufjan), Instruments play an ...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 10:25:00 GMT