The Liberty Sentinel profile picture

The Liberty Sentinel


About Me

The Liberty Sentinel is an educational newspaper published every two weeks by Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc. The organization is based in Gainesville and incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida. The paper strives to provide information about current events from a freedom-oriented perspective to donors and residents of the North-Central Florida region.
We have a dedicated staff of volunteers and we operate on a budget provided by the generous donations of our donors and business sponsors. With a combination of free-lance writers around the world, local reporters, and generous authors and publications who donate their material, The Liberty Sentinel contains a wide variety of information and opinions to encourage lively debate and discussion.
The Liberty Sentinel adheres to the highest principles of journalistic integrity and will always run corrections if necessary. We try to report all issues from an objective perspective while offering an assorted array of views for readers to form their own conclusions. The goal of education and the founding principles of America and our Constitution guide our organization to do the job the press is supposed to do: guard liberty, expose corruption, and keep the public informed about what is going on. From the local level to Tallahassee and from D.C. to the international arena, the Liberty Sentinel covers issues of importance to all citizens while upholding the values of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.
Our first issue is out! Read the online version on our site, or download and print the PDF .
If you would like to contribute material, your time, or your donations, it will be greatly appreciated! Please contact Alex Newman, Chris Arias, or Neal Conner for more information or to be of assistance.
For information on advertising in our print edition, contact Chris Arias for rates.
Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc.
P.O. Box 14973
Gainesville, Florida 32604-4973
These united States of America
(352) 275-5876
Alex Newman
Executive Editor, CEO
Neal Conner
Publisher, VP of Operations
Chris Arias
Chief Marketing Officer
Our facebook group

My Interests

Freedom, capitalism, gun rights, civil liberties, libertarianism

I'd like to meet:

Lovers of Liberty


Poker Face, Rush


V for Vendetta, The Patriot


Atlas Shrugged, Common Sense, Human Action, The Road to Serfdom, The Wealth of Nations


Thomas Jefferson, Ayn Rand, Ed and Elaine Brown