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About Me

Hi all. I am living on the family farm where I have lived since I was 4. Went to school in Ashland. Graduated in 1984. Left for the Army 2 weeks later. Did basic at Ft. Jackson and AIT at Ft. Gordon. After that was shipped to Europe,West Germany stationed in Wildflecken Germany. It was one of the places where Hitlers SS troops trained and were stationed. I remember at the front gate,on top of two huge columns,there were still the Eagles claws from the pair of Eagles that had swastikas on their chests,after G.I.s blasted off the upper part of them. I was about 7 miles from the East German border stationed at a Hawk Missile Tac site.(Back when there was a wall and a seperated Germany. Very remote duty station to say the least). I got to see quite a bit of history and the country while I was there. My job was in electronic communications and I was one of the unit armorers. I was also the assistant N.B.C. NCO. The beer was fantastic. Very beautiful place to be. My father passed in 1986. (He was a Marine.)Came home for the funeral and drove his remains down to the "family" plot in South Carolina. Lost both my grandmothers in same time period. Anyway time went by, got shipped to Ft. Lee at the 267 QM company, spent time at A.P. Hill and some time in Washington state. Several months in the "desert region",by the Columbia River. ETS'd from Uncle Sam in late 1987. Troop reduction program. So I just missed the 1st Gulf War. So I just kicked it around for a few years. Went to Aviation Mechanics School and received my Associates degree. My mother moved to Seattle with my sister back in 1990, so mom suggested I live here. Well hell yes, it's out in the country. Mom passed away back in 2003 and since my siblings are very cool, we worked it out to a position where I could purchase the old homestead. It is only 20 acres with a 1930's farm house and a Big red barn with a few outbuildings, but to me, it is my slice of heaven.Anyway,I love to hunt ,fish, and I really love my firearms. I am sorry but a firearm is a tool rather than, as alot of people who consider them as something terrible or it is the firearms fault that something it was used for in the hands of some freakin idiot. To me something terrible is a catastrophe; of course hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, disease,(electing G.W.B.), etc. I stand behind ALL of our armed forces. My oldest cousin was a Major with the Engineers. He got to try out some of the first bunker busters and was setting up water filtration plants in Iraq. My nephew is in the Rangers and has been to Afghanistan twice, and is getting ready to go for a third time in a 2 year period. He just received his Sgt. stripes. Good job... Hell, I almost joined the National Guard last month. Frankly, after giving it more consideration, I couldn't see going in now and only being a Sergeant(E-5) at my age and with the extremely low wage that our soldiers make. Our soldiers need to be compensated much more for being in harms way. Did you know that they only get paid $150 per month for combat pay. How disgusting.I just cannot abide by G.W.B. or his administration. And they impeached Bill Clinton for a blowjob. (Which they later dropped the charges.) Sorry, the crap that has been allowed for Bush is BULLSHIT. People bitch about Liberals and Democrats, well I am both. With a bit of Libertarian mixed in. Hmmmm, maybe that makes me a Centerist...LOL. But not the kind that people always try and label. I stand with our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. I stand with our troops and whatever it takes for them to achieve their goals. Somewhere, somehow Bush has forgotten what this country was founded on. I guess his reading skills as well as his speech has went with his memory. Good karma is good Karma. Just try to be kind and tolerant of the other person because most of the time they don't see that they are the problem. And this feeds into people being lemmings. It is always someone else's fault for their stupidity. (And what in the hell was Ms. South Carolinas problem?) I could go on and on...
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You scored as Special Forces
You are Special Forces. You are the best of the best. You are the elite American Soldier. You work in a small team of soldiers that become your brothers. Fighting unconventionally is your business. Many of your accomplishments will go unknown for decades or even forever.

Special Forces


Sniper (Advanced Marksman)




Airborne/Air Assault














What role do you play in the ARMY?
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You scored as Sniper
You are the most skilled killer of them all. WOOHOO!



Machine Gunner


Trench man!


Bazooka Man


What Firearm Fits You Best?
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You scored as Assault Rifle
You are soldier. Or you want to be a soldier. Or you just love military-type firearms. You need assault rifle. M16 or AK-47 will do good.

Assault Rifle


Sniper Rifle












What Sniper Rifle Fits You Best?
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You scored as M40A1
The M40A1. The sniper rifle of the United States Marine Corps. This rifle was the first combat sniper rifle specifically designed to kill a human enemy. Before it, hunting and target rifles were used in war. It is a highly efficient, combat tested rifle that fires 5 .308 rounds.



SVD Dragunov




M82A1 Barret


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Your Political Profile:
Overall: 30% Conservative, 70% LiberalSocial Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% LiberalPersonal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalFiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% LiberalEthics: 0% Conservative, 100% LiberalDefense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?
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My Interests

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Ron Paul - American Pie
Hmmm. Ron Paul, Al Gore, Ron Paul, Barack Obama, Billiary Clinton (yeah both of 'em), Keith Olbermann, Robert Redford, Ian Mcshane, Al Greenspan, Robin Williams, Billy Bob Thornton, A.C.-D.C.-the group, Hank Williams Jr., Jack Nicholson, Sylvester Stallone, Dixie Chicks, Big and Rich, Quinten Tarintino, Jimmy Carter, Walter Cronkite and the list goes on... There are several other people that should be included, but they have been taken out in some form, fashion or another... (G.W.B. and D.C.-only in a long dark alley and I'm armed-nuff said about that!!!) (I think Toby Keith needs to stop making money off of our armed forces and the situation that our country is in. What a piece of crap.)

My Blog

George W. Bush...Giving Us A Tax Break?

hay guys.. im ticked off!, here it is..the President has given us a break on our taxes and put some extra money in our pockets and im gratefull for that! The FRICKIN DEMS! have seen the stimulous...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:15:00 GMT

Riddle Me This....

I am a Ron Paul supporter. I have a few questions that maybe you can clear up. First of all, Healthcare. How is Healthcare going to be managed, what type will it be if it is as the Ron Paul Library st...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 15:39:00 GMT

Schools 1967 VS 2007

************************************************************ *****************Scenario: Jack goes quail hunting before school, pulls into school parking lot with shotgun in gun rack. 1967 - Vice princi...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 11:27:00 GMT

Bush Directive 51/Hitler Directive 51 html
Posted by on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 11:29:00 GMT

What the hell was she thinking...

HOUMA, La. -- A state representative in a runoff election infuriated civil rights leaders after she ended a conversation with the mother of the NAACP's local president by saying, "Talk to you later, B...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 17:09:00 GMT

The Bill of Rights

THE BILL OF RIGHTSAmendments 1-10 of the Constitution The Conventions of a number of the States having, at the time of adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruct...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:30:00 GMT

The Constitution

Preamble Article 1 - The Legislative Branch Section 1 - The Legislature Section 2 - The House Section 3 - The Senate Section 4 - Elections, Meetings Section 5 - Membership, Rules, Journals, Ad...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:30:00 GMT

The 2nd Amendment

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:22:00 GMT

The American empire is falling with the dollar

The US dollar is still officially the world's reserve currency, but it cannot purchase the services of Brazilian super model Gisele Bundchen. Gisele required the $30 million she earned during the firs...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 15:21:00 GMT

I stand behind our armed forces, however..

 I stand behind our armed forces, however the military machine needs to be replaced/repaired. When I was in the Army it was soldier this and soldier that. These days it is all based of off being ...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 09:30:00 GMT