acceptance, actionscript, aotearoa, art, astronomy, atonement, ayn rand, beauty, belief, c. s. lewis, caffeine, capitalism, cats, chaos, chat, children, cinema, closeness, color, commitment, computers, cosmos, creativity, dedication, design, digital photography, dolphins, dragons, drawing, dreaming, dreamweaver, entertainment, eyes, faith, family, fantasy, flash, fluidity, focus, forgiving, freedom, froglick, future, genealogy, graphic design, guitarists, guitars, h.h. the dalai lama, hair, hands, hard rock, healing, heavy metal, herbs, homeschooling, imagination, individual rights, infinity, influences, inspiration, internet, intimacy, islands, j.r.r. tolkien, jazz, julie cox, kierkegaard, king's x, laissez-faire, learning, left-handers, libertarians, live music, love, macromedia, marketing, maxfield parrish, moo, mountains, multimedia, museums, music, musicians, nature, nausicaa, nausicaä, new hampshire, new zealand, online, paradise, parenting, passion, performances, peter gabriel, philosophy, photoshop, pillows, poetry, pro-audio, progressive rock, property rights, punk, purple, real estate, recording studios, rural living, science fiction, self-control, sensuality, silver, sketching, skin, solitude, songwriting, sound, spirituality, t'ai chi, technology, thai food, the beach, touch, travel, truth, unity, universe, unschooling, water, web design, white, wine, wired, world travel
The Universe
I like to make my ownInfluences: Rock, Hard Rock, Jazz, Metal, Funk, Blues, Bluegrass, Gospel, Classical, Ska, Punk, Gypsy, Zydeco, Folk, Celtic, Reggae, more...
Big Love
Ayn Rand, Daniel J. Boorstin, Bill Bryson, Thomas Paine, Adam Smith, Terry Pratchett, Søren Kierkegaard, Frederic Bastiat, JRR Tolkien, George Orwell, Robert A. Heinlein, C. S. Lewis, Stephen R. Donaldson, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, F.A. Hayek...
Anyone who does what needs to be done when called to do it...