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Author of the Seeds Of Civilization series

About Me

In the Seeds Of Civilization series, a Seattle aerospace engineer and his team investigate several of archaeology's real unsolved mysteries and get closer to the truth--one that is truly out of this world!
In Tractrix the characters explore the mystery behind the Maya of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula; In the sequel Tsubute, they uncover the secrets of the Yonaguni Monument off southern Japan; In soon-to-be-released novel three, Triangle, the characters explore a submerged city deep in Gulf waters off the western tip of Cuba.
One of the unique features of the Seeds Of Civilization series is that the archaeological mysteries at the core of each novel are very real. The origin and purpose of the Maya's knowledge of astronomy, the Yonaguni Monument, discovered by a scuba diver in 1987 and the lost city of Cuba, discovered by a Canadian salvage team in 2000, are all mysteries currently under investigation. An underlying theme of the trilogy is the growing split in the scientific community over the age and origin of Earth's earliest civilizations. Startling new evidence--provided by the fields of underwater archaeology and satellite photography--sets the emergence of Earth's civilizations much earlier than previously thought.
For more about the science behind the fiction, visit my blog at TheMegaBlog.com.
" The long anticipated sequel to Tractrix is finally here,
and once again, R.J. Archer lays a foundation of rich detail
that subtly builds into a runaway train of action, treachery and discovery. Tractrix offered a glimpse at a vision of history ignored by contemporary scholars; Tsubute rips down the curtain and sets it on fire
. "
Sean Ellis, author of Magic Mirror and The Clive Cussler Code
" If you like Clive Cussler's writing you will certainly love R. J. Archer's mesh of historical facts and culture with theories and speculations that have intrigued man for several decades. "
Steven Macon, Book Reviewer, Yellow30 Sci-Fi
Seeds of Civilization is loosely based on the theories of Graham Hancock and others who believe that highly developed civilizations existed on Earth thousands of years before the time currently put forth by mainstream Anthropology.
If Hancock's theory is correct--that an advanced civilization existed on Earth 9,000 years ago--one has to wonder whether or not there were even earlier civilizations, each lost to some cataclysmic event. What if the Mesopotamians werent really Earth's first civilization, but merely a sprout from a recent Seed?
I'm an author, computer consultant and freelance writer who has called
the Pacific Northwest home for more than 30 years. I've published numerous articles on PC-related topics in both print and electronic magazines and I'm currently a Contributing Editor for Small Biz Resource (smallbizresource.com) and The Office Letter (officeletter.com), a weekly newsletter that focuses on Microsoft's Office suite. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree with dual majors in Physics and Mathematics and I'm a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. Interests include computing, alternative history and scuba diving. When not writing, I can usually be found traveling Mexico and the Caribbean with my wife, Marty.

My Interests

computing, alternative history and alternative archaeology, travel and scuba diving

I'd like to meet:

anyone who reads or publishes SciFi adventure novels; film and TV producers; also musicians, artists, writers and anyone in a creative profession.
Have a happy and successful New Year. Please note: The views expressed in "Comments" below do not necessarily parallel the beliefs of this author. Please, no excessively large graphics and animations. These will have only a short stay before I sadly delete them. Thank you.


jazz: Kenny G, David Sanborn, Earl Clugh


The Last Starfighter


Survivor, Las Vegas, Lost, 24, Jerico, Eurika + Discovery, History, SciFi channels


Get Tractrix and Tsubute
from all online booksellers, or
visit your favorite bookstore and ask for Tractrix ISBN 0977910903 or Tsubute ISBN 0977910911.
10-minute excerpt of
Chapter 4, Tsubute WHAT IS TRACTRIX ABOUT?
Reviewed by Al Lohner, author of (fear not)
Tractrix a great read
Tractrix sends readers on an engaging joyride through a labyrinth of riddles involving the ancient Maya, a secret U.S. military installation in the Nevada desert, and alien visitors from centuries past. When Frank Morton hits an $86-million Powerball jackpot, he sets out to solve some of the world's most perplexing mysteries and soon finds himself confronted with far more questions than answers. What is the origin..of 20 baffling black spheres inscribed with glyphs? Can the U.S. government agents be trusted? Is there a connection between the human race and entities from another space and time? Tractrix is a fast-paced yarn, based on intriguing historical perspective, and it's sure to keep you guessing and wondering right up until its surprising conclusion.

My Blog

TRIANGLE is due to be released in March

UPDATE: Feb.23, 2008 TRIANGLE goes to the printer February 29.First and second edits were completed by early February and proofreaders have now returned their corrections. Release date ...
Posted by R.J. on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:08:00 PST

Visit the SEASPACE booth at Texas Dive Show 2008

For the second year TSUBUTE will be given away at the silent auction held by SEASPACE at Houston's 2008 Texas Dive Show. However this time it's not just TSUBUTE--I've donated one copy of the enti...
Posted by R.J. on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 09:22:00 PST

Point me to the Discounts...

Dec. 30 UPDATE:  The gift card promo is extended through January.I've ordered new copies of Tractrix and Tsubute for signings and you can once again order signed sets as gifts. New bookmarks wil...
Posted by R.J. on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 09:38:00 PST

MONTHLY UPDATE: Whats happening in the Caribbean?

UPDATE JAN 5, 2008  Blue Holes in the BahamasOn December 17th, National Geographic News ran a story by Brian Handwerk titled Bahamas "Blue Hole" Yields Pre-Human Fossil Treasures. Natur...
Posted by R.J. on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 10:44:00 PST

SHOULD YOUR TEEN READ MY NOVELS? (and other tidbits)

SHOULD YOUR TEENAGER READ MY NOVELS? ABSOLUTELY! In fact, TRACTRIX and TSUBUTE are excellent reading material for young adults because they encourage them to explore our world, whether through fiction...
Posted by R.J. on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 08:52:00 PST

A Dozen Reasons to make TRACTRIX a weekend read!

_______________________________UPDATE: "Digging for the Truth: Kings of the Stone Age"THC, Monday Sept. 17, 9 p.m. PST (8 central) Visit the Olmec!News from the History ChannelA report at theMegaBlog....
Posted by R.J. on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:26:00 PST

What's up with YONAGUNI?

_______________________________UPDATE: 9/19/2007 National Geographic News " Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars " Asian "Atlantis" Shows Strange Structure_____...
Posted by R.J. on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:45:00 PST

5/26/2007: Quarter 3 Desk Calendars are ready!

Calendar give-aways:For quality, these are large downloads so they will take a bit to open. Sorry! Use photo-quality gloss paper for best results." Bookmark/calendar 2007  Makes four bookmarks when p...
Posted by R.J. on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 09:24:00 PST

Cinco de Mayo, 2007

Update 5/11/2007: Thank you for the invites while I was awayLittle by little I'll catch up on Friend comments.The one drawback of a vacation is you kind of lose touch for awhile. But I'm back and had ...
Posted by R.J. on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 09:38:00 PST

A Dozen Reasons to make TRACTRIX a summer read!

A Dozen Reasons to Get Tractrix, by R.J. Archeravailable at all online bookstores and by request from your favorite bookseller " I love archaeological mysteries " I love page-turners " I love to trav...
Posted by R.J. on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 12:10:00 PST