GENUINE people....... REAL community
Dancers, dancers, dancers! +++
d.j. bios+a+ic and d.j. bahiya mix a variety of transglobal electronic artists, epecially Indian, Mid-eastern, and Latin fusions. Niyaz, Cheb i Sabbah, Banco de Gaia, midival punditz, Talvin Singh, Transglobal Underground, loop guru, Natasha Atlas, Mercan Dede, Dalinda, Govinda, Suba, Karsh Kale, Solace, Six degrees remixes, much more...
about the moon
samadhi is astate of intense concentration or absorption of consciousness, the product of meditation. In Hinduism, it is achieved through Yoga, in which the consciousness is absorbed in the object of meditation. In Buddhism, samadhi is the result of mind-development as distinct from insight-development, and is attainable by non-Buddhists as well as Buddhists. In Zen Buddhism, samadhi allows the meditator to overcome dualistic subject-object awareness through unity with the object of meditation.