Member Since: 10/6/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: just me.
dream journeys and drug trips, lucid awareness, modern shamanism, alchemy, anarchy, Love in Unity, the planet Mercury, our Gaian mind, crop circles, spiral dynamics, Terence McKenna, Saul Williams, fUSION anomaly, Disinfo, FutureHi, The Mars Volta, Shpongle, Squarepusher, Radiohead, Bassnectar, Bluetech, Wisp, Tool, New World Revolution, magic (both real and imagined), psychic connections, dualisms, paradox, twilight and shadows, parallax projections, the spirit realms, "Sunshine, I Am", philosophy, glosolallia, performance art, revolutionaries, mystics, poets, friendly and unfriendly aliens, awakened beings, The Archaic Revival, Burning Man, The End of Time, memories of Atlantis, 2012 4 Life!, Evolver, The Great and Ridiculous Illustrious and Mysterious Mushroom, Pronoia, Buddha, Dharma, Tantra, Samsara, Dzogchen, Martin Luther King, Stara, The Infinite Personality Complex, Meme Nexus, systems theory, anime, "Ghost in the Shell", "Spirited Away", "Mind Game", "Interstella 5555", language, expression, chaos, perception, paradigm shifts, LSD, The All is One and the One is All, The Center is Everywhere, death and rebirth, the imminent Apocalypse, the eternal return, sacred geometry, Space Tranceform, Feng Shui, Alex Grey, Robert Venosa, Martina Hoffman, Luke Brown, playgrounds, forests, birds in the sky, tide pools, "Illuminated Manuscripts", everything you've ever wanted, everything you thought you lost, everything you've forgotten, everything that you are, Bright Eyes, Agent 139, DoseOne, Noah 23, Alice in Wonderland, caterpillar + mushroom = butterfly, delusions of grandeur, demons and angels, Dada, Taoism, situatlionalism, Salvador Dali, Tim Burton, Terry Gilliam, David Lynch, Dave Chappelle, Carlos Castaneda, Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, Maria Sabina, Shakespeare, the anti-christ, true visionaries, fictional characters, dream guides, the sacred trickster/clown/jester/fool/magician, all the archtypes, fractals, mythology, Tarot, Hunab Ku, quantum physics, the inner muse, Allen Ginsberg, William Gibson, Dan Simmons, W. L. Huggins, Amit Goswami, Daniel Pinchbeck, Kali, Saraswati, Shiva and Parvati, earth druids nyphs and fairies, hidden reptiles, those darn Annunaki (gotta love 'em), "Fight Club", "Dark City", "12 Monkeys", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Waking Life", "American Beauty", all the wonderful people on the "Breaking Open the Head" message board, automatic writing, experiential experiments, spiritual gnosis, the wellspring and the datepalm, awaiting the starseed expansion, fullness and wholeness, decay and decomposition, global economic slavery, oppresion, repression, depression, redemption, computers, human cybernetic augmentation, DMT, cosmic awareness, collective consciousness, multi-dimensional reality, galactic soul travelers, the Age of Aquarius, chanelling, repetition, ideazation, conception, roots, dead and alive god/desses, stream of consciousness, Self-realization, fitting all the puzzle pieces together and deciphering the infinite pattern, transcendence, inwards and outwards, and on and on...
Sounds Like: that humming, whispering vibration that can be heard if you listen very closely
Type of Label: None