The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine profile picture

The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine


About Me

We’re more than a magazine...we’re a MOVEMENT!

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What is OUR Magazine?
OUR Magazine
is a publication that promises to revolutionize publishing. Instead of focusing on entertainment and celebrity news, our focus is on the issues, people, and events that directly affect the lives of African-Americans. The goal of OUR Magazine is to enlighten and offer social and political empowerment to African-Americans.
Is OUR Magazine strictly a political publication?
Although we will explore the wide spectrum of black politicians as well as other politicians that make the decisions affecting the lives of African-Americans, OUR Magazine is not strictly a political magazine...our focus is much broader. We will cover any person in any walk of life, regardless of race, creed, religion, political affiliation, or occupation that affects Black Americans.
Will OUR Magazine interview famous entertainers and celebrities?
Only if they are doing something that has a social impact on the Black community. That’s mainly what sets us apart from other publications... OUR Magazine will NOT be your source for celebrity gossip!
When will OUR Magazine launch?
We are strongly considering releasing an "Election preview" mini-issue, possibly in late September or early October 2008. We will launch our first official issue in December 2008. More information will be forthcoming so stay tuned! In the meantime, check out our blog entries and voice your opinions in our forums that we will post regularly. We encourage participative response!
How often will OUR Magazine circulate?
We are a quarterly periodical publishing four issues per year initially, although we may increase the frequency in the future.
Will OUR Magazine be available nationwide?
Our initial launch will be limited to 10-12 cities and we will circulate primarily in African-American bookstores in those cities (more information forthcoming). Eventually we plan to be available on newsstands nationwide. However, anyone anywhere can subscribe to OUR Magazine regardless of where you live!(stay tuned for more information in forthcoming months)
How do I subscribe to OUR Magazine?
It's easy! Simply click on one of the PayPal links above to subscribe to OUR Magazine. You will be momentarily re-directed away from MySpace when you do this. (PayPal offers a secure means of making an online payment) You can also send a check or money order ($14.95 for one year or $24.95 for two years) to:
OUR Magazine
c/o Trelon Publishing
PO Box 35532
Kansas City, MO 64134.

I am a business-owner interested in advertising in OUR Magazine. How can I do so?
If you have a serious interest in advertising with OUR Magazine, simply send us a message and we will provide you with our affordable rate information.

Become apart of the MOVEMENT! Subscribe today!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Positive, socially-conscious people who want to stay informed of under-reported issues affecting the African-American community. People of all walks of life, different races, religions, and persuasions who believe in social empowerment.


OUR Magazine's tribute to Black music


"OUR Heroes" br

My Blog

Hip-hop culture and the rise of the pro-Black fatherhood movement

Changing a hurtful image of Dad Men's groups fight to foster values that have been lost to a generation of hip-hop, despair By Rashod D. Ollison/Baltimore Sun With no model for manhood or fatherhood,...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 05:15:00 PST

Does Obama’s abortion stance make him a danger to African Americans?

Obama's Abortion Stance Hurts Blacks, Say Pro-Life ExpertsBy Penny Senior Staff Writer( - Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) may be riding what seems to be a perfect wave toward t...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 02:38:00 PST

White conservative wants Obama to win

Why This Fifty-Five Year Old White Lifelong Republican Wants Obama To Winby Frank Schaeffer(Frank Schaeffer is the son of the famous philosopher and minister, Francis Schaeffer, who is credited with b...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:50:00 PST

Black News Channel Coming Soon

OKLAHOMA CITY - Former U.S. Rep. J.C. Watts is developing a cable news network focusing on a black audience.Black Television News Channel, scheduled to launch in 2009, will provide "original news prog...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:54:00 PST

Is Clinton being aided by right-winger Rush Limbaugh?

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- He has publicly urged Republicans to vote for Sen. Hillary Clinton to keep the divisive Democratic nomination fight alive, but talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday he reall...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine on Thu, 08 May 2008 11:05:00 PST

Is your child part of the 60% of Black kids who cant...

updated 3:37 p.m. CT, Thurs., May. 1, 2008   NEW YORK - Nearly 60 percent of African-American children cannot swim, almost twice the figure for white children, according to a first-of-its-kind ...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:40:00 PST

Police acquitted in Sean Bell killing

3 NYPD detectives acquitted in groom slaying Sean Bell, 23, killed in hail of 50 bullets on night of his bachelor party NEW YORK - Three NYPD detectives were acquitted Friday of all counts in the 50-...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:42:00 PST

Georgia judge who gave Blacks-only lecture teams with Cosby

By WALTER PUTNAM - Associated Press Writer ATLANTA(AP) Bill Cosby says apathy among some black Americans about violence, drugs, profanity and teenage sex has sunk to a level of asking someone to "pass...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:25:00 PST

Black man freed after 26 years in prison when lawyers finally come forward

Alton Logan is an African-American man who spent nearly half of his life in prison for a murder he didn't commit. And two lawyers, public defendants in the '80's who defended the man who actually...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:06:00 PST

Presidential hopeful John McCains shady past re: MLK Day support

The Complicated History of John McCain and MLK Day April 03, 2008 1:20 PM (excerpt from ted.html)The 1987 USA Today interview draws attentio...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page for OUR Magazine on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:08:00 PST