HORROR STORY profile picture


Keeping Punk Rock Undead Since 2000 A.D

About Me

Horror Story have existed since 2000 when 4 veteran Punk Rock n Rollers got together to stitch up the ultimate Horror Punk Monster. Based in New Plymouth, New Zealand, Horror Story have exceeded all expectations and limitations to become a real force on the New Zealand scene. Based around the croonings of Dr. Hell and the ferocious Guitar attack of Nigel Von Toxic, the rythym section has had a few changes, but notable members Mykill Blood (bass) Justin Time (Drums) released a 666 copy limited edition "Monsterpiece" in 2001. It quickly became a highly sought after album, and ended up selling 1000 copies in New Zealand alone! With new additions Undead Semp on Bass and Craig de Plague on Drums, An E.P "Making a Monster" and full-length album "Graverobbers from Outer Space" was well received in N.Z and abroad, picking up mentions in Australian Kerrang! Magazine and a few N.Z publications as well, "Graverobbers..." was picked up by U.S label "Crypt of Blood Records" and German label "Fiendforce Records" for distribution in their respective territories. Craig de Plague left in early 2004, but not before recording most of the tracks for a limited edition E.P "Rock n Roll Frankenstein" which also features bonus tracks recorded with new drummer Craig Psycho, recorded on the same day. "Bride of the Monster" was the next Full-length to be released, featuring art from famed New Zealand artist Simon Morse, and helped propel the band to be one of the top bands on the burgeoning Horror Punk movement world-wide. Undead Semp left in 2006 to start up his own project and was replaced by Von Toxics brother Shawn Toxic. A huge recording session on 06/06/06 resulted in an E.P "Sons of Hell Island" and a forthcoming full-length album "Songs from The Devils Jukebox". In between these albums and line-up changes, there have been plenty of live shows, a few magazine articles and reviews (U.K Metal Hammer, New Zealand Musician, Rip it Up has had a few mentions as well and Real Groove) Broadsword Comics in the U.S.A has included the band in 2 of its publications: "Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose" and "School Bites". Appearences on T.V shows such as the now defunct Space T.V, 3 appearences on XSTV and videos being popular on C4 and Alt T.V showcasing the bands love for B-Grade Horror imagery. Horror Story have also had a fair share of tracks being included on both domestic compilations such as: Puppy Killer Records vol 1 and 2, Demon Nation vol 2, Have a Beer Mate vol 1, Awesome Feelings and the Illicit "Throw Up Ya Goats" tribute C.D to deceased friend of the band Martin F. Emond. Exposure on International Horror Rock compilation "The Horror of it All Vol 2" released by the World Horror Network cemented Horror Storys name on the international scene. Late 2005 saw the band win a world-wide online battle of the bands, and a tour of the U.S.A was the prize, unfortunately the organizer didnt think a band from New Zealand would win, and decided to cancel the whole thing and pack up his booking agency of 13 years. Horror Story have shared stages and held their own with bands like The Misfits, UK Subs, The Bleeders, The Rabble, OneBadWeekendm Ritalin, Die! Die! Die!, The Fanatics, The Accelerants, Deja Voodoo, Sommerset, Day of Contempt, The Mint Chicks, Missing Teeth, Red Hot Pussy Liquor, City Newton Bombers, Black Chrome, The Bludgers, Puppeteers of Hatred, Flesh D-Vice and many others. The bands popularity on websites like Myspace.com results in fans from all over the globe wanting to see Horror Story in their town and C.D sales and downloads from sites like iTunes continue to increase over time.
We are the dead,
The Graverobbers from Outer Space,
Contact and Bookings:
Demon Nation Music
[email protected]
Buy "Bride of the Monster" from iTunes!
Buy "Bride of the Monster" from Napster
Or Buy it in either MP3, WMA, MPC, OGG, M4A, or FLAC Format from Music Is Here.com

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My Interests


Member Since: 6/13/2004
Band Website: nprocknroll.muzic.net.nz
Band Members: Dr. D.W Hell - Vocals
Von Toxic - Guitars b. Vocals
Shaun Toxic - Bass
Craig Psycho - Drums

Influences: Misfits, Ramones,Elvis, Damned, Danzig, Undead,Cramps, Motorhead, Graves, Meteors, Tiger Army, Nekromantix, Toxic Avengers, Horror Movies, Horror Comics, Horror Books, Horror Art and anything else do to with Horror...
Sounds Like: A Rock 'n' Roll Frankenstein Monster

Record Label: Demon Nation Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Vote for Horror Story to play at KFC!

Greetings all,As you may or may not be aware, KFC is running a "Sounds from your hometown" Competition in conjunction with Amplifier.co.nz and NZ Music Month.The Winner of this competition gets to do ...
Posted by HORROR STORY on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:24:00 PST

New Horror Story Tee-Shirts feat. Simon Morse Art!

$25 NZD plus a bit extra for shipping so go to somewhere like http://www.xe.com and work it out if ya wanna think about it.Girls and Guys sizes, limited edition with art by Simon Morse ( of Verotik, I...
Posted by HORROR STORY on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:00:00 PST


Thats right fiends, we are giving you our 2001 album "Monsterpiece" away for free to thank you for being so fuckin awesome!Go to the new NPROCKNROLL website to download it!Tell everyone you know!Fangs...
Posted by HORROR STORY on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 07:51:00 PST

Merch Update!

We have restocked "Bride of the Monster" at CDBaby.comThere is only 1 copy left of "Sons of Hell Island" at CDBaby.com, it might take a while to get more copys there!Click on the Album covers for a li...
Posted by HORROR STORY on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 08:49:00 PST

Put a Horror Story Contact Table on your Profile

Greetings Fiends!I Made a Horror Story contact table, primarily for use on our profile, but theres no reason why you cant adopt it to put on your own profile.Copy the code below and paste it into your...
Posted by HORROR STORY on Fri, 04 May 2007 11:55:00 PST

New Video, watch it here!

Posted by HORROR STORY on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 08:43:00 PST

New Horror Story C.D's AVAILABLE NOW!

Greetings Fiends,Our latest C.D "Sons of Hell Island" featuring 7 new tracks is available for purchase hereWe also have a single release out now as well "Blooddrinking 101" with the "Sons of Hell isla...
Posted by HORROR STORY on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:48:00 PST

Merch store back online!

Our online merch store is back up and running again.new items like shirts and badges to be added in the coming days.http://www.nprocknroll.muzic.net.nz/store/catalog/Accec pting Paypal and Credit cards...
Posted by HORROR STORY on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 03:37:00 PST

New Merch Line - "Keeping Punk Rock Undead"!!!

Hey Fiends,Theres a whole new range of Horror Story merch at:http://www.cafepress.com/horrorstoryCheck it out and spread the word!fangs!...
Posted by HORROR STORY on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:39:00 PST

Booking Horror Story

You know we love to get out and about and leave an undead trail of destruction in our wake around the country...so if you got a ghoulish event that you want Horror Story to be a part of, send us an E-...
Posted by HORROR STORY on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 10:33:00 PST