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Breaking To Top


About Me

Click Here For Access to the truth! !
Or Get Comment on the truth来自工人阶级子弟的无产阶级核! 乐队成员来源于工人阶级子弟,信仰也必从属 于这个阶级的利益。以最终摧毁资本主义经济 体制为行动目标并为建立新的秩序尽我等最大 的努力!乐队于 2007年的11月,经过了三个小时的排练后在北京 南城一个小酒吧里开始了核舞之旅!我们以核 之形式为斗争的手段与武器!强力的控诉来源 于听到的、看到的和亲身经历。乐队组建至今 参加过一些酒吧的演出,我们领悟到,酒吧不 是进行意识形态战斗的唯一地点。在今年我们 把目标锁定在大学甚至高中。我们期望用力量 来唤醒那些沉睡的青年!未来属于青年!朋克 的意义来源于革命,朋克的愤怒来源于正确的 政治态度而不是青春荷尔蒙!我们之核属于斗 争!属于人民!所有的朋克青年团结起来!为 了我们光辉伟大的朋核事业!拿起武器!革命 不朽!Breaking to top band's members come from the working class, our faith will also belongs to this class. We have to finally destroy the capitalist economic system and operational targets for the establishment of a new order to do our utmost efforts! Our band was established in the end of 2007, in a small bar after only three hours of rehearsal started our hardcore arena tour! We formed hardcore music of our struggle as our tools and weapons to complain what we heard , saw , and experienced.Since we formed the band we has participated in some of the bars performance, we learned that - the bars are not the only places of the ideological battle fighting. This year we locked on the target at the universities and even high schools, we look forward to using our strength to wake up those sleeping youths, we know that the future belongs to the young! We know that the punk's meaning source from the revolution, Our anger stems from punk to a correct political attitude rather than youthful hormones! We also know that our music belongs to struggle and belongs to the people! All the punk youths unit for our glorious and great cause, take up arms! Revolution immortal!

My Interests


Member Since: 3/14/2008
Influences: Discharge、DS13、Dubliners、Dropkick Murphys、Strike Anywhere、Inadaptats、The Pogues、The Clash、Flogging Molly、SkaP……

Sounds Like:

Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Indie