I have multiple personalities. I am primarily...
...a writer of horror and dark romance novels and short stories.
...the lead singer and co-lead guitarist for the metal band, Eternal Twilight.
...a black belt martial artist and esoteric researcher. I practice Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, Toshindo, Aik-jujutsu and Hoshinjutsu. I also practice Glenn Morris's Hoshin Chi Kung and Kundalini Awakening Process systems as well as various other forms of Chi Kung, esoteric Taoist Yoga and shamanism.
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The Way of the Shadow
Use the light to find your way in the darkness and used the dark to prevent the light from blinding you.
1. I will teach you to lie so that you may distinguish truth.
2. I will teach you to revel in your lust so that you may understand true love.
3. I will teach you to kill so that you will come to revere life.
4. I will surround you with evil, so that you will know good.
5. I will exaggerate your fears so that you may find courage.
6. I will teach you hate so that you will come to tolerate the differences of others.
7. I will shatter your beliefs so that you will come to accept a broader view.
8. I will deny you what you want so that you will learn to fully utilize what you already possess.
9. I will cause you pain to make the pleasures sweeter.
10. I will destroy your basic humanity so that you might become a god.
- (from Shadow Kingdom: Genesis. ©2007 Samuel Morningstar)
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