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Samuel Morningstar

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I have multiple personalities. I am primarily...
...a writer of horror and dark romance novels and short stories.
...the lead singer and co-lead guitarist for the metal band, Eternal Twilight.
...a black belt martial artist and esoteric researcher. I practice Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, Toshindo, Aik-jujutsu and Hoshinjutsu. I also practice Glenn Morris's Hoshin Chi Kung and Kundalini Awakening Process systems as well as various other forms of Chi Kung, esoteric Taoist Yoga and shamanism.
Need to email me off Myspace? Click here !
The Way of the Shadow
Use the light to find your way in the darkness and used the dark to prevent the light from blinding you.
1. I will teach you to lie so that you may distinguish truth.
2. I will teach you to revel in your lust so that you may understand true love.
3. I will teach you to kill so that you will come to revere life.
4. I will surround you with evil, so that you will know good.
5. I will exaggerate your fears so that you may find courage.
6. I will teach you hate so that you will come to tolerate the differences of others.
7. I will shatter your beliefs so that you will come to accept a broader view.
8. I will deny you what you want so that you will learn to fully utilize what you already possess.
9. I will cause you pain to make the pleasures sweeter.
10. I will destroy your basic humanity so that you might become a god.
- (from Shadow Kingdom: Genesis. ©2007 Samuel Morningstar)

Myspace Layouts at / Blazing love

My Interests

I was born with a love for the dark side, for the strange and the esoteric. I am attracted to the black-clad villains, the Sith Lords, the Goblin Kings, the Fallen Angels; all of the ones who are forced to live in the shadows. Some see the vampire as a monster; I see it as a victim of circumstance.I have a soft spot for the misfits of society, for those of you who find yourselves out of step with world, because of the way you think, the strength of your desires (which society tells you to repress) or just because you notice things others miss. You will not be judged here…
I spend a great deal of time meditating on the natural energies of the human body and the methods by which they can be aroused and utilized including, but not limited to, Chi Kung, Nei Kung, Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, Zen Buddhism, Ayurveda, the Illuminates of Thanateros and others. I am fascinated with the Japanese Ninja and play with Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, primarily as a hobby. Ancient mythology that everyone else in the world has forgotten about obsesses me, particularly Sumerian, Ugaritic and Babylonian. I have an extensive library on Angelic lore and love reading about fallen angels. I have no religious affiliations per se, but am fascinated by the Gnostics.

I'd like to meet:


Currently listening to: Accept - Metal Heart
The Essential Alice in Chains
The Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Soundtrack
Marilyn Manson - Eat Me, Drink Me
69 Eyes - Framed in Blood, The Very Blessed of the 69 Eyes
Spyder Baby - Bugs Crawl In
Murderdolls - Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls
Nightwish - Once.
HIM - Venom Doom


Recently saw: Because I Said So, Halloween (2007), Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, The Bourne Identity.
Rewatched: Underworld, Underworld: Evolution, Natural Born Killers, Red Dragon.


Currently watching: The Closer Season 2, Batman Beyond Season 2, Monk Season 5 and the Gilmore Girls Season 6.


Recently read: The Dark Tower Books I, II and III by Stephen King, Seduction by Robert Greene, Hunt for the Skinwalker by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp, Star Wars: Legacy of the Force / Inferno by Troy Denning.


My wife Sharon, the late Dr.Glenn Morris, Paul Stanley, Darth Bane, Robert Greene, Robert Bruce (author of Astral Dynamics), Masaaki Hatsumi and Stephen K. Hayes.

My Blog

Random Thoughts About Me!

Random Thoughts About Me  I own six guitars, three Paul Stanley Silvertones, a BC Rich Warlock, a BC Rich Ironbird and a Rogue bass. I have black belts in two martial arts, Bujinkan Budo Taijuts...
Posted by Samuel Morningstar on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 07:32:00 PST

Short Story - Project X Part I

Project X: Part IJailbreak By  Samuel Morningstar   Hi, my name's Grayson. I can't tell you my last name; it's a damn national secret. In fact everything in my life is a secret, ever...
Posted by Samuel Morningstar on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 06:47:00 PST

Short Story - The Meat Man

The Meat Manby Samuel Morningstar Dave examined the body of the dead woman on the bed. What to do, what to do& He hadn't meant to kill her, no, strike that, he'd meant to kill her much more slowl...
Posted by Samuel Morningstar on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 08:53:00 PST

Short Story - Maci

Maci By Samuel Morningstar ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />    Maci Conner crouched down beside the guest room bed and held her breath; praying the k...
Posted by Samuel Morningstar on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 08:57:00 PST