Many things interest me. People are interesting to me. I love 'people watching'. We all learn from one another by observation throughout our entire lives. Psychology in many capacities interests me: color...what is apealing?, sound, textures, energy, love. The unknown and undiscovered. Higher forms of intelligence. God. Evil. Mathematics. Equations. Can God be mathematically proven to exist?
God, Pope John Paul II, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Paul Huston, Albert Eistein, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Picasso, Renoir, Monet, Georgia O'Keefe, Wassily Kandinski, Madigliani, Rembrandt, Gheorge, Michael Flohr, me and You.......
I enjoy and listen to music of all kinds. When I'm designing, drawing, painting it all depends on what I'm working on. For the 'soho' drawings, paintings I listened to alot of electronica (Underworld especially), also alot of East Coast Hip Hop out of New York. Music motivates us, connects us. When I'm working on something highly detailed, I enjoy experimental music. I listened to the Cocteau Twins and This Mortal Coil when working on the 'east village' drawing. Driving. I listen to almost anything.
I enjoy most movies that are dialouge driven.
News Channels, History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic. Comedy Central. And a ton of dvds!
I read mostly journals of one form or another. Books. I read mostly about history, Art, Poetry.
Boo, Grandma Beatrice, Grandpa Eugene, Grandma Margaret and Grandpa Eddie...miss you and think about where you are sometimes, regret not seeing you in your final days. You are my only Angels now.
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