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girl in wheatfield

About Me

I've meant to update this section for a long time. I am sorry if I don't email back right away. There are some on my page that have been my friend for over 20 years, one for over 22 years. You are the ones that I think of most on days like this day. You are the ones that understand if I don't call or email on days like today. Because you all know that I'll always be alright. I'm a very private person, a reclusive person that works on my art, whether that is animation, design, oil painting, oil pastels, or my graphite drawings frequently in my home. I lose time when I am in here alone. When engaged in my painting or drawings, time is still and the world outside, that I think about constantly, passes by. I view the world and all of us that are alive and dead in this place, as an intricate, complex pattern of connections and symbolisms that give and take from one another to maintain a constant ever evolving shape. Those we meet in passing and those we've maintained constant relations with throughout our lives, is what molds our environments surrounding each of us. I am passionate, affectionate, loving, brilliant, genius, stupid, cold, silly, social, and anti-social. I believe in the power of human touch. Through all of our human thoughts, our senses, our actions, we motivate, provoke, antagonize, care for, destroy, and build the world we live in one fleeting moment at a time. A musician in Ireland on the other side of the world writes a song about spending Christmas Eve in a NYC drunk tank. This very song I listened to in happier holidays of the past, yet it now only connects me to that time through memory, and makes me feel content, connected, but disconnected. I am simple, I am complex, I am a deep thinker with little common sense. I understand the power of an idea, and the horrific dangers that may stem from one. A wealthy Saudi on the other side of the world is disconnected from his Kingdom. Years later, armed with a following, a deadly idea, bombs, he strikes back at Western Civilization and his Kingdom. Morning, September 11th, 2001. That very man that feels disconnected from the world, armed with a deadly idea, a following, and bombs, collapses the World Trade Center. This fatally nightmarish event, driven to our realities by one man's deadly idea, changed the scape of all our futures, and the future of this world we all face. I believe in the power of an idea, the power of a dream. An American man has a dream for a change, a non-violent change for a better future for all, and so he non-violently fought. Morning, April 4, 1968. That very man is violently shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee. His philosophy of a non-violent direct action, his strategies for rational and non-destructive social change, galvanized the conscience of this nation, the world, and reordered our priorities. His dream and ideas remain alive and ever constant in all of us. Connection. We are all connected to one another, living and dead. What I accomplish today, may affect you tommorrow. I strive to be better, I compete for change, I dream to be unique...

My Interests

Many things interest me. People are interesting to me. I love 'people watching'. We all learn from one another by observation throughout our entire lives. Psychology in many capacities interests me: color...what is apealing?, sound, textures, energy, love. The unknown and undiscovered. Higher forms of intelligence. God. Evil. Mathematics. Equations. Can God be mathematically proven to exist?

I'd like to meet:

God, Pope John Paul II, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Paul Huston, Albert Eistein, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Picasso, Renoir, Monet, Georgia O'Keefe, Wassily Kandinski, Madigliani, Rembrandt, Gheorge, Michael Flohr, me and You.......


I enjoy and listen to music of all kinds. When I'm designing, drawing, painting it all depends on what I'm working on. For the 'soho' drawings, paintings I listened to alot of electronica (Underworld especially), also alot of East Coast Hip Hop out of New York. Music motivates us, connects us. When I'm working on something highly detailed, I enjoy experimental music. I listened to the Cocteau Twins and This Mortal Coil when working on the 'east village' drawing. Driving. I listen to almost anything.


I enjoy most movies that are dialouge driven.


News Channels, History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic. Comedy Central. And a ton of dvds!


I read mostly journals of one form or another. Books. I read mostly about history, Art, Poetry.


Boo, Grandma Beatrice, Grandpa Eugene, Grandma Margaret and Grandpa Eddie...miss you and think about where you are sometimes, regret not seeing you in your final days. You are my only Angels now.

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My Blog

"Bada": Nirvana's Kurt Cobains imaginary friend

Check out my friend Dave's "ONUO" (On my top friend's list) new track titled "bada". This song is haunting in that "Bada" is the name of Kurt Cobains imaginary friend when he was only 4 years old. Th...
Posted by cuishle" on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 09:20:00 PST

prints available

People have inquired about where they can buy prints of my work. I do have prints available that can be shipped to you in about 3 to 5 business days. Some prints are larger than others (’Asti Ri...
Posted by cuishle" on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:06:00 PST

amazing oil painting

My friend Tammy’s daughter Tonia is only 9 years old and she is already producing oil paintings like this. Amazing work. Could this consitute her being a "Prodigy"? Keep in mind her age, and th...
Posted by cuishle" on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 02:59:00 PST

i feel bad...

This is an email from my Mother that I recieved this morning. God, do I feel bad. Valentines is much more than just spending time with your significant other. Lesson definately learned:Dear Sons,This ...
Posted by cuishle" on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 11:53:00 PST

significance of 'crumb' (join red)

The starved boy is eating crumbs off the street in the rain as the people pass. The little boy is obviously famished, and no one notices. The people are dressed warm with their shopping bags, while ho...
Posted by cuishle" on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 07:27:00 PST

nice puppy breath on cuishle!

I saw the other day some chapstick laying underneath my drawing table. At the time, I didn't pick it up. But as I continued at my drawing I was working on, I thought "I better get that chapstick befor...
Posted by cuishle" on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:22:00 PST

who could remember anything?

In this blog, I've posted a couple videos of a brilliant child prodigy named Akiana who began painting when she was six. She remembers drawing when she was four, but not two like some digital prodigys...
Posted by cuishle" on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 02:25:00 PST

The one dollar bill

ONE DOLLAR BILLTake out a one dollar bill, and look at it. The one dollar bill you’re looking at first came off the presses in 1957 in its present design. This so-called paper money is in fact a...
Posted by cuishle" on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 05:21:00 PST

coming to myspace

Yesterday my Mom called me inquiring about "myspace". Apparently she read an article somewhere and asked me how she can sign up. I tried discouraging her, downplaying it. That's all I need now is my M...
Posted by cuishle" on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 01:53:00 PST


Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 14:39:49 -0700 (PDT)From: "Pete" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile AlertSubject: Re: READ THIS ONE FIRST........To: Send an Instant Message "ALI ASGARI" Ali,...
Posted by cuishle" on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 03:58:00 PST