Documentary film, film theory, spoken word, poetry, bicycles, cats, political theory (AND THEORY IS NOTHING WHEN YOU DON'T ACT UPON IT)-and yes, this goes with pan-africanism , warm sweaters on a cold night, kombucha and how to make it, the piano, the drums, percussion in general, intergenerational living, cooking, the social implications of hair, the colours of beetles, walking to the supermarket, going in, staring and just walking out, rearranging lyrics... and it goes on... OK, RIGHT NOW I LOVE RIDING THE SCHWINN BICYCLE WHOSE NAME IS MANOLO, I LOVE VOLUNTEERING/ACTIVE-ISM, I LOVE EATING/COOKING, I LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH LUMBIA THE CAT, I LOVE SITTING DOWN WITH A BOOK, ONE-ON-ONE CONVERSATIONS, WORKING IN RADIO PRODUCTION, WRITING LETTERS (so full of love), WRITING POETRY, WALKING AROUND, CREATING MUSIC, DEEJAYING/MAKING MIXED TAPES AND CDs... THESE ARE THINGS I ABSOLUTELY LOVE DOING RIGHT NOW.
The world! When I wake up I say "hello, me!" and I eat some food and go out into the world, and me meets other folks. I'm always learning from others. And then I can meet me again and sleep until the next day.
Stevie TalkBox
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firstly, STEVIE WONDER, TO ME, IS THE GREATEST LIVING POP ARTIST EVER IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! NINA, MARVIN, CURTIS,DONNY AND SO MANY OTHERS,THESE ARE MY ELDERS/ANCESTORS AND LIVE ON IN SPIRIT; STEVIE CARRIES ON THE TORCH! but... music is UNIVERSAL; a gift for all of us to share! --------------------okay... all i have been listening to is i assume, obvious!
michael day is every day!
Dog Day Afternoon is my favourite ever film; I also love Hoop Dreams, Spirited Away, Lumumba: la Morte du Prophete/Death of a Prophet, Where is the Friend's Home?, Daughters of the Dust, The Cyclist, Ladri di Biciclette/The Bicycle Thief, Glengarry Glen Ross, Brief Encounter (the original, not the re-make), Children of Paradise, King of Comedy, italianamerican, film by samuel beckett, La Haine, Brother From Another Planet, Le Huitieme Jour/The Eighth Day, Taste of Cherry, Morte a Venizia/Death in Venice, 12 Angry Men (1957), Victim, La Notti di Cabiria/Nights of Cabiria, Profondo Rosso/Deep Red, Strangers on a Train, Sick: The Life and Times of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist, Cidade de Deus/City of God, Scarecrow, Devil in a Blue Dress, Hollywood Shuffle, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, Promises, The Battle of Algiers... My favourite director overall is Abbas Kiarostami.
Michael Jackson - Captain Eo part 1 of 2 ( FULL VERSION )
Gaav ( Cow) , 1969
city lights, 1931
i watch films i get from the library of video shop but i do not watch network television or cable television.
Walter Mosley is my favourite author, Johnny Got His Gun my favourite book. i essentally read a lot of political theory and biographies, but i am getting a little bit more into fiction. my favourite writer of poety and memoirs is nikki giovanni. but I love to read as much of everything as I can!!! I love books about cats, because I lovelove LOVE cats. locally-here in portland- my friend tiffany is an amazing poet, as well as rochell hart!
i would say that we are all our own heroes. i definately have mentors in my life but i think that everyone could be a hero (or shero, if you'd like. hmmm...)