Thinking for the Mind,not with it.Putting Egos in check,(people will do anything no matter how absurd to stop from facing their true self, i was once guilty as anyother),Art,healthy food.confident women,girlfriends,their girlfriends, sex.READING,SCULPTING,PAINTING,SKATEBOARDING,Photography,The ater, friends. good tunes, good shows. travellin. jeopardy, learning new languages, shredding in any situation.le selecion nacionale de colombia (colombian national soccer team, Love footy)ATLETICO NACIONAL DE MEDELLIN,boca juniors, helping launch entreupeuneral endeavors, watching them grow. I love my corgis.subway philosophy, large canvas,avoiding vampires,love the wikipedia yo,slaughtering banality.
Quetzalcoatl,Carravagio, Ghandi,Malcolm X,Bill Hicks,Che Guevara.J.Beuys,Dondis Ghost,Degas,Turnerthe dutchman,MrRothko,Noguchi,Brancusi,THE RESIDENTS,Horus,Athena,Louis Pasteur,Enoch,Amu Tek,My GrandPa,MLK,Cesar Chavez,St Germain,De Assisi,Plato,Euccledius,Harriet Tubbman,Romaire Beardsley,DR,Albert Hoffman,BRUCE LEE,DR.BOB,Sir James Watt,Yeats,Faulkner,Coltrane,Copernicus,DaVinci,Heidegger,Ni etche,Bazlitz,Basquiat,Daniel Day Lewis,Jason Rhoads,Jake and Dinos Chapman,Frederick Douglass,IncanSunGods who sculpted gold,Nibiru on the horizon,Andromedons,Pladians,Greys,Arcturians,Pladiens,Anuna kis,Reptilians(ask them how come?)Kasper Koenig,Bruno Fonseca,Donald Judd,Smithson,John Cage,Nicolai Tesla,C.G Jung,William Blake,Dante,Godzilla, Simon Bolivar,Huey Newton,Hundterwasser,Mumia Abu Jamal,Jacob Lawrence,Wilhelm Reich,Antonin Artaund(SurrealistVisionary from the 30's)AlanVegaofSuicide,Tupac Shakur (Oh I met him in Marin City once)Big L,Eva Hesse,James Nachtwey(war photojournalist),Fibonaaci de Pisa(mathmatician in 1200's) Blinky Palermo,Augustus Torres,DeKooning, Francis Bacon,Zulu,Robert the Bruce,Shiva,Quasars,Photons,Ions.The end of fear modality worldwide.Last but not least interesting folk who do not accept the continuous bombardment of mediocrity and put up with my shite."Starting from speculation on the beginning of life and from biological parallels.I drew the conclusion that besides the instinct to preserve living substance, there must exist another contrary instinct seeking to dissolve those units and to bring them back to their primeval inorganic state. That is to say as well as eros there was an instinct of death." Freud
all of it except the mediocre mindtorture that illuminati media rams down our throats yet.go get THE KILLS album.Everything by Rachmaninoff I mean Everything.THE RESIDENTS,WORK, EVERYTHING OF ST JOHN COLTRANE, from Bands no one hears of, i like the classical symphony radio station in most parts of the world at sunrise,cumbia colombiana,salsa,merengue,farro,samba,I avoid mass marketed crap OR UBER HIPSTER BANALITY Im diggin , my man Kyp Malone and TvontheRadio,CX,Andre Futrell, I try to support my homies in their grind,Julio Marx and the EZLN all stars, FiatLux artists,Warren Zevon,Love and Rockets,JoyDivision,Tommie Sunshine and the dudes at UltraNYC,MON AMI BUSY P AND THE ED BANGER CREW MERCI A LA HOSPITALITY.,Waldorf,,WaylonJennings,marvyn gaye,,tom waits,neil yOUNG,Slayer,Johnny Cash,DOMINO LBL,Roy Orbison,the Delphonics, THE FAT ITALIAN OPERA,HuseinErek,Stevie Wonder,LeadBelly,MUDFOOTofJacksonMississippi,METAL ON METAL,THE SLAUGHTER OF NY TRUSTFRUND BABY,(go see them live)Royal Trux,tina turner,nina simone,stone roses,morrisey,public enemy,Dead Boys,Grace Jones,MT.Sims,Fall,Alan Parson Project,Whale,hawkwind,warm globe,supercycle outta of vancouver,sonic youth,fugazi, GraceJones,PIL,CRASS,Econochrist,Bad Shit,roy ayres,edith piaf,,Destroy All Monsters,Renegades,Suicide,Old Metallica,Priest,BodyCount,TalkingHeads,Verde.Dead Kennedys,Sigur Ros,The Montreal bands,Bob Marley,PrinceFarI,Danton EEpron,PONIHOAX,The stooges,TheRakes,Libertines,Andrew Weatherhall,KingofCovienience,REMOTE,EGOEXPRESS,THRASHMENAGN GERIE,CUBANX,EWAN PEARSON,KOMPAKT LBL,Robert Hood,AJAX MARCH,MORPHEUS,Agoria,TEST IN GLASGOW,fleetwood mac,sex pistols,conflict,EarlyBoards of Canada,OPTIMO PARTIES IN GLASGOW SOME OF THE WORLDS BEST,,FondationRecordings,metal on metal,IvanSmagghe,Mercury Rev,ELLEN ALLIEN,CHICKEN LIPS,TAPPA ZUKIE,TIEFFESCWARZE,JOHN TEJADA,Nitzer Ebb, THE POGUES,modeselektor,primal scream,Funkstorung,TSUBA RECORDS,ISSST,Motorcity,LocoDice,GuycalledGerald,EarlyBjork, SHITKATAPULT,KoolG Rap,VersatileRecords,Detroit producers from 87to96 some gems,LOADED LBL,GoodyMob,Cee-Lo Freestylin is the shit son,TheProfiteers,Twitch and Brainstorm,LindaLamb(That a girl)Lee Scratch,BunchofArtFagBandsinBrooklyn,Drexciya,KitsuneLbl,Boo kaShade,Belle&Sebastian,NWA,PUBLICENEMY,M.A.N.D.Y,THEFUC KYOUS,X,GODFLESH,RUN DMC,SERGE GAINSBOURG,Immortal Technique,Viper of Moscow,BuffaloDaughteroutofTokyo,DavidByrne and Eno, Shotgun Rock,BRMC(GO PETE FRISCO REPRESENT YOUR IN LA FOR THE MONEY BUT FROM THE MISSION)SUN RA,FANGS OF GLASGOW,Good TUPAC,FLEETWOOD MAC,BOUNTY KILLAH,NICODEMUS,STONE ROSES,FRONT242,NITZER EBB,FUNKADELIC,old big black,Milk and Sugar,ANGLO SATELLITE,Laurent Garnier,JOAKIM,tiga,SvenVath,Claudio Simonetti,OLDBLACKFLAG,SAULWILLIAMS,NEW AFRO PUNKSCENE,BANDS FROM NAIROBI KENYA,TOO SHORT old oakland bass,terranova,misfits,bad brains first album the best ever,mr.TReznorandNIN,parliament,Classic rock my dad's got,FELAKUTI, MEDELLIN TECH,RICHIe HAWTINSOLDSHIT,UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE,JUAN ATKINS,DEPECHE MODE,CABARET VOLTAIRE,THE HACKER,GIRGIO MOREDES,PERSPECTS,HERBIE HANCOCK,THE HEADHUNTERS,ADULT,MC5,PATTI SMITH,THE PLASMATICS,KRAFTWERK,Quixote,THELOST CHILDREN OF BABYLON,SILENT BROTHERHOODMEDIA,KA SARRAH THE HANGMAN,GANG STARR,KRS1,DALEK,NINA HAGEN,SOULWAX,THE COUP,Glimmers,G.B.H,EXPLOITED,OLD NIRVANA,G.G.ALLIN,BUDDHIST CHANTING FROM TIBET AND INDIA,OLD MINISTRY,SANESSH MANSOON,ACDC,Einsturzende Neubaten,Foetus,Derrick May,Kevin Saunderson,Less Bush moe Pussy,GRATEFUL DEAD(HEY MARIN)OLD NAS,DE LA,CAPTAIN BEEFHEART,SistersofMercy,CADENZA,ISLAMIC HOWL,THE ZORROS,RICARDO VILLALOBOS,DOPPLEREFFECKT,BAD EARLY 90'S BAY AREA GANGSTA RAP,TURBO RECORDS,RoxyPain,KILL ROCK STAR OUT OF OLYMPIA WA,DUB NARCOTIC,TurboNegro,AFRICAN HEADCHARGE,stevie wonder,MOTORHEAD,APHEX TWIN,GIL GILBERTO,Zombie Nation,Terrence Fixner,INTL DJ GIGOLO,KOOL KEITH,HIEROGLYPHICS EXCEPT PEP LOVE HES WACK,ALL THE OLD CHICAGO ELECTRONICS PRODUCERS,JERU THE DAMAJA,DragonsofZynth.Raedawn(Thats my homie)FiresOfRome,LSD SOUNDSYSTEM,CREOLE BAYOU MUSIC FROM LAFAINTAIN LOUSIANA,SIEG UBER SONNE,JOE ARROYOA EN BARANQUILLA ME QUEDO,HUGH MASAEKELA AND OJA ,AFRIKA BAMBATA,TC IZLAM,PANCHO GALON,HENDEL,GZA,O.D.B,RZA,JOSH WINK,BIG L,SHOWBIZ AND A.G.,BATTLES,CHKCHKCHK,WARP STUFF IS GETTIN BETTER,CRAFT RECORDS,CITIZEN KILL,MUTE,NOVATURNAL LLC,GETPHYSICAL LABEL,DJT,BLACKMOON,TEST ICICLES,IRON MAIDEN,OAKLAND MONKS,HIGHONFIRE,THE OHIO PLAYERS,MOTORHEAD,LUDWIGVANBEETHOVEN,THELONIUS MONK,COLTRANE,TRIBECALLEDQUEST,DANDI WIND,EODM,THE GERMS,OLD BOWIE(THE SMACKED OUT BERLIN STUFF WITH ENO)TWILIGHT SLEEP,MATTHEW DEAR,MISS KITTIN,RECHENZENTRUM,TRS-80,KAMIKAZE QUEENS,EPMD,ERICB&RAKIM,X CLAN,VENOM,EMPEROR,B.D.P.,GETO BOYS,MOS DEF,THE ROOTS,THE HOURS,PHENOMENAUTS,DRUM CHIMP,SWAYZAK,TEAM DISGUSTING PARTY IN LONDON,GHOSTLY INTL OUT OF MICHIGAN,MODEL500,JEFFMILLS,BOARDSOCANADA,CAPITALISTCASUALTI ES,SEX TITAN,LOBOTONIC(OUR NEW LABEL),PUNK FROM NIGERIACanabis,The Coup,The WU TANG good swamp rock,BRAHMS,VERDI,GANG GANG DANCE,BLACK DYCE,FUGAZI,BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE,TITO PUENTES,CELIA CRUZ,OS GEMEOS,WHO,MAN SO MUCH OTHER SHIT,THE RESIDENTS,ZEPPELIN,BAND OF GYPSYS, I CAN KEEP GOIN, punk,art rock,noise,detroit techno,minimalist berlin,oslo and helsinki,dark synhth,warehouse beats,new london scene, mind bendin new noise,NYC noise, all sourtes from classics,to film scores to death metal to good hip hop, its gotta grab,be intelligent,its gotta wake you up and get the blood movin.THATS IT FOR NOW Stuff by Kamal Shaw and compositions from my good friend Patrick Grant check his work its brilliant
i like films
cooking shows of the blind, NOVA,public broadcasting,frontline,art documentaries(anything by Mystic Fire or Artnet) The Bridge on MNN community TV NYC(Old hip hop classics) ..megahertz,democracy now,The Wire,Bloomberg Intl Stock Data Show(Get ready for the crash y all)tvs gettin tossed outta windows in brooklyn especially rooftosses on thursdays.Depends what neighborhood your in.watching television though is like spraying spraypaint over your third eye.
other than a dog, a book is also man's best friend.heres a lil of what i dig.THE BIG BOOK.loads of art books,cant get enough Artbooks anything on Sculpture Painting and Graphics reference,Gabriel Garcia Marquez,McCourt,Millman,Foucalt,Levi-Strauss,ONeill,Thiebaud ,Steven Adley Gurgis,Joe Orton,Huxley,Orwell,Kathy Ackerman,Im digging Daniel Pinchbeck,Jean Baudrillard,Everything written by Malcolm X,Immanuel Kant,Jung,Thomas Pynchons Gravity's Rainbow,TeilharddeChardin,charles dawkins,the writings of geronimo,black elk,the lost words of enoch,Hermetica by Hermes Trismegistus,Voltaire,Guillame,the talmud, the torah,kabbalic texts,jewish mysticism and alchemy,simon schama,Dosteoyevesky,joseph conrad,siddhartha,ghandi,milton,gibran,ahkentan,rumi,general marcos in chiapas,dubois,shabazz,chekhov,arthur c clarke,twain,phil k dick,alan duff,Goethe,Rudolf Steiner,Freud,W.B Yeats,T.S.Elliot,The Poetry of Brian Polite(FIATLUX artist)UlyssesByJoyce,Theories by Phillip Guston,Art critique by Felix Guitarri,Giles Deleuce,Zoroastrian philosophy,Ezra Pound,Works by Dick Gregory,Plath,Marina Ambramovic letters on art,Smithson on Sculpture,The writings& teachings of Dr.Malachai York(FreeHimKNow, He is innocent!) of the Nuwabian Movement,MumiaAbuJamal,Suzie Gablik,Michael Tsarion, Freud, Bernasse,C.G Jung,Toeffler,upton sinclair,langston hughes,Heidegger,Nietchze,Ayn Rand,ERIC FROMME,Nicohlai Bikullen,The real 9-11 Report and the Carslyle Group and Govt Involvement(It was an inside job folks)The writingsofDrMartinLutherKingJr,Crowley,ALAN WATTS,Faulkner,George Seville,William Blake,Dante,Barbera Anne Krager,Dr.Arthur Lang,Vonnegut,pablo neruda,JimJarmusch screenplays,Dr.CredoMutwai,Dr.Hasan Marufesh a leader on Islamic relations and the west,Dr,LenParlman,MargieEvola,SomestuffbyArtForum,Jared Diamond,Alex Haley"s Autobiography of Malcolm X,the bible.(basic instructions before leaving earth)yet im reading it backwards from doom and gloom to the garden im gonna kick the serpents ass(Niburian Reptilians which are hybrid and on earth) take his apple and get laid like spirit mattered intended until the rewriting by greedy old white guys(Its meant to be read astrologically and as mythological reference).The Galactic Federation by Sheldon Neale,11:11 christ conciousness and the sirius star connection, anything by CommanderX,American Theocracy by Kevin phillips,Indigo Children,Bertrand Russell,Tereeance Mckenna,Frank McCourt,Lao Tzu,Miramoto Musahsi(The book of 5 rings) Tolkien,Heidegger,Nicolai Tesla,The practical guide to ethical hacking by u.b freed, Hakim Bey.Ontological Reference,DMS RV,KAFKA,THE I Ching,TaoTeChing,Charles Schultz,Gary Larsen's The Far Side,Foucalt,Anything by Leonardo Davinci or Galvini and Copernicus,Plato's Symposium,Marquez,Lorenzo Murillo(mi tio)Robert Anton Wilson,ThomasPaine,Amiri Baraka,Dondi byDondi,TheCelestialGospel The Meaning of Christ Buddah Mohammed and Abraham The Ascended Masters and Space Travel,The Masonic Bible By ManlyPHall,Economy Smarts in a Greedy World.ABarefootDoctors Guide to Urban Survival,Holistic Guide in the field.Essays of Angela Davis,Adyashanti The Fabric of Reality,Anything by Ken Wilbur,dharmapahda,richard hell,The Sculptor Review,the qurran,stuff on conscious business,raymond carver,gene gregorits,kamal shaw,shakespeare.ts elliot,okuwi andanape,eldridge cleaver,kama sutra backwards,city on dope,J.G Ballard,Paul Bowles,Burroughs when I was a kid,Andreas Gurskys journal,james baldwin,all the good russian authors,french surrealism,Hunter S Thompson,Ken Kesey, Alan Moore,City of Quartz by Mike Davis, quantum mechanic books,david icke, the biography of bill hicks,investment books and self help books which. like helping myself to more books, choose your own adventure books are coming back
we can be heroes just for one day? no just admiration for those that manifest destiny everyday in a positive function, in all walks of life no masters. no slaves The 2 people I admire the most out of anyone are my mother and father COLOMBIA AND N IRELAND