An Insouciant Prince profile picture

An Insouciant Prince

Never mind the messenger, mind the message!

About Me

I suppose this is the part where I babble ceaselessly about my little idiosyncracies like whether or not I like I the right side of my bed as opposed to my left, the fact I was born an enemy of cats, whether I like the color blue . Maybe there is really something to this Western astrology and me being a Gemini allowing me the necessary latitude to be simultaneously introspective and be descriptive of a man in is early thirties in the third person.
I tell most people that I am comfortable that I am most likely the luckiest person they will meet in their lifetimes. I am not arrogant enough to rule out God, I just try to let Him rule. It is because of Him is why I have survived the sometimes untellable stories of my life. I don't push Him down people's throats. Here is where I the done most talking about Him in my whole life. But it's true.
I hold a personal distinction of being a man of sometimes incongruent extremes and startling contradictions. For example, I am fiercely protective of those who are mentally retarded and fiercely intolerant of people who have common sense and decide to abscond from it (we'll call this Boolean set "tha stupid people"). I have a strange embrace of death, and do I not fear it. I do not cry or grieve when others leave this plane. I am usually very calm and inwardly happy. But I am more afraid to lose a street fight than die, so I don't start them, I usually laugh and/or walk away.
It has taken me some twenty-plus years to accept the fact that I might be some kind of fucking weirdo. Not a weirdo like I am yelling franctically in my spanking-new Armani straight-jacket to white-smocked orderlies that I found pieces of Richard Nixon underneath my fingernails. But weirdo like it is perfectly natural for me to have those kind of whimsies and talk about them. Recently, I have come to the grudging acceptance that I might be some kind of artist even though I cannot say I create what is commonly known as "art". Then again, neither does the bulk of the art world at present either.
I am a polarizing type of person, because people either love me or want to see me crushed. And I treat the world at large the same. I love my friends and loved ones dearly and will sacrifice great things for them. For my enemies, I wish great harm, for my "frenemies", worse. And I am being very honest when I say this. I am a great friend, a good lover, and a bitter or tepidly disinterested enemy. And I think everyone should aspire to possess an extreme, I feel it you always stand for something tough and that is a quality almost always worthy of respect or some sort of admiration or whatever superlative holds a premium for you.
I live my life by General Principle, whether you currently choose to absolve your mind of its existence or fake it by adopting a personally tailored form of it, you will conform to it. It is the ultimate arbiter and balance that keeps the Human Superculture from collapsing into some kind of Hobbesian dystopia.
But I'm actually a very nice person, the kind of guy you can take home to Mom. I love sports and beauty. I love beauty of motion, of Grace. I can be put anywhere on the map from East New York, Brooklyn to East Bethlehem, Israel (mad ghetto, trust me), to East Hampton to the Upper East Side (Manhattan), and be able to hold a conversation and RELATE.

My Interests

Music (Duh!), Martial Arts, Photography, International Politics, Soccer(especially Brazil's national team), Football, Basketball, History. I suppose I'd say philosophy. Making people helplessly angry

I'd like to meet:

Bill O'Reilly (so I can choke-slam him into something brittle), let me think about the rest of this list.

Osama bin Laden, Somebody's gots to tell me how he gets those "Death to America" mixtapes out. For real, for real.

Bill O'Reilly and Osama bin Laden TOGETHER. I just want to see if Bill O'Reilly will pop his typically self-righteous palaver bullshit in front of Osama's face.

I would steal one from my little brother in saying I'd like to meet Dennis Rodman...and you if polled twenty people at random, I'm pretty certain you'll come up with the routine "Oh, I met Dennis Rodman and..." story. He's like to the United States what Harold Hunter (RIP) was to New York City because of the seemingly incongruent sets of people who know and met these guys. Anyway, I met homeboy back at home many years ago in South Beach while and after he had finished beating up (actually DDT-ing) some dude in the street IN FRONT of the police despite his entire entourage holding him back. Point of Story: NEVER fuck with a man gully enough to wear a wedding dress saying he's marrying himself. You leave him ALONE.

I would like to meet these so-called "Minutemen", these dummies on some Angry White Man/"Falling Down" shit, and take them to an Indian Reservation in somewhere like Arizona or West Bubblefuck North Dakota and consult with their leaders on how their predecessors dealt with their previous immigrant crisis.

Tyra Banks. For the reason that I heard she can't find a man [WTF??]. I want to volunteer my life-coaching services to explain to her in depth why she could better use the millions of man-hours in viewership concentrating on real shit as opposed to dallying around the realer issue that must be going on with herself.

The people (you can call them aliens, it doesn't really matter to me) who thought it hilarious they'd leave me on this planet for years, knowing full well I'd start buggin out at age 30, wondering why a significant portion of this planet thinks Dane Cook, Will Ferrell, and Jack Black are funny.

Karl Lagerfeld. Aside from the fact he owns 150,000 books (some of them might be mine), he once said, "I worked allmy life to kill reality". I have a question for him: What exactly are you planning on doing with the body?

Glenn Beck. I want very badly to meet this man. I want to see how CNN justifies giving him checks. Because if this obvious idiot can get a show, I deserve one, too.


My choice of favored music changes with the time of day for me it seems. I'll tell you what I'm feeling right now and maybe you can get an idea: The Pretenders, Concrete Blonde, Anita Baker, Front 242, Ministry, Arthur Russell, Walter Gibbons, Sly & Robbie, Divine Styler, Nas, Goldie, Ayro (Jeremy Ellis), Ming and FS, The Roots, Floetry, Bounty Killer (The True Voice of Jamaica...Fyah pon de raatid battyman dem!!), Vikter Duplaix (for his production quality), Carole King (for songwriting), Kenny Dixon, Jr., Public Enemy, Jeru tha Damaja (for the best and most precise cadence and flow in hip-hop), Capital A (the dude is always on the best progressive party tracks!),The Pretenders, The Cure, The Stone Roses...I'll go with those for now.


City of God, Carandiru,Friday (If you've haven't seen this movie at twelve times and cannot recite all of Chris Tucker's lines by heart, you might to simply sell off any DVD-playing devices you might own, 'cause you suck), One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, The Player, Mo' Betta Blues, Die Hard (the only action movie that made some sense), Pi, Gangster Number One, Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, The Lord of the Rings (yes,the whole damn thing).


The Boondocks. Rescue Me. Hustle, The Wire, South Park (It really all about Butters!). I am an admitted Trekkie and I love Star Trek, especially Deep Space Nine but I cannot forgive Paramount Pictures for the travesty that was "Enterprise".


These are some of my favorites, but all for different reasons: 1984 by George Orwell, Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis, The Art of War by Sun-Tzu, The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley, The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy (the whole series) by Douglas Adams, Dune by Frank Herbert, Hyperion (the whole series) by Dan Simmons, The Trial by Franz Kafka, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, Fire in the Lake by Frances Fitzgerald, The Longest Day by Cornelius Ryan, It by Stephen King.


If you want to know some of MY heroes are, Google and Wikipedia all these motherfuckers and you'll what kind of shit I'm REALLY on!

Paul Robeson (his life's a manual on how to be The Man), Gabriel Prosser, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Richard Pryor, Howard Cosell, Bonz Malone, Hunter S Thompson. George Galloway, Matt Taibbi, Spock, Calvin & Hobbes, Ras Kass, and Bobbito Garcia

My Blog

Is America's suburban dream collapsing into a nightmare? Shaun Yandell proposed to his longtime girlfriend Gina Marasco on the doorstep of their new home in the sunny suburb of Elk Grove, California,...
Posted by An Insouciant Prince on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 01:31:00 PST

So...You Still Think Youre Free, Huh?

2004  Year of the Slave[I found this essay while rifling through so many pages on the Internet. I want to make this clear: I did NOT write this essay, nor can I find the name of its author. Regardles...
Posted by An Insouciant Prince on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 04:13:00 PST

What I Did On My Days Off Last Week

From:You Might Not Want to Know This, But...In the last couple of weeks, I've been brusquely ushering all of you into the mechanics of an otherwise mundane little life here in South Florida. In the la...
Posted by An Insouciant Prince on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:47:00 PST

"Marvin Never Got on TV Again Until the Day He Died" Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Racism...

"Marvin Never Got on TV Again Until the Day He Died"Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Racism and the National AnthemBy THOMAS DOLBYI just watched a clip on YouTube that filled in a missing blank in my perso...
Posted by An Insouciant Prince on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 10:51:00 PST

Goodbye New York

How do I begin? It has taken me several months to write this email.  I don't really know where to begin and much less what exactly to say that would sound appropriate. Presently, I type on and f...
Posted by An Insouciant Prince on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 07:07:00 PST

Now It's Personal. This Is War.

On Saturday afternoon, my mail came like it did every day. I received yet another reminder that my creditors were dearly concerned for my welfare and they needed large allotments (almost amounting to...
Posted by An Insouciant Prince on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 02:49:00 PST

George Orwell: "Politics and the English Language"

I'm not going to roll over and instantly ascribe to his views for the preservation of the English language. Even with its million-plus words, it is still awfully limited in the palette and textures n...
Posted by An Insouciant Prince on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 11:07:00 PST

Open Letter In Response to the Emergency Meeting of the Zulu Nation

The only way that something as powerful and facile such as Hip-Hop can recaptured and brought "under new management" is to meet it with even more force. The Zulu Nation must be prepared to destroy Hip...
Posted by An Insouciant Prince on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 05:58:00 PST

The Best of 2005

The Best of 2005 Are you really ready? Really, really, ready? OK, Here goes&. Not a motherfucking thing about 2005 was cool. End of blog.
Posted by An Insouciant Prince on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 02:20:00 PST

The New York Transit Strike Explained

For some of y'all who know little of the background concerning what is going on in New York City.Christmas time, 2002. Under the threat of an impending a major snowstorm coming to NYC, continues the s...
Posted by An Insouciant Prince on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 02:08:00 PST