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I was bought up listening to my mum and dad's old records and particularly my dad who's two favourites were Gene Vincent and the Everley brothers.
My mum was more into the Elvis thing and all the better looking guys.
As I got older I listened too 50's & 60's music alongside the music of the day which was Glam Rock! The thing I thought strange was that they were all playing songs by Eddie Cochran, Buddy Holly, and Elvis, so it didn't seem strange for me too listen too this music as well as all the classic stuff that my parents had. It was easy to draw a line from say Gene Vincent in the late 50's Boy meets girl image etc... too say Alvin Stardust. I mean take a look at a picture of Alvin in the 70's and God bless him Gene would have slayed him, it was a direct copy.
So I was listening to all this stuff and then one of my mate's who I'd not seen over the summer holiday's comes to school with a DA, I mean what the hell! The next thing all the boys in school are either Ted's or Punks, and there was no way I wanted to look like a punk, so I was a TED and proud of it. We spent about a year going to as may gigs as possible and also the Caister weekenders (which in my opinion are still the wildest that there have ever been). Then I started to think about playing guitar like Elvis! I thought if he could get all the girls in his film's by playing guitar maybe it could work for me! So with a load of nagging and pleading to my mum and dad, I got my first guitar for Christmas 1979. I think I also got the first Stray Cats single but I'm not sure, I know that I tried to play along to it that holiday and almost gave up there and then, but obviously I didn't and I'm still playing 26 years latter!!!!!!
We've been very lucky with the band over the year's and had the very great pleasure of working with some of my all time Rockabilly and Rock n Roll hero's including Gene Vincent's original Blue Caps, Jerry Merritt, Ray Campi, Ronnie Dawson, Mac Curtis, Johnny Powers, Sonny Burgess, Johnny Carroll, Rip Masters, and "Wild" Wee Willie Harris.
We've also had the pleasure of working with Graham Fenton, Darrel Higham, Steve Aynsley, Peter Davenport, Boz Borrer. and many others.
We have supported lots of top class acts all over the world including Bill Haily's Comets, Robert Gordon, Tenpole Tudor, The Pogues, The Housemartins (they supported us)!!!!!!! and many others.
My taste in music is very varied but I like anything that sounds real and honest. That's why I can never listen to this dance crap that's played all the time. My favourites are all the greats like Elvis, Gene, Eddie & Buddy ect... I love all forms of Rock n Roll music weather it was recorded in the 50's or the present day. I will always be the biggest fan of Brian Setzer and the Stray Cats, The Jets, Polecats & of course Shakey. And all the other band's that got our music into the charts in the early 80's. I truly think for the last time.
Brandon Hoadley AKA The Brandoni' Kid
Brandon is now thought to be one of the UK's leading bass players, in just over a year and a half with The Sundowners he's taken us on an great journey all the way to the top!! he takes an equal part in the driving force of the sundowners with creative ideas and the aims of the band, The man has experience on off course bass, drums (as seen on 1 tour with the band) and guitar which he is equaly talented in covering just about any genre known to man! Beware of THhe Brandoni Kid
Mick Prince After choice of what seemed a 1,000,000 drummers jumpin' forward for the slot of new drummer..we rounded it down to 3
Mick stood out the most for pro style and attitude to this band!
Ladies and Gentlemen this drummer has great expereince with bands such as Big rumble touring around the world on cruise ship's!! and more recently The Planet Boppers.. Lee and Brandon both agree that this man is right for his job ... so please all welcome this amazing drummer....
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