ALF. ELF. DIRECT ACTION. OLD GROWTH FORESTS. MOUNTAINS. OCEANS. FERAL. AUTONOMY. SMASH THE STATE. FREE SPEECH. PROTESTING. ANIMALS. VEGANISM. ORGANICS.COLLECTIVES. ANARCHISM. POLITICAL PRISONER SUPPORT. crimethinc. pirates. eco-warriors. primitivism. co-ops. dissidents. insurgents. liberators. guerrillas. workers. food not bombs. really really free markets. free spirits. the dharma. Dharma Punx. volunteer humyn extinction. music and noise of all sorts.
We have genuine friendship when it is based on true human feeling, a feeling of closeness in which there is a sense of sharing and connectedness. I would call this type of friendship genuine because it is not affected by the increase or decrease of the individual's wealth, status, or power. The factor that sustains that friendship is whether or not the two people have mutual feelings of love and affection.
~His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama.
"This is a lonesome society that's been fragmented by the factory system. People don't live in communities anymore. But they should: Communities are very comforting to human beings. I couldn't survive my own pessimism if I didn't have some kind of sunny little dream. That's mine, and don't tell me I'm wrong: Human beings will be happier not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia."
--- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
music that makes my freakin adrenalyne flow:
Dirty Insurgent, ¡TchKunG!, Filastine, Crash Worship, Infernal Noise Brigade, Dystopia, Catharsis, Sanity Monk, Reggae, Tom Waits, Church of Hate, Ministry, Operation Ivy, Soulfly, world jazz, vegan hip hop, world music, classical and symphonic, but most of all.... most things with drums, percussion, and noise
Meet Your Meat, Earthlings, Behind the Mask, Pickaxe, Breaking the Spell, The Miami Model, The Canary Effect, Tibet Cry of the Snow Lion, Microscosmos, A Place Called Chiapas, Zapatistas, Baraka, The Weather Underground, all Star Wars, Riding the Giants, hype!, all Warren Miller, House of Flying Daggers, Hero, Crouching Tiger, peta videos, many anime.
Books that you find at Left Bank Books and Last Word Books, Crimethinc, Derrik Jensen, Michael Moorcock, Anthony Nocella, Dalai Lama, Daniel Quinn, Emma Goldman, Craig Rosebaugh, Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, David Suzuki, Hsing Yun, Noah Levine, Jack Kornfield, Stephen Hawking, Kahlil Gibran, Linda Goodman.
My one and only son, my friends,
Animal Liberation Front ,
Earth Liberation Front ,
Animal Liberation ,
Captain Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd Society ,
Zapatistas ,
Oaxaca Resistors,
W.A.R. ,
CrimethInc.Ex-Workers Collective ,
Green Anarchy ,
infoshopnews ,
independent media center ,
Oxygen Collective ,
Cascadia Rising ,
Leonard Peltier ,
Mumia Abu-Jamal ,
Black Panthers ,
all the political, ALF, ELFprisoners,
Dave B the director of Action For Animals ,
Gateway to Hell ,
the SHAC 7 ,
Anthony J. Nocella, II ,
Noah Levine ,
Dharma punx ,
Spunk ,
Animal Defense ,
Red Cloud Thunder ,
Forest Ethics ,
Defenders ,
Northwest Old Growth Campaign ,
Olympic Forest ,
banksy ,
Emma Goldman ,
Noam Chomsky ,
Tim Ream , Tim Lewis
Horse Whisperers, Dog Whisperers,
Elric of Melniborne', the Eternal Champion