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About Me

Flaming Arrows
The coyote lifts her head and the deers ears perk up
Over cannon and city and plane
"Our brother is caught in the trap" they said
"Oh do you know his name"
Defender of the Levithan, from the sting of the harpoon
Friend of the fox, hunted by the red coat goon
To the children of Earth, they strike their blows
But they won't stop these wild seeds that grow
Aim high, aim true
I shoot these flaming arrows for you
With the bullet and the bible they came for the tribes
Fighting to keep the tradition alive
Helping the young ones keep away from guns and alcohol
The disenfranchised children backed up against the wall
Cry "Freedom for the lynx," Cry "Freedom for the minks"
"Oh, freedom for the wild ones driven to the brink"
For this we will fight until they cease
Until all the animals and political prisoners have been released
Aim high, aim true
I shoot these flaming arrows for you
Hawk caught wounded, that's what they said
He was driven off the rez, and then arrested by the feds
Another liberator in need of liberation
Another beautiful soul shackled by our genocidal nation
We are knocking the arrow, pulling hard upon the bow
We are setting it on fire, and then letting it go
May it burn forever, an end to desecration
May it burn for Rod Coronado and our enchanted relations
Oh we are howling out of the cages
In the arms of eternity my soul it rages
My heart is crying
My spirit it is on fire
I've unleashed my demons and armed my desires
Aim high, aim true
I shoot these flaming arrows for you. . .

-Casey Neill
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."
- Albert Einstein

My Interests

riding down still nights with a speckled sky, dirt on my hands, and the wind in my face.

I'd like to meet:

One who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice.


calvin and hobbes

The Teenage Liberation Handbook
- Grace Llewellyn

The Dispossessed
-Ursula K. le Guin

Homage To Catalonia
-George Orwell

My Blog

California-sized area of ice melted in Antarctica

...fucking assholes science/californiasizedareaoficemeltsinantarctica?"Remain a parasite OR become an Earth Warrior." -- Paul Watson, founder of Sea ...
Posted by Russell on Thu, 17 May 2007 10:21:00 PST

"Reflexive obedience is at the heart of the thing." ~SCHOOL~

Dumbing Us Down: An Interview With John Taylor GattoBy Terry EvertonIf anyone is qualified to intelligently analyze the institution of modern schooling, it's John Taylor Gatto. While teaching in the ...
Posted by Russell on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 08:10:00 PST

We Live to Tread on Kings

We Live to Tread on KingsAugust 11, 2006 at 4:17 pm - Filed under From the Trenches, posted by b. travenReport from the 2006 CrimethInc. Convergence,July 26-31 in Winona, MinnesotaSupernatural Powers ...
Posted by Russell on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 01:10:00 PST