Welcome To The Fact Cow "Shed Of Tricks". This will be the place where all Fact Cow tricks hang out. If you are new to the site, check these out...but remember keep safe.
The Trick That Started It All
Sit down somewhere, now lift your right foot and rotate in a clockwise direction. Now, whilst doing this draw the figure 6 in the air with the index finger of your right hand. Now be amazed as this will cause your leg to rotate in the opposite direction
The Lifting Ring Finger Trick
Bend your middle finger and place the centre section on a table or hard surface. You will be able to lift your thumb, index, and little finger without moving your middle finger. But it is impossible to lift your ring finger.
The tendons in your fingers are independent from one another apart from the ones in your middle and ring finger. These tendons are connected, so that when your middle finger is folded down you cannot move your ring finger. It feels like your ring finger is stuck!
Think you can lift your leg?
Stand with your side against a nearby wall. You should have one shoulder and one leg firmly pushed against the wall. Now try and lift your outside leg.
Human beings have a centre of balance around the belly button. You can usually stay balanced as long as the imaginary vertical line down from your belly button falls between the area that you are balancing on – usually your feet!
When you lift your leg, the top half of your body needs to lean slightly the other way so that this line falls onto the one foot that is balancing you.
Because the wall is in the way you can’t move your upper body to counterbalance your leg. Your body knows it will fall over if you do lift the leg so it is very hard to convince yourself to do it. It feels a bit like your leg is stuck or frozen!
Standing On One Leg (With Your Eyes Closed)
Stand on one foot and shut your eyes tightly. They must remain shut the whole time. Now keeping that same foot off the ground, slowly begin to count to 50 . You probably won’t get very far because it is almost impossible to keep your balance with your eyes closed. Keep trying!!
Finger Rotating
Hold your hands out in front of you. Point your index fingers inwards so they are nearly touching. Now move your hands in opposite circles so that your fingers meet up again. Not easy is it?
The Trick Women Can Do, But Men Can't
1.Face a wall, and take three full steps back from it (heel, toe). Stand with legs together.
2.Place a chair between you and the wall, the back of the chair against the wall.
3.Bend over the chair, so that your forehead rests against the wall.
4.With straight arms lift the chair, by the seat.
5. Keeping your elbows straight, straighten up, lifting the chair with you.
You must not dip your head down or push off the wall in the attempt. Only a fluid movement is allowed. If you can do it you are a woman, if you can’t you are a man!
Now for the reason (drum roll)
It is due to the differences in the centre of gravity of males versus females, and also that males usually have longer feet than females.
The male's centre of gravity with the chair is out beyond his toes, while the female's centre of gravity is above her foot.
Hope this explains it, don't forget to try it out - let me know how you get on!
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