First edition science fiction books.
My future Ex Wife. Perhaps we've met!
Jimi Hendrix, Sonnyboy Williamson, Little Walter, Magic Sam, Janis Joplin. Oh yea, and Hound Dog Taylor. But the one who probably contributed more to blues than most is the great Willie Dixon and his awsome backup band players. Also Jeff Beck, Marc Bolan, KD Lang, . . .
Grindhouse, Joe, No Blade of Grass(No, not the smokin' kind) Soylient green (not sure about the spelling, but I do know it contains no soy). . . Bad Taste, The Begotten, All Elvis and All Three Stooges, Anything with Christopher Walkin, Easy Rider, Kelly's Heros, Any Donald Sutherland movie, Cold Comfort Farm, . . .
Beverly Hilbillies, Power Puff Girls, The Monkeys, The Munsters, Arrested Developement, . . . Sienfeld, Hanna Babara Cartoons, Get Smart, The Man From Uncle, Early Outer Limits and Twilight Zone, Seargent Bilco, The Big Bang Theory . . .
Nova, Crime and Punishment, The Painted Bird, Death In Venice, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings . . .
Ray Taliaferro, Talk show host on KGO 810 am on the radio dial, San Francisco. Cousin of Booker T!