5 kobiet profile picture

5 kobiet

I am here for Friends

About Me

"If you want to be respected by others the great thing is to respect yourself. Only by that, only by self-respect will you compel others to respect you". Dostoevsky. Agreed:)"I have often regretted my speech, never my silence". Xenocrates. Well...:)"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all". Hypatia. Yes! :)And another of our guiding principles:1. If we started treating people like things, human relations could be lost 2. Nobody is able to understand the world - it's too much information:) 3. Meeting the other is always the first step to supreme - "To be truly myself means to be for the other" (Levinas).:)Well, we think it's extremely difficult to say who we are. It's no doubt we're women...:) with their virtues and faults;)It could be said that we have a universe inside us:)...a little piece of heaven and a little piece of hell, a piece of the man and also a small child, who need an attention, observation and care:)As far as we know we're interested a lot of things: fine art, theatre, film, music, literature, foreign languages (especially English, Italian, French, Spanish and Greek). Besides, we're quite interested in psychology, interior design and history.We spend our leisure developing our skills :) and interests, going to the theatre, cinema, concerts (we like an opera;) or to cafes and pubs:) We're addicted to sensitive, intelligent and creative people. The caddishness is what we hate. To sum up, we hope we aren't the worst:)! Aren't we?:)).. ..

My Interests

music, theatre, people and more and more...:)night, silent, beauty, details, illusion, thinking:), writing, poems, tango, cabaret, opera, fine arts, past, olives:), baccardi, wine, wine, wine!, chocolate, figure skating, travels, strange places:)Marina Anissina and Gwendal Peizerat...:) There are no words...:)

I'd like to meet:

Passion People;)


Greek (Eleni Tsaligopoulou, Melina Kana, Haris Alexiou)Spanish and Latino (Ojos de Brujo, Luz Casal, Nina Pastori, Ana Belen, Chavela Vargas, Chabuca Granda) Serbian (Zeljko Joksimovic!), Erykah Badu, Nina Simone, Milva, Mylene Farmer, Jerzy Satanowski, opera (Pavarotti, Callas, Tebaldi, Bartoli, Netrebko, Caballe, Kiepura, Zylis-Gara, etc...)


retro movies, Carlos Saura, Almodovar, Fellini, Wong Kar Wai, Bergman, Sophia Coppola, Allen, Peter Greenaway, Zelenka, J.J. Kolski, Nikita Michalkow, Zanussi, Antonioni, F.Ozon, Besson, Lelouch, Truffaut, Polanski, Altman, Jarmusch, Ang Lee, Zhang Yimou, Lynch, Hitchcock, Milos Forman, Bunuel, Bertolucci, De Sica, Kieslowski, Agnieszka Holland, Filip Bajon, Wojciech Jerzy Has, Andrzej Kondratiuk, Dorota Kedzierzawska, Krzysztof Krauze, Kazimierz Kutz (!), Izabela Cywinska, Bareja, and more and more...:)Love Bette!:)Love tango:)Love passion and mysterious:)Love space between words.


"The Magic Mountain"!


Krystyna Skarbek (Christine Granville).

My Blog

Sen zimowy

Nie wiadomo skad sie zjawilw jej niezjawiskowym zyciuMoze diabli go nadalimoze sam sie z drewna wycial Dala wiesc mu sie za reketam gdzie piaski pod stopamiZawsze dbala o sukienkeby nie bylo na niej p...
Posted by 5 kobiet on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 01:34:00 PST

Ciemnosc widze!

mam noc w oczachkiedy wstawiles w nie gwiazdydwie nagie zarowkiupiornie wyjace do ksiezyca!
Posted by 5 kobiet on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 05:09:00 PST

Blizej niz dalej:)

doszlismy blizej niz dalej bo szlismy na skroty:))
Posted by 5 kobiet on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 11:17:00 PST

Samorodny talent:)

nabrzmiala od zachwytu pekne dajac swiatu dziecko wlasnego talentu   *** powietrze drzy ze strachu o nas spalajacych sie w pustyni cial  ...
Posted by 5 kobiet on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:32:00 PST

Slowa slowa slowa slowa...:)

Bede stac i bede plakacaz wywolam koniec swiata!Nie mysl sobie ze to z nudymam po prostu dosc obludy! Twoje slowa razem wzietesa nieslowne i przeklete!Mozesz karmic nimi gesiMnie dzis zadne z nich nie...
Posted by 5 kobiet on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 10:18:00 PST

Bog wstal z loza lewa noga

Bog wstal z loza lewa nogaZadne modly nie pomoga -Chocbys w gore wznosil receI kolana tarl od kleczen Ktos nad Boska lza zaplakalWiersz szybuje obok ptakaKtos chce ogrzac Go oddechemKtory w Niebo wzle...
Posted by 5 kobiet on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 07:52:00 PST

Pozor czlowieka

Tematem odwiecznego sporu jest to, czy czlowiek istnieje bez pozoru. Czyli bez swojego cienia, który - jak na cien - ma calkiem sporo do naswietlenia!Ze pozor uruchamia ozor i budzi jego demony, to w ...
Posted by 5 kobiet on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 09:25:00 PST

Strefa Zero

Dywan naszej przestrzeni zwiniety. Slady zostaly w srodku. Trafimy w smietnika odmety Stlamszeni w zarodku.
Posted by 5 kobiet on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 07:29:00 PST

Wada wzroku

znikamy sobie z oczu zeby sie nie stratowac bo zle moglaby sie skonczyc taka bliska milosc   Pomiedzy TAK a NIE jest Morze INNYCH Mozliwosci:)
Posted by 5 kobiet on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 07:24:00 PST

W zawieszeniu

rozwiesili mnieod czubka twojej glowypo krance stopprzylgnelam wilgociaa przeciez wyschneprzestane siekleicodpadne
Posted by 5 kobiet on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 10:07:00 PST