I believe in laughing therapy, power of love and great life.
I believe that everything is possible.
And it is!
So I laugh,sing,write,cook,photograph and travel./TILL TODAY I USED TO BE :
2001 teacher of drama2002- 2003 agent of The Theater Arkadia2001- 2003 English language teacher2004- volunteer-therapist in Dr.Clown
Foundation2005/2006 teacher- volunteer in Ghana, work for
Orphanage Africa Organization2006- 2008 fashion-shop manager2006 jurnalist in Radio Praga11.2007- trainer- volunteer in Polish Humanitarian Organization11.2007- board member of The Cultural and Social Activties Foundation03.2008- vocalist and manager of TRIFONIDIS ORCHESTRA/SCHOOL,COURSES,WORKSHOPS:2000 - 2005 Warsaw University Educationalist,
specialization: culture and education.2003 - 2004 Warsaw University,Musicology1994 - 1999 Theater School in Theater Ochota In Warsaw1998 Diploma of The Theater Instructor2001- 2002 Course of interior design1999 - 2002 singing classes in Tadeusz Konador School Of
Singing2002 - 2005 singing classes with Anna Serafinska
2001- 2004 music workshops in Chodziez, Pulawy,
Plock, Torun, Jaslo2004 training in the Third Program of Polish
Radio,concerts organization2006 Human Rights training in Amnesty
Internationa03.2008- One World Association training "Refugees: theory and practice"
This profile was edited with pimpinyoursite.com Editor