I am a SAHM (Work and Stay at home mom) I love being mama to my boys Wolfsion Elijah almost 3 years old (sounds like Wolf-sean, Cherokee for "kind Wolf" - Wayasion), and Shamus River, one years old, aka Hawk (Gaelic - Seamus). I like to read everything. I like to philosophize with my peeps. I love human rights, and I dislike lack thereof. I love being an advocate for women who want beautiful, unmedicated births, well any woman who gives birth the way she wants too. And I love advocating for women who breastfeed, anywhere, anytime! And yes, I use cloth diapers too. And when we don't use cloth, I use 7th Generation, cause they at least biodegrade. I love photography for the simple documenting of one's and others lives.
Mahatma Ghandi, anyone who's living life and being humbled by it, any old joe or jane philosopher, anyone who has anything to say that isn't just chatter all the time...although I think I am pretty funny sometimes and I love cuttin' up! The Union ~ Boone, North Carolina ~ September 1, 2002
For the next Seven Generations: The Grandmothers Speak. Well, if I have to choose, I feel best when listening to reggae and bluegrass, and always something from the Dead. But I like The White Stripes, and some punk, Johhny and Willie, and gosh there's jazz and blues (Big Leg, Tight Skirt)... And ya know, I just discovered The Black Keys.
River Runs Throuh It, Legends of the Fall, Goonies, Documentaries, yea...I like Johnny Depp and his pirate movies too! Any movie about living on the fat of the land. Cold Mountain. Most Independant films too.
PBS baby! KET keeping it local!
oh gosh, have you seen my library? All Men Are Brothers, all Diana Gabaldon and Jean Auel books, any book with women healers, Journey To Ixylan by Carlos Castenada (or any of Castenada's books)...any book on Shamanism, Peterson's Field Guide to Medicinal Plants, The New Healing Herbs Book, Ted Andrews books, books by Midwives Ina May Gaskin, and Aviva Jill Rohm..., The Tracker of course...Oh, currently I am reading Wilma Dykeman's Explorations, thanks to Cassie, girl this book is AWESOME...right up my alley!
my ancestors, my family, my husband, my friends