My name is Kimberly and I'm an animal rights activist, I turned Vegetarian around my 21st birthday last yr and i'm slowly becoming a Vegan.
Everyone always asks the question on "why" I have turned towards animal rights and vegetarian/vegan, so I will explain myself.
When I was a child, I adored animals and enjoyed their love that they've always given me; i've never had a greater sense of love or what caring about someone else was all about. An animal may not be able to speak but they give off such a caring aura and they easily can tell when we're upset, they've always tried cheering me up; they've never backstabbed me either. You can never be sure who is or who isn't your friend when it comes to your own kind, not in words that I dislike my own kind, but I have been backstabbed and hurt emotionally by my own; an animal has never purposely broken my heart.
I've always known that cows, pigs, chickens, and other animals I was eating were killed for my food; it just never dawned on me HOW tragic and extremely cruel the process really was until I unchalantly came across videos, photos, and articles of the cruelty. To think about how animals have treated me and how they're being pushed around and murdered intensely everyday, it kills me; of course my own kind is causing the pain. So you can see where my love for animals stands much stronger sometimes, they are the innocence in most of the world; the ones that wish they could tell us how they feel and wish they could be treated the same but they have no voice. I decided that I would take on like many other people in this world, a voice for the voiceless; give them a chance to speak.
An animal is a pyschological being just like one of us, they have their moods and have their own little souls; I have decided to not take part in the cruelty by no longer eating any type of meat. And more and more i've began taken dairy and all animal bi products out of my diet. To me, it feels like the right thing to do.
It's someone elses mother, father, sister, brother, friend, daughter, son.
So what is the such cruelty that goes on in Factory farms?
- Castration. In other words "neutering" an animal while it's fully concious.
- Lameness
- Beating
- Hanging
- Stabbing
- Shackling
- Stunning
- Shooting
- Skinning
- Branding
- Sheering off birds beaks.
- Cutting off cows horns.
Does the idea of that happening to you make you a little sick? Well it goes on and that's not just all i've listed, there is more but it would take forever to continue listing it all.
And it's not just the factory farms that sadden me, it's everything that has to do with any type of cruelty and if people like me don't start trying to stop abuse, it will continue to happen and more innocent lives will be taken.
One thing that seems to surprise and stun me is that people that are religious and believe in God, which in my point of view of Him/Her, I don't believe He/She would have ever wanted one of their creatures to be killed and abused; some people seem to think that it's okay to kill an animal to eat it when what they're possibly doing is what their God is against.
One more thing to add is that people often ask me what would happen if we didn't kill these animals for food? They seem to think that there would be an overpopulation but the fact is that we are continuously impregnating these animals for billions of people in this world to eat. If we no longer ate them, there would not be such a population of these farm animals.
I pretty much made this page besides my original Myspace ( because I had been getting too many complaints about what I reposted from friends, I also was being deleted because well...not a lot of people seemed to care about my bulletins for the animals so I decided to keep from avoiding their anger to bringing all of my activism to this page.Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts