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About Me

Tobacco use is the nation's number one cause of preventable death in the U.S. The facts are clear. Over 40,000 careful studies have proven that smoking causes disease and death. Every medical and health agency agrees. Each year more Americans die from smoking-related diseases than from AIDS, drug abuse, car accidents and murder combined. span style="padding: 2px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: CC0000; background-color: FFFFFF; font-weight: bolder; color: 0000CC;"

My Blog

Women and Smoking--The Facts

*Lung cancer has now surpassed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer deaths among women. *Current female smokers aged 35 and older are more than 10 times as likely to die from emphysema or chro...
Posted by Anti-cigarettes on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:45:00 PST

Tobacco Costs--The Facts

*Cigarettes are the most heavily advertised products in the U.S. *Tobacco companies spend over 4 billion dollars each year on advertising and promotion of their deadly products. *Smoking costs the nat...
Posted by Anti-cigarettes on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:40:00 PST

Cigarette smoking--the facts

An estimated 430,000 Americans die each year from the effects of cigarette smoking. *Smoking causes 20% (or 1 in 5) of all deaths in the United States each year. *Cigarette smoking is the major cause ...
Posted by Anti-cigarettes on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:36:00 PST