Eco-Me profile picture


Eco-Me: Get Closer to Nature

About Me

Eco-Me now has it's very own my space page. We are so excited to build our eco-community and share with you Eco-Me 100% Natural Kits for home cleaning, body care, baby care and pet care.
Check us out at:

It's the most innovative line of products on the market, all the kits are do-it-yourself. Simply put, Eco-Me helps people make their own natural, chemical-free & non-toxic products.
Why live with harmful chemicals that are dangerous to your health and well being? There are no government regulations on home cleaning and cosmetic products. Many ingredients used in our every day products are linked to diseases from cancer to eczema. The natural products industry needs to be monitored in an honest way as there are still many products on the market that state "natural" and "organic" and yet they include synthetic fragrances, dyes and other harmful ingredients and preservatives.
Where did Eco-Me come from, how did this new revolution of do-it-yourself natural products start?
In March of 2005 my 36-year-old sister was diagnosed with breast cancer.
How does a healthy, athletic, spiritual and nutritionally organic young woman face the challenges of breast cancer? With no family history of this disease nor a lifestyle to promote it, could my sister’s breast cancer be linked to the pollutants in our environment or toxic chemicals in our homes?Is it possible that by simply cleaning your home, you are creating a toxic environment? Could the chemicals in products that line our shelves lead to life threatening health risks?Why are we taking such risks in our homes and with our well-being? The need to remove unnecessary chemicals from our homes led our search for completely natural and chemical-free products.The only problem was finding the products. Most natural cleaners still use synthetic chemicals for colorants and add trace amounts of ammonia and harsh additives to their products. So we decided that if we wanted a truly natural product we would have to make it ourselves, and a few months later Eco-Me was born.

My Interests

Obviously everything green (good thing I look good in this color), recycling(fun activity and get some dough back too!), composting (like an old science project, back in 6th grade again, oh goodie),
re-using (using old beer caps for a game of tic-tac-toe),
re-arranging (keeps me on my toes, now where did I put that old...), basically all things crafty and natural!

I'd like to meet:


Laurie David: She is doing so much for the environment as well as educating people on how to make changes both big and small.

Drew Barrymore: I hear she loves cleaning, so do I, do it naturally & check out Eco-Me Home Kits!

Amy Smart: It's not just that she has the coolest name, but that she is an environmentalist and one who takes action. Thanks for your help in saving the planet!

Leo: You know who I mean, I don't have to spell it out! He's great on screen and around the globe. I'm thinking he's a great guy that would be fun to have coffee with as long as the cups are recyclable, since he's on the global green thing too!

Al Gore: Would never forgot the man! He is onto greatness and we applaud him and his slide show turned fab movie! Keep it up, we are right behind you!


Nic Harcourt is my personal DJ, just kidding, but I am always plugged into KCRW and love all the music on "Morning Becomes Eclectic." Also, gotta mention Garth Trinidad, his picks on "Chocolate City" is a party on the radio! Check it out online at:


An old favorite is "Garp"
Laughed way too hard at "Blades of Glory"
"An Inconvenient Truth" Everyone should own it, schools should teach it!
"Spinal Tap" top ten!
Anything by Paul Thomas Anderson
Wes Anderson is a genius; although he may be crazy!

There are more favorites, but I can't sit typing all day, we've got to start our Eco-Network and stop global warming so movies don't become obsolete!


Anything on Planet Green! Sundance Channel is top of the Tivo list - Check out "The Green" a new series about how we can make big changes in small ways to save the planet. It's fun and so well produced!


Wally Lamb I am waiting patiently.....a new book must be in the works?


My husband Jeremy, My sister Leslie, My parents Norman & Wendy -- pretty cheesy, but they're support, love and good health keeps me going.

My Blog


This holliday season there are lots of picnics and outdoor celebrations. In keeping with all things Green, Eco-Me is asking everyone to think about leaving their outdoor party spaces as clean or clea...
Posted by Eco-Me on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 09:35:00 PST


Up until now, we were a small company moving along nicely with our website and some splatter of press. Sales were good and we were growing at a quick clip!What I realized in the last f...
Posted by Eco-Me on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:13:00 PST