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About Me

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I am a Native Californian from Norwalk. I now live in Arizona and love it here. I am married to a hottie from High School. We were ROCKERS from the 80's LOL (my son thinks were nerds because of that). My son that I adore I should say. I have Diabetes so say a prayer for me please:)...Thank You!!! I am an aunt to lots of neices and nephews. I would love to make a positive difference in the lives of Children everyday. I would love to help Cancer Awareness and Cancer Research.I really love animals (especially Donnie our Turtle). I also believe that Global Warming is a BIG PROBLEM and we need to change the way we treat Mother Earth. Our Children and Grandchildren deserve to live and enjoy the Earth and it's Beauty. I really believe this saying to be sooooooooooooo true; "Big mean people make little mean people". So lets all try to be nicer!I have a Guardian BUTTERFLY Angel named Nannette Naudin (my sister) May She Rest In PeaceR.I.P. Nannette Naudin
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My Interests

*Going to Church with my family* *Stamping* *Swimming* *Family time* *Scout Mom* *Baseball Mom* *Knights of Columbus Wife*href=" GFncy5jb20v"
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I'd like to meet:

~*People that make a diffrence in this world*~ ~*Keep in touch with my Family and Friends*~*All my MySpace friends sites have a lot of great information on how to BETTER OUR WORLD and THE WORLD THAT OUR CHILDREN are going to inherit. Please visit them and learn:)*~*All the Soldiers at War*I SUPPORT OUR TROOPS I JUST WANT THEM HOME AND SAFE WITH THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS THAT LOVE THEM*~
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imikimi - Customize Your World


Rock from 80's * R&B * Rap * Country * Pop * ~My wedding song:"Baby I love your way"~*

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*Parent Trap* *School of Rock* *The Notebook* *Stepford Wives* *Kill Bill's* *Selina* *Tombstone* *Bringing Down The House* *Liar Liar* and *Shrek's*..


*Desperate housewives*, *American Idol*, *The O.C.* and *Dancing with the stars*.." uY29tL2hlcmVmb3JkY2hlcm5vYnls" target="_blank"

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~*The 5 Languages of Love*~ ~*I REALLY loved this book*~
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~*People that are kind*~ ~*P.J. and Matthew the kindest sweetest people that I know~* ~*My Mother because she is a fighter. She had lymphoma last year. With Gods Grace and LOTS of Prayers she is now cancer free. Thank You JESUS!*~ My Dad for teaching me to love animals and for teaching me to be cooky and fun~*All Our Soldiers that are in combat and all the Veterans*~ My Sisters Connie and Nannie, My Brother Leo and My other Sister Gloria are my other heros:)Last, but not least my beautiful friends Laura and Victoria. They are both cancer survivors and always kept their faith in God strong and relied on prayers to get them through the tough times.
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My Blog

My Beautiful Sister Nannie

Hi Myspace family and friends! I wanted to tell you about my Big Sis Nannie...  She was everything FuNnY, beautiful, serious, rebel (Big One), lovable, sweet, bratty, a Hippie, Disco, biker ...
Posted by peace+love=:) on Wed, 28 May 2008 08:16:00 PST

I Love Lent and the Easter Bunny Drive

Every Easter God willing my family and Church friends collect Easter baskets starting the first Sunday of Lent. We distribute them to children in our community with special needs abused children&...
Posted by peace+love=:) on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 04:38:00 PST

Life in Arizona

Hi Everyone, Family,Old friends,New friends and future friends. I really thank God for all our Blessings. I can not believe that in June it will be two years that we left our old life in Calif. a...
Posted by peace+love=:) on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 03:07:00 PST

Taegen Mckinneys Court

Hi Friends,  I wanted to up date you on Taegen Mckinney. I heard about this little girl on myspace and was floored by her story. Taegen was only 17 months old when she was killed (STOMP...
Posted by peace+love=:) on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 11:25:00 PST