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Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Love Glitters
I am a Native Californian from Norwalk. I now live in Arizona and love it here. I am married to a hottie from High School. We were ROCKERS from the 80's LOL (my son thinks were nerds because of that). My son that I adore I should say. I have Diabetes so say a prayer for me please:)...Thank You!!! I am an aunt to lots of neices and nephews. I would love to make a positive difference in the lives of Children everyday. I would love to help Cancer Awareness and Cancer Research.I really love animals (especially Donnie our Turtle). I also believe that Global Warming is a BIG PROBLEM and we need to change the way we treat Mother Earth. Our Children and Grandchildren deserve to live and enjoy the Earth and it's Beauty. I really believe this saying to be sooooooooooooo true; "Big mean people make little mean people". So lets all try to be nicer!I have a Guardian BUTTERFLY Angel named Nannette Naudin (my sister) May She Rest In PeaceR.I.P. Nannette NaudinPimp My Profile
Butterfly Glitters
Girly glitter comments from www.GirlyTags.com
MySpace Glitter Graphics.