Indizoo is making an unusual offer to any individual, company or organization who might be interested in showcasing the music talent and resources of their country by owning and managing a localized version of indizoo in the language and culture of your country.
We have started with our first partner, indizoo Bulgaria. Indizoo Russia is in the works.
We have built the site and the administration to make it easy to manage without being a web designer or programmer.
We are looking for persons who would be dedicated and committed to the music communities around the world and want to show the world the incredible talent and resources you know abound in your country.
Only one representative will be signed per country so your scope will take in all genres of music and all categories of resources. You will share in any revenues that originate from your country or any resources that advertise on your indizoo site no matter where from.
Photographer, film maker, videographer, illustrator, graphics artist, web designer, instrument maker, software or hardware supplier, travel or hospitality specialist, lighting or stage specialist, promoter, label or studio, production company, music store, music equipment supplier, publisher, artist guild, organization, union ?
...If you are an individual, company or organization that is in any way a resource to the music community come register free on Post your profile on our global, searchable resource directory. Let us showcase you to the worldwide music community
We will be doing articles, interviews and documentaries on music resources as well as the music artists on our site. It is our intention to review and showcase all the incredible talent and valuable resources we can find.
The main web site is live and in testing. Take the opportunity to register and let me showcase your talent. website ------------ Indizoo has launched the site and invites artists everywhere to come register free.....indizoo has also launched it’s first country will be showcasing Bulgarian music artists...Russian site is in the showcasing music artists worldwide