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Gabriel Castro


About Me

Tal vez el hecho de ver que el mundo gira a través de dimensiones musicales diferentes y ver que desde nuestra niñez la música electrónica en particular ha "mutado" a traves de estás ultimas decadas ,nos pone a mirar al cielo y decir !Dios¡ a donde iremos ahora, no lo sé. Lo unico que se ve en realidad es que la música se desvía a estelas nunca imaginadas por los productores de hoy. tal vez Carl Sagan tenía razón "somos un haz de luz en comparación con la inmensidad de este universo". Hoy, esos efluvios mutan proporcional a la tecnologia.
Todo este rollo comienza para Gabriel Castro desde muy joven. El desarrollo de la musica a partir de la decada de los 90 catapulta el resurgimiento de la escena electrónica en Colombia y renueva los aires que el italo House dejaban justo cuando el acid comenzaba a resurgir dentro de los "broadcasting" nacionales. Todo esto y de la mano de grandes talentos locales llevan a Gabriel Castro a ser partícipe de esta nueva linea.Grandes promesas han estado junto a él. Andrés Macias, Steven K, Jhon Jairo Padilla, son tambien partícipes de este gran riel que busca aglutinar a través de las ondas electronicas una cultura, una filosofia, un arte plasmado a través del lenguaje de las máquinas
En la actualidad la produccion de musica es la huella que plasma el dj producer de hoy y que a través de ella enfoca su tendencia a un punto especifico de la misma. Gabriel Castro plasma en su musica lo que piensa y asimila de el mundo de hoy a través de los conceptos lounge y virando hacia aires electros y minimalizados . "La música muta, y el globo gira al ritmo de sus acciones"-Gabriel Castro
---------------------------------------------ENGLISH-------- -------------------------------------
Maybe the fact of seeing that the world turns across musical different dimensions and to see that from our childhood the electronic music especially has "mutated" across you are last decades, it sets us to look at the sky and to say! God! to where go now, I do not know it. The only thing that one sees actually(indeed) is that the music turns aside to stelas never imagined by the today producers. Maybe Carl Sagan had reason " we are a bundle of light in comparison with the immensity of this universe ". Today, these effluvia mutate proportionally to the technology.
All this roll begins for Gabriel Castro from very young. The development of the music from the decade of the 90 catapults the reappearance of the electronic scene in Colombia and renews the airs that the italo House were stopping justly when the acid began to re-arise inside the national "broadcasting". All that and of the hand of big local talents they lead Gabriel Castro to being a participant of this new line. Big local talents have been together with him. Andrés Macias, Steven K, Jhon Jairo Padilla, are also participants of this great rail that seeks to agglutinate across the electronic waves a culture, a philosophy, an art formed across the language of the machines
At present the production of music is the fingerprint that the today dj producer forms and that across her focuses his trend on a specific point of the music. Gabriel Castro forms in his music what it thinks and assimilates of the today world across the concepts lounge and changing direction towards airs electros and minimalizados. " The music mutates, and the globe Castro turns to the pace of his actions(shares) "-Gabriel Castro
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check out the new album of Gabriel Castro EFLUVIOS. Mystical experiences with new age sounds and nuances lounge transporting to you atmospheres full of textures. Buy now available on e-music, Itunes store and more

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Member Since: 11/22/2007
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Record Label: supermusic records
Type of Label: None