Member Since: 6/14/2007
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What is Oxfam?
Oxfam Ireland works with people around the world to end the injustice of poverty. We are an independent and secular not-for-profit organisation.
Oxfam Ireland is a member of Oxfam International, a confederation of thirteen independent members. The members work together to achieve greater impact by their collective efforts.
What do we believe?
Oxfam believes that all human beings have the right to a home, enough to eat, clean water, a way to make a living, education, healthcare, freedom from violence, a voice, and an identity.
What do we do?
Oxfam is many different things. It's the organisation which helps poor people to build a better future for themselves. It's the relief agency which brings help when disaster strikes. And Oxfam is the campaigner for a fairer world.
Through our work in long-term development, emergencies and campaigning, Oxfam helps people to achieve their right to a life free from poverty, suffering and injustice.
Oxfam is a global movement of PEOPLE, working to overcome poverty, suffering and injustice. People such as the volunteer in the local Oxfam shop; the community leader in Kenya helping local farmers find ways to grow more crops; the water engineer working in an emergency drought; the campaigner lobbying their local political representative on trade rules. All of these individuals make up the organisation that is Oxfam.
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