Member Since: 6/29/2005
Band Members: A myriad of friends, sub-personalities and audio experimenters_
Influences: ¤ Passionate people
¤ Art, design & media
¤ Truth and ethics
¤ Music appreciation
¤ Light Body
¤ Surfing
¤ Intricate neuron
¤ Purposeful
¤ Slowing the onset of
global warming
¤ Peace
¤ Being awake
¤ Falling asleep
¤ Health
¤ Skilled artists
¤ Tortured artists
¤ Evolutional tendencies
¤ Motivation, inspiration
¤ Translating concept
to action
¤ Swimming
¤ Geniuses
¤ Hybrid consciousness
¤ Organics
¤ Meteorology
Sounds Like: Herein exsists a collection of audio experiences. Some are soundtracks, some, experiments in sound and thought triggering, while others are simple songs with melodies and poetry.
"I have musical A.D.H.D. It's something that once hindered any art I tried to make. However with some neural rewiring, I've learnt to make the most of this parameter. The resulting music created utilises anything from attention-span theory, thematic variations, neuropsychological frequency experiments, and musical mistakes that turned out to be beautiful gliches." {veeaum}
Type of Label: None