psi particles profile picture

psi particles

We all emit them...
Ψ particles.

About Me

As the consistent birdsong circle continues its circumnavigation of this planet, an impetus of sparkling, vacuumous musical interludes and undertones start to resonate in the form of psi particles . The psi particles flow out at all angles without expectation or agenda. Some of the cloud people catch an early glimpse, as do the mind tribe. Then as ongoing time tips further sideways, the psi particles begin to form shapes. Some have honed edges and sound inverted yet harmonic. Others are translucent. The cloud people find themselves unexpectedly in windy conditions where their true nature is revealed. The mind tribe hunger for more. True, that is their way. And all the while as this unfolds, it is we that are they.
One source of these psi particle emissions is being expressed by Veeaum Suum, an artist from New Zealand. Melbourne of Oz is where he has chosen to work on some brand new intimate art—a land he found himself while travelling, a place where his peers dwell—the curious prolific. The sometimes composer, othertimes timewarp traveller has also recently discovered the joys of experimenting with aspects of architectural dance. So a journey has commenced, an exploration where etheric movement is being weaved with strands of thought tangents and energy. Combining this with inverted poetic melodies and a swooping storyteller's heart, fantastic treats are in store for the open-minded and ready. And besides, some mysterious muses are knocking a secret knock as only muses can—a pattern that hints of an ancient dance frequency brought back from the future.
"Sociology fascinates me, psycho-analysis intrigues me, and I'm an avid metaphysician devoid of a messiah complex. I enjoy waking up inside my dreams. I often travel back through time to restart a dream—just to see what the result of different decisions would be. I find destiny changing a great option. Clichés can quickly bore me with their particular style of repitition. But then that doesn't discount all clichés. Some I really like. And repitition is vital for making sense of things. Within the rate and direction of repeated cycles is where I find it all gets really interesting. There, shades of the conventional can often be found dancing with the strange—free from preconceived ideas of each other—each riding different waves on the same ocean. I'm going in, care to join me?" {veeaum}

My Interests


Member Since: 6/29/2005
Band Members: A myriad of friends, sub-personalities and audio experimenters_
Influences: ¤ Passionate people
¤ Art, design & media
¤ Truth and ethics
¤ Music appreciation
¤ Light Body
¤ Surfing
¤ Intricate neuron
¤ Purposeful
¤ Slowing the onset of
global warming
¤ Peace
¤ Being awake
¤ Falling asleep
¤ Health
¤ Skilled artists
¤ Tortured artists
¤ Evolutional tendencies
¤ Motivation, inspiration
¤ Translating concept
to action
¤ Swimming
¤ Geniuses
¤ Hybrid consciousness
¤ Organics
¤ Meteorology

Sounds Like: Herein exsists a collection of audio experiences. Some are soundtracks, some, experiments in sound and thought triggering, while others are simple songs with melodies and poetry.

"I have musical A.D.H.D. It's something that once hindered any art I tried to make. However with some neural rewiring, I've learnt to make the most of this parameter. The resulting music created utilises anything from attention-span theory, thematic variations, neuropsychological frequency experiments, and musical mistakes that turned out to be beautiful gliches." {veeaum}

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Thoughts, aeroplanes and a saying...

Looking deep into an oblong screen, my hands scene-change between alpha-tap dancing and click mousing. This moment, this gap between jobs is small, but useful. So I will quickly type some thoughts int...
Posted by psi particles on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 08:09:00 PST

...modern hunters and gatherers

I went to the supermarket the other day and found myself observing, as I, the modern hunter and gatherer slowly trollied around in grid-like formation. I circumnavigated a simple maze, passing other t...
Posted by psi particles on Sat, 17 Dec 2005 06:23:00 PST

...sugar, obesity and aging.

...obesity Now with the news exposing it moreso, obesity as a social gradient is revealing just how it will effect society, with diabetes and heart issues now affecting a younger portion of the popul...
Posted by psi particles on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 08:11:00 PST

...will bird flu lead to a vegan earth?

1st there was mad cow... now there's bird flu. While humanity is egocentrically looking at whether bird flu could jump from human to human, what about an alternate species jump? It is interesting ...
Posted by psi particles on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 07:44:00 PST