Founded in 1992, with original lineup still intact.
Album chronology in consecutive order:
"Harmful" (1995)
"Apoplexy.136" (1997)
"Counterbalance" (2000)
"Wromantic" (2001)
"Sanguine" (2003)
"Sis Masis" (2005)
"7" (2007)
Latest album "7" recorded in June 2006 with Billy Gould producing/ Flemming R. mixing.
In October, Gould joins band as second guitarist to support album "7" and tour.
Album release: Feb. 16 (Germany), March 5 (UK and rest of Europe)
The seventh album. 2007. A clear statement, no more or less than necessary. HARMFUL stands for nothing other than HARMFUL. For the seventh time in 15 years, punctuated by endless touring. An institution in Germany. A small one maybe, but still a solid one. Noiserock. Alternative. Metal... ROCK
And yet, with their first album release outside their homeland, a completely new discovery to the eyes and ears of many Europeans. Great songwriting shimmers through and the production keeps up with highest international standards: raw, lean, and transparent while simultaneously full of power and fragility-all with the confident delivery of a unit that knows what it is, and sticks to it's strengths. Perfected at the hands of mixing-legend Flemming Rasmussen, (producer of albums such as "Ride the Lightning", "Master Of Puppets" as well as "...and justice for all" for a band called METALLICA) Then there's the producer and newest member of the band -(joining the band on tour in April!) - Billy Gould, ex- bass player and founding member FAITH NO MORE, hopping into the van to tour "slightly" smaller stages again for the first time in almost 10 years. It should be obvious that money is not the driving force behind this collaboration; to repeat that well worn cliché, "it's all about the music".
In conclusion, while it's not inappropriate to consider the word 'masterpiece', and wish for the band's long overdue breakthrough, we will continue to celebrate if it fails to appear once again. If overlooked in favor of the newest trend or more impressive marketing budgets, there is little down that the band will still run strong ten, fifteen years from now. HARMFUL live by their own standards and we're looking forward to albums 8, 9 and 10.