WELCOME to www.AdoptiveParentsNetwork.com’s MySpace page. We are a network of adoptive and pre-adoptive parents who’ve come together to exchange resources, offer and seek support, learn about how the adoption process works as well as how to become the best advocates we can for our special children.
AdoptiveParentsNetwork.com was started by two adoptive moms Anna and Melissa with the support of their husbands and friends in 2007. The site is constantly growing. Currently we have:
Adoptive and Waiting Parents Community Forums
Adoption Related Articles
The APN Book Store which includes adoption related gifts
A Resources Page
Member Classifieds
…And MORE for the www.AdoptiveParentsNetwork.com community including Chat and Blogs
We invite you to visit our site and be a part of the great things that are happening.
Please check out Melissa and Anna's blogs!
New Memories by Anna
Chapters in Adoptive Parenting by Melissa
Perpectives Through My Journeys by Melissa
Adoptive Parents Network is also on Facebook and Ebay!