CaTeLysT EleVeN profile picture

CaTeLysT EleVeN

Don't.Lock.Doors.Behind.Your.Eyes.Blue,BLUE as.Sky....whereiendubegin

About Me

TRUTHTRUTHTRUTHTRUTHTRUTHTRUTHTRUTHTRUTHTRUTHTRUTHTRUTHIN LAK'ECH- I am another YOUI SEARCH FOR THOSE WHO DESIRE to live honestly sincerely with detachment.I AM A SEEKER OF TRUTHCOMPASSION & EMPATHY ACTION NOT REACTION integrity & morality ethics & reason & logic No matter what there are no justifications'WE MUST REMAKE OURSELVES WITHIN THE ETERNITY OF OUR OWN BODIES'NOW soon to travel to ca usa I am CATELYST ELEVEN An energetic intuitive empath, working in the healing arts for 10+ years, as a certified massage therapist and yoga instructor. i use loads of different healing modalities, every body is like an energetic snow flake and will respond best to different methods, a student of yogic teachings, certified by an american weekend course an onlione exam, it is certification, alas i find it lacking loads of necessary education needed to be a teacher of yoga. shwag program. left me no alternative. Now, i study. the history and different forms of yoga. thruout time. i feel the need to know more before having a class of me own. i am and have been practicing massage for ten yrs my purpose is one of service to the lunar laws of time and art, syncronicity walks with me, i am red spectral skywalker path is to be of service for the greater good, give love to all sentient beings to help - aide evolution MOTION THE CONSTANT FLUX BETWIXT THE FLITTER FLUTTER AND THE HOVER EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN, ENTICEMNET IN EVEN THE NOTION self actualization I AM ONE OF THE FAIRY CHANGLINGSHERE TO BRING IN A NEW TIME IN ITS COMPLETENESS BORN A STRANGER THE BROTHERS AND SISTERS one of the flower like children , born with a finer strength CONCENTRATED WITHIN MY NERVES WITH EYES THAT MIGHT WEEP THEMSELVES BLIND , IF THERE IS NO BEAUTY TO LOOK UPON. WITH A DESIRE FOR TRUTH THAT MIGHT MAKE ME MAD AS THE OLD PROPHETS I AM CATELYST ELEVEN red spectral skywalker lunar path elevenNOW CLEAR ALL IS ONE LIGHT&LOVE TO ALL BEINGSOM'MANI'PADME'HUNG -TIBETAN MANTRAin the mid 1990'sCatelyst-said 'i am whole on earth i am the light of heaven i am with magic and balance is where i stand' ---me own made up mantrahonesty honesty honesty sincerity sincerity sincerity detachment detachment detachment

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

THOSE WHO SEEK TRUTH IN THEMSELVES AND OTHERS the collective conscoiusnessi find humans with hearts & minds that need to have beauty to look upon, who are born with the desire for truth, that might make them mad as the old prophets, unless they are allowed to make rare music, each in their own ways to be as creative and motivated and democratic in everything they do. poets and visioary beings the artistic adventurers(sp).be nice to reconnect with me mates scattered across the globe. i love them all soooooooooooooooooooooo much mind you catelyst11I AM SEEKING THE strangers to our brothers and sisters who have a desire for truth that makes us mad as the old prophets you know who you are and what you are not i am another youlets make myspace parties happen GLOBALLY now we need to start the true connectivity thru big gatherings around th e globe ever town not one looked over. HEY ANY PARTY PROMOTERS AND PHILANTHROPIC NATURED INDIVIDULLS WHO WANT TO MAKE IT REAL. there are many avenues to bring cyber space together in form to dance ofcourse CONNECT THE FAIRY CHANGLINGS AND RAISE THE VIBRATORY ENEGRY OF LOVE MANY GLOBAL ATROCITES , PEOPLE CAN HANDLE THAT STRONG OF A NEGATIVE GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS IF THEY CHOOSE NOT TO PARTICIPATE ACROSS THE GLOBE PEOPLE IN THE USA , EVERYWHERE AS OF LATE LOSING THEIR FUCKING MINDS IN VERY NOT OKAY WAYS, AN ENERGETIC SHIFT IS NEEDED AND IF SAYING THIS MAKES ANYONE WHO READS MY PAGE THINK I AM NUTS, EAT IT, SOMEDAY YOU WILL SWALLOW IT WHOLE. those who pulse the vibratory rate of the harmonics of this universe to make RARE music THE KIND THAT pulls the souls MEMORY TO RECORD THE PERCUSSION THE KEYS THE strings, GUITARS AND HARMONIES and SWEETLY PULLS ME IN WITH ALL THE SONGS THAT SNUGGLED UP AND TUCKED themselves in meself to play any dayCALLLING ALL ANGLES WHO ARE HERE IN SERVICE TO THE GREATER WHOLE TO HELP THE TRANSITION OF THE BIOSPHERE. NOW LETS SPEAD THE LIGHT AND LOVELETS RAGE WITHOUT DELAY CREATE A NEW TIME IN IT COMPLETENESS .. height="320" width="426" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" 19714262" ..


Get your layout at Get your layout at AllLayedOut.comAdam Jeffery Ilgenfritz-AKA- Mumpsy Orlando the heathens- orlando ocal now national A-SCISSORS- aka- bRIAN cUNNINGHAM-USA-Electronic Music Radiohead -Thom Yorke, Johnny & Colin Greenwood, Ed O'Brian, Phil Selway ELLIOTT SMITH - R.I.P. NICK DRAKE-R.I.P. THOM YORKECousin Elias- Conor MacNameley and Keith ( sorry keith you sir name escapes me now)- CURRENTLY OUT OF EIREPadallock Grafts- no longer together AS IT GOES the former members will alway be inspirations to me. Mr.Matthew David Clemans PowelL Mr. Bradley Kashner Mr. Brian Cunningham Mr. Adam Jeffery Ilgenfritz Mr. James Hazley Adam BurkhartThe Heathens-Orlando local ON-CASSETTE- Orlando local The Punching Contest-Orlando localWaterJuice/VaporVent Electronic-Music By Cyril Kollock Sf CACeiba Records SF CAOllie Wisdom Austrailia DJSimon Posford, electronic music composer UK, London SPONGLE Prince.William.Sound.-Matthew Powell & Catelyst Eleven S.P.A.Z. DJ D-SYN SF, CA DJ RICHIE SF, CA DJ TURBO TED SF, CA TOO MANY TO MENTION please just keep bringing on good music breathes into ME saves the sanity THANKS TO THE HOSTS OF AMAZING ELECTRONIC WIZARDS making MUSIC that GIVES SF AND THE EAST BAY A MUSIC SCENE LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICA FOR BEING MEMATES AND MAKING THE DANCE SO ROCKIN I AM AMONG THE TALENTED CHILDREN OF THE SOIL WHO WITHER AMONGST THE BITTER DAYS OF LABOR BUT ARE EVERLASTNLY PATIENT WITH CHISEL, BRUSH, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, AND PEN WITH THE NEED TO MAKE ARE MUSIC TO BE CREATIVE IN AUTHENTIC PASSION FOR THE LOVE OF BEAUTY THAT NO WOUND CAN TAKE AWAY LOOK UP ---WWW.SPAZ.ORGJIMI HENDRIXLED ZEPPELINDeath Cab for CutieBlind MelonLeonard CohenPearl JamSinead O'ConnerDead Can DanceBILLY HOLIDAYrAY chARLESa load of the bands listed may not be out in the main sream yet, i SAID YET. they have more of a fighting chance becuz they rockmainstream media plays NO-thing but crapinside the radio minds memory bank of music and the underground talents arethe ones making the music that has the sounds that'll get we are gonna get you on the edge of the seat then up off your ass ''we'll get you my pretties"


Napoleon Dynamite Dance Scene

Napoleon's vote for pedro skit.

SNL - Will Ferrell - Get On The Bag

.. height="350" width="425" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" 495178236943&hl=en" ..
An SNL sketch with Will Ferrell

John Lennon, Eric Clapton & Jimi Hendrix Band - Yer Blues (Rolling Stones Rock & Roll Circus 68)

.. height="350" width="425" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" 5910935174506&hl=en" ..
John Lennon, Eric Clapton & Jimi Hendrix Band - Yer Blues (Rolling Stones Rock & Roll Circus 68)

BOB marley Tuff Gong Studio 1980 pimpers paradise (vhs) (4.45 min)

.. height="350" width="425" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" 3766134482561&hl=en" ..
BOB marley Tuff Gong Studio 1980 pimpers paradise (vhs) (4.45 min)

Elliott Smith 2:45 a.m.

.. height="350" width="425" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" 611701961546&hl=en" ..
05.26.00 - metro - chicago, il

Radiohead - You

.. height="350" width="425" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" 167267949927&hl=en" ..
A Live Performance Of You By Radiohead Featuring Only Thom And Jonny


Jon Stewart brilliantly deconstructs Bush - "WHAT exactly is the President's job?"

.. height="350" width="425" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" 503319989657&hl=en" ..
Daily Show clips.


Alice Walker- poetry rocks my world rilke all poetry written by donner earth man star thrower( my personal bible)- by nicholas vachel lindsay 1911 MISTS OF AVALON -MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY everything ever done by dan joy everything by david sedaris and sister amy the book of thoth reference books for astrology numerology all books by jose arguellos eckhart tolle alan watts


Carolynn myss alan watts timothy leary dan joy harry and jo leggett(me mum and dad) matt me jack(my cat) turtle julie blum tanya endora dockery elliott smith radiohead alex grey elsa poulson brian cunningham pink floyd mark keeling conor macnamely malachy o'brien humans who strive to better know themselves and learn. those with eyes opened wide, multiple perception. those who look from as many angles hyper active angelic nomadic fantastic xtremists off the wing and out of their trees i bow down to the children of talented soiljo leggett rob brezny walt whitman duane michals julie blum terrence McKenna mark keeling jennifer fuller food not bombs gavin newsom ee cummings emily dickenson NICHOLAS VACHEL LINDSAY george bernard shaw mumia ab jumal leonard pelltier gandhi u2 thom yorke ralph nader janis joplin john cleese joseph campell aldous huxley bill clinton john stewart.. steven colbert martin luther king junior elliott smith Matthew powell adam jeffery ilgenfritz ascissors the heathens the kinks thebeatlesin case any one decides to steal my words they are all copyrighted so if you like being sued and ruined go for it! back on to nicer subjects... i have not had my own home with a tv in it for over 15 years
Name: catelyst eleven
Birthday: january 16 1973
Birthplace: conceived in marin co., ca we moved at 7 months in womb born in pgh pa
Current Location: pgh pa
Eye Color: blue/green depend on the moon
Hair Color: honey brown/blond and reddish highlights
Height: 5'3"
Right Handed or Left Handed: right dominant, (SP) ambidexterious
Your Heritage: irish / russian
The Shoes You Wore Today: none
Your Weakness: not being present
Your Fears: i am in the process of transending myself, fear no longer reigns free over my being
Your Perfect Pizza: once in awile
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: to resume my astranga yoga practice everyday
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: wouldn't know i don't IM
Thoughts First Waking Up: get up, look out window
Your Best Physical Feature: eyes & body
Your Bedtime: random
Your Most Missed Memory: my very recently deceased friend jenn smith fuller, all the things we did together all the things we won't do now cuz she is dead.
Pepsi or Coke: neither, carbonated drinks are the most dehydrating thing one can drink.
MacDonalds or Burger King: neither, i don't want to support their industries
Single or Group Dates: as of recent i am in a long distance relationship?
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: chai tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: both
Cappuccino or Coffee: neither
Do you Smoke: sometimes
Do you Swear: i am really cutting back, it takes away from what i am saying.
Do you Sing: who doesn't? yes, in all fairnesss i sing in a band even
Do you Shower Daily: ofcourse,bath at nite too
Have you Been in Love: yes
Do you want to go to College: yes and no i have completed some
Do you want to get Married: maybe later, i think its unwise to marry before you'e in your 30's at least
Do you belive in yourself: indeed i can now say o do i truly belive in me
Do you get Motion Sickness: not really
Do you think you are Attractive: i've alwys been told i am and if i do say so , i am not ugly
Are you a Health Freak: in a way
Do you get along with your Parents: yes, me mum pushes me buttons more then me dad, but i love her no less
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes
Do you play an Instrument: yes
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no
In the past month have you Smoked: yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no, i ate some paul newmans oreo remake
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: regretfully no
In the past month have you been on Stage: no
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no, gave up anything that may compromise my freedom long time ago. incarseration sucks
Ever been Drunk: way back in the day
Ever been called a Tease: not really
Ever been Beaten up: got in a fight once, i was clearly too strong for me own good, good ting me mum ripped me off the bitch, she was lieing to me about drugs and left a syringe on the toilet at my mom's this was many years ago. i try not to be violent
Ever Shoplifted: when iwas a teenager, its a passsing thing, its not a good idea to be a thief when you are older. i know
How do you want to Die: as i will
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: i am a grown up, and i am what i want to be, i am of service to this universe, i am an altruistic energetic masssage therapist and yogi in training
What country would you most like to Visit: iceland
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: blue orgreen
Favourite Hair Color: brown or red brown
Short or Long Hair: either
Height: 5'8"-6'
Weight: 137-144?
Best Clothing Style: thats surfacce
Number of Drugs I have taken: everything but PCP
Number of CDs I own: countless
Number of Piercings: i am hyper sensitive to metels in my body, allergic
Number of Tattoos: two
Number of things in my Past I Regret: none

My Blog

i am stopping thought

'i AMtherefore i think.'i am restored to this moment,such a amazing time to be alive.the first in 'recorded history' that we are able to see we create our reality.questioning the 'individual' 'i 'choo...
Posted by CatELySt eLeVeN on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 10:37:00 PST

i might dissolve dissapear

china doll its only fractured just a lil nervous from the fall
Posted by CatELySt eLeVeN on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 12:01:00 PST

pittsburgh myspace incarnate

Jan 8, 2007 1:57 PMSubject Pittsburgh Area MySpace Meetup With Karaoke, Every Tuesday!!Body: Pittsburgh Area MySpace Meetup With Karaoke, Every Tuesday!!Hosted By: PGH_MYSPACE_MEETUP: Please Repost ...
Posted by CatELySt eLeVeN on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 02:02:00 PST

a little insight to how i got the name catelyst eleven

THIS IS A RESPONSE TO THE QUESTIONWHAT IS A CATELYST ELEVENglad you asked, seems to be the topic of the week here on myspace.i should blog this so to answer everyone at the same time.people might actu...
Posted by CatELySt eLeVeN on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 12:13:00 PST


motionmovement- in flight-the constant fluxStimulas Sways Even the Deeply rooted TREES,SHIFTING at the BREAKof DAYImpels one to writea few slightly colored thoughts to tellto get out of your purest ...
Posted by CatELySt eLeVeN on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 10:02:00 PST

dancing on the highway

here if you want me listening so closefrom far awaymemorize what you told melike a foreigner on holidayno smilethat confusiondon't forget the soul that smiles on me dancing on the highwaybroken line...
Posted by CatELySt eLeVeN on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 12:38:00 PST


22 Dec 06 Friday 12:11 PM - connectednessCurrent mood: artisticCategory: Friends for those of you who have a wee bit of time to myspace out, HAVE A LOOK AND/OR A LISTEN TO THE ARTISTS IN ME TOP 24list...
Posted by CatELySt eLeVeN on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 09:11:00 PST

the truth ensures a basic blueprint

am i waiting for alice in wonderlandto retransmit to me her total dream of innocencetell stories to burden yourselflieing takes to much planningthe truth ensures a basic blueprintready for retrievalat...
Posted by CatELySt eLeVeN on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 08:14:00 PST

white electric wizard

white electric wizardKin 94white wizardmirrortimelessnessroot chakraor december 18 2006light and love catelyst elevenred spectral skywalkerhun la hun ben...
Posted by CatELySt eLeVeN on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 06:28:00 PST

i fix my page and the neew song is mumpsy

go the fuck to home im tired
Posted by CatELySt eLeVeN on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:26:00 PST