Myspace Layouts at / Starlight
Myspace Layouts at / Starlight
drawing, painting, photography, poetry, nature, dreaming, magik, all forms of music/art, drumming, singing/harmonizing, dancing, animals,change and balance, change and balancing again and again...
artists - of all genre, fun people, cre8tive souls, think outside a box, individuals...seems like weeks have passed ... have witch's spells been cast ? I reach out my hand an icey darkness strokes it I envoke it staring with warm eyes it melts - turns to dew drops and bright sun appears... i taste her hand - it is supple and sweet , honey or maybe jam from her muffin somethin I turn to see her brush stroke - rich vibrant colour washes through me and I feel tuned, my idle smooth purring in a loud silent moment, donuts cocaine blue rain I lick my fingers again and her hair falls across my chest - I feel her breath lips squeesed press together a bit like leather emotion burns I turn again another stroke - she blows a kiss a hiss and a serpant of heat up my spine kundalini fire aspire inside i feel her - she turns and bends her skin on muscle against me as we delve and the waves swell we grow and cells create rejuvinateshe waves good bye another brush stroke swings her hand and away the colours make clouds as the sun sets - no bets hinged on a shingle her golden globe artist canvas unveil ...
i like so much - trance and ska and hip hop as I LOVE to dance - but oh so much more ...
Ones that make you think and be more....
movies - mostly
don't read much - i should...
my mom was amazing - i have some artist friends - that are also amazing : )