hardplay profile picture



About Me

Ciao mi chiamo Elia, da più di 30 anni suono la batteria e da sempre con la mia band "The Spread" suoniamo Rock, diciamo che mi occupo di musica in generale. Perchè ho scelto hardplay come nome d'arte ? semplice perchè i miei amici dicono che picchio duro sui tamburi!
Da 2 anni mi occupo di registrazioni live/demo con una postazione di HDR mobile.
Mi trovo su myspace per fare nuove amicizie,per networking e per far ascoltare qualcosa di mio. Come sport amo andare in MTB e fare footing !

I pezzi che potete ascoltare e anche scaricare fanno parte di una suite e dovrebbero esere ascoltati in sequenza.
L'ultimo brano, che è uno dei primi pezzi che ho composto , in origine era diviso in due tracce separate, per motivi di continuità ho preferito unirle.
Se volete potete lasciarmi un commento e farmi sapere cosa ne pensate oppure semplicemente lasciare un saluto
First of all i want to say hello and thank you to everyone visiting my page, second in no way do i want to sell you anything or convince you to buy a cd or even come and see me live lol!!!
This is all for fun and i'm here to make new friends worldwide, sure i've got some music upped and sure you are free to download the tracks and the artwork, that's why it's here
Now let me tell you who i am ................
my name is Elia, some people call me Elio and some english friends even call me Leo!, in art i call myself "hardplay", that's coz my friends say i beat hell out of my drums,but inside i'm really butter lol.....next
I play drums in a rock band, i also play (or try) some other instruments. I'm also involved with HD recording with my friend and Bass player Giuseppe Salomone . .
When i have some free time (never) i try to sort out some solo stuff !
I was born in the Uk, now i'm living in sunny south Italy in a very pleasent and small town called San Michele di Serino (AV). I love mtbiking !
"Moon Can Dance" is a 3 track ambient/new age Suite, it should be played by track order, that's how it came to life and evolved and in my opinion i think that you will appreciate the list .
Many friends have told me that they play this EP when they need to relax, some even fall off to sleep a couple of people have even used my music to help their kids fall to sleep!!, well i hope that you all tip off at the end of the suite ;)
"Voyage - Going Home" is a travel through space, a space vessel that's finding it's way to home. In origin it was a two track project, but then i decided to join them up to give it more continuaty.
Please listen to or download my music, i hope you enjoy it :)
Any comments welcome ;)
If you can't download my music from "myspace.com" then please feel free to visit my webpage, go to the "Media" page for alternative downloads.
.. Download all Artwork, right-click the "Moon" image , use the "Save Target As" option to save the Zip file to your computer. NOTE - ARTWORK you can download the artwork from the "PIC" section under "Artwork"
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"A world without drummers is like a world without a heart"
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This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b

My Interests


Member Since: 6/23/2005
Band Website: pureportals.com/hardplay
Band Members: me,myself i
Influences: David Bowie, Kraftwerk, R. Sakamoto, Mysia, Brian Eno, G.E.N.E.,Shadowfax , 70's rock, prog rock/new wave/punk/glam/space rock etc etc
Sounds Like: hardplay, Sakamoto and Eno mixed together
Record Label: Home made
Type of Label: None