Leeds Flash Crowd does not condone illegal activities and depends on all members of this site abiding by British laws and regulations. This is a support group for leeds flash mobs. Each Participant has individual responsibility as a citizen and must verify that their actions are legal. Flash crowd site suggestions are taken from all its members! Bulletins remain suggestions only rather than instructions and Leeds Flash Crowd myspace site will take no responsibility for the actions of individuals on their own merit or as groups.
everybody very quickly, at once for a few minutes!Please friend add on here weather or not you are a participant! Please also give your ideas for an event!
yes maybe... if you folks think of something interesting enough!
"Flash Crowd" is a 1973 English language short story by science fiction author Larry Niven, one of a series about the social consequence of inventing an instantaneous, practically free transfer booth that could take one anywhere on Earth in milliseconds. One consequence not predicted by the builders of the system, was that with the almost instantaneous reporting of newsworthy events, tens of thousands of people worldwide would flock to the scene of anything interesting — along with criminals, hoping to experience or exploit the instant disorder and confusion so created. In various other books, for example Ringworld, Larry Niven suggests that easy transportation might be disruptive to traditional behavior and open the way for new forms of parties, spontaneous congregations or shopping trips around the world.