Casting a light in the dark, on places you haven't seen, & things that you haven't done before. Making people see their city in a different light. Fooling people, scaring people a little bit. But MAKING THEM SEE LEEDS IN A DIFFERENT LIGHT. Making this a better place to live.
THIS MYSPACE EXISTS TO RECRUIT PEOPLE. People who want to do the same things as me. People who want to get involved, artists, performers, musicians, writers, or people who just want to be punters on October 12th, 2007.
Last year, the Magenta String Quartet played in the secret room at the top of the Town Hall Clocktower. But yes, a lot more music, of any kind, as long it is played by musicians from Leeds in places where people don't expect to hear it... Churches, galleries, tunnels & holes. You suggest it. I will see what I can do. We didn't have any DJs involved last year. Any DJs want to get involved? I'm looking at you, Dan & Rich.
Yeah yeah yeah. EXP24 did a night of Avant Garde films & live music in a hole in the Dark Arches. Anything. As long as it doesn't last for two hours. People have a lot else to go & see... Make it short. Make it good. Don't show it in a cinema.
Well, as long as it's not televisions in people's living rooms & bedrooms. THAT IS NOT ALLOWED. We can nick the BBC Big Screen on Millennium Square & show what we like on it (no swearing or porn though. Kids are welcome to Light Night). This year the Institute for Crazy Dancing showed news that was not the news (THIS IS NOT THE NEWS FROM THE BBC) that was full of love & dancing. The kind of news that you want to hear. AND BIG, TOO! If you make it, I can do my best to put it up there.
Yes yes yes. Last year, I gave out thousands of free books. They were all new stories. People thought I was mad, or religious. Religious, more than anything.
From 2006, the Institute for Crazy Dancing ( & Imprint Theatre Company, who were responsible for the picture on the background of this myspace ( For 2007, anyone, literally anyone, who is willing to get off their arses & do or see something in Leeds City Centre that you wouldn't normally see in Leeds City Centre on a Friday night.