Lisa profile picture


When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.

About Me

I am a girl.. but please dont hold that against me, i'm not a typical girl.. although I love shoes, make-up, dressing up, kittens and steve from T4.. (i know that sounds kinda full on "girl" but I dont act like a total girly... Well Maybe I do.. Sometimes!?!But I'm not a girly girl.. I'm a professional. Take me seriously or suffer my wrath.. (when I say Wrath..I tickle like a MO FO)I am Tall, but not freakishly.. I have brown hair but sometimes I like to be blonde! At the minute it is brown and blonde!.. Did I mention I like shoes? I like shoes and yes this does border on obsession. I wish I was born in another era, but not sure which one.I appreciate old stuff just as much as new.. would love to own a 1960's split screen VW camper Van and go on the hippy trail.. with a head full of acid and a pocket full of dreams.. but i'm currently on the hunt for a MGB Roadster with Chrome Bumpers? If anyone has one for sale?I like throwin shapes on the dance floor, I used to be a dancer! But now there is alot of jumpin about like an idiot to bands! I prefer live music, but a lot can be said for wonderfully constructed album! AMEN to Abbey Road!I highly recommend a band called DIE VIDEO DIE.. in my friends lists.. and also THE DHARMA.. I havent been paid to say that.. but I figured everyone else plugs their mates bands on this thing.. so why not?
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My Interests

I like listening to music, chilling out and being in the company of good friends. Dancing and singing... painting and writing badly.. and when I get round to it playing Bass even worse!


powered by frazy.comBasically... Funky...punky...soul..blues..rock..pop.. hipperty hop..dreamy..techno..Dub.. Reggae.."I span all the genres" Just Keep it creative and pure! Or catchy.. :-) Music should groove, have attitude, talent and most of all passion.. I accept the concepts of balance Yin-Yang some good music in the world means we have to have some bad! everyone just get on with it...I could go into a really long list of people here.. but its far to say that is pointless when you like a helluva lot of different artists.. I couldn't even top 10 them.. It's very eclectic..


I like tripy/art movies.. twisted humour..Martial Arts, Gangsta..Bestest films...Fear and loathing in las vegas.. please see books! Big labowski, Back to the Future, Team America, Pulp Fiction, Napolean Dynamite, Rambo, Fight Club, Ferris Bullers day off, Beatles Yellow submarine.. 'i've got a hole in my pocket' Priceless!! . Gosh... I like things that go Kabluey.. Like Rambo..or I like films that include lots of fighting.. but only necessary violence like Samari films or fight club, that violence is totally necessary, and films where men are men and yield substantial swords.. Not the No limits triology for all you porn fiends.. more like Men in skirts fighting till the death! Or lots of Ass Cap Poppin!

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Mighty Boosh.. Been there from the Start! Vic and Bob..Nathan Barley...Peep Show...Lost...Project Runway/Catwalk..Family Guy..Scrubs...Brass Eye..Monty Python..South Park....Simpsons..Silly Stuff Basically!


The hippies.. although it never quite worked! Ms Diestler, my primary school music teacher, who first inspired me to get into music.. and took us to Steel Band compettions.. and conducted us to victory! Everyone who works for the NHS.. and has to endure all the mindless abuse off idiots who expect the world.. and contribute nothing towards it!!

My Blog

wandering and wondering

Wandering and wondering what the month may have in store. The life I once had familiar, exists to me no more. You think you know me, or know me for what your sure Come along, and see me, i'll show y...
Posted by Lisa on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 05:53:00 PST

Mushroom Cupa Soups are Evil!!

Cupa soups can warm the soul, a simple dish without a bowl. beware the evil ones they've planted, that quite frankly taste so rancid, I have nothing against fungus.. it helps rainforrests grow, brin...
Posted by Lisa on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 05:53:00 PST

For you...

for you to see me you have to open your eyes. for you to hear me you have to listen for you to touch me you have to feel for me for you to taste me you have to lick me for you to make me smile you n...
Posted by Lisa on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 05:55:00 PST


why would you ask me what can you do? when I dont know what I can? People around me say its all OK why would they not? Ask yourself why and you tell yourself lies because no one knows why, especially ...
Posted by Lisa on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 06:17:00 PST

The wilderness

One day you are walking through the wilderness and everything is lovely. You see the birds singing, the flowers blooming and the joy of the world around you. The next day all you see is dog shit! &nb...
Posted by Lisa on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 06:16:00 PST


Is there anyone else who is getting a little bit annoyed at having to come to work.. And consequently pay the dole scum to sit out in their tracksuit bottoms turning a radioactive shad...
Posted by Lisa on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 05:24:00 PST


We have two new Kittypuss. They dont have any names as yet so suggestions are welcome.  ...
Posted by Lisa on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 06:28:00 PST