Music, shopping, coffee, reading magazines and I am a real gym addict
I like to meet anyone who has a real passion for the goals in their life. I would love to meet David Bowie, George Michael, Julia Roberts, Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Lauren Bacall, Prince William & Conan O'Brien, Also Chris Angel, Al Pacino & Bruce Willis. I just love meeting musicians from all walks of life, and I always give the muso on the street corner my change.
Rock, funk and jazz. Double or Nothing, Take 5, Juke Kartel, Velvet Revolver, Guns & Roses & Tori Horgan and her sister Georgia Horgan, The Avi Sol. Kylie and I love techno and disco (heh I was young through the seventies and eighties)
I love movies so much, especially horror and suspense but just about anything you put in front of me I will watch. My favourites are Gone with the Wind and Titanic, I could watch them over and over
Entourage, Rock Star, Brothers & Sisters, Life of Brian, Lost, 24 and Prison Break. I also love the news and the E Entertainment channel, Scarred
I love autobiographies by movie stars but I am more of a magazine addict
My husband, my two sons and especially my mum