Drew!!! profile picture


People Don't think I know a buttload of crap about the gospel... but I dooo

About Me

I am a super easy going guy, that is in the middle of a divorce, we just got married on 7-7-7. I love to have fun, love to joke around, ohh and Gambling is the coolest... especially Craps!I play bass for the Juke Joint Gamblers and Bubba Speed. I also play sax-a-ma-phone, and rock harder than your grandma after thanksgiving dinner!!! I love snow... and rain... and sun (cept for when it's hot!!!) Stupid sun always got's to try to warm us up... ohh warm us up mister sun that's it, I want skin cancer... I want to have leather skin... Grr... ohh wait yea... I like the sun.Snowboarding is a huge passion of mine even though I have missed the last two seasons. I love a new powder day, when you go into the tree's and watch your board go under then come back out of the snow!!! Amazing!!I love going to bars... ohh and camping! Umm... yea... I am going to learn to surf this year, cause I live close enough to the ocean to do so... :PPPP to all my friends back home!!! Well yea... wanna know more... aks me.

My Interests

Cartoons, Adult Swim, Surfing the Net, Hanging Out, Stuff, Looking for Sasquatch, Hunting Ghosts, Staying away from aliens, snowboarding, dancing, cemetarys, B-movies, mokeys midgets and robots in that order, mixing drinks, cooking, entertaining friends, making people laugh, stand up comedy... watching not performing, would you rather, million dollar game, kickin' stuff, butt rock kareoke, throwing the metal sign, mooning stuff, Rock and or Roll, zombies, lady frankenstein, dice, cards, spinning wheels with a ball that land on a random number, shows, swings, parks after dark... specally the playground, not being raped by bottles JOSH, drinkin, hiking, people watching, lookin at stuff, stuff n stuff, umm... and much, much more

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone, ESPECIALLY PEOPLE GOING TO VIVA LAS VEGAS... Ohh and people that want to SNOWBOARD!!!...and the guy that I didn't want to meet before... you know the one back there in the corner... ohh come here... I'll show ya luvs! View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


Deke Dickerson, Big Sandy, Calavera, Hillbilly Hellcats, Flogging Molly, Thursday, Don't Look Down, Relient K, Jurrasic 5, The Roots, Pharcide, Revrend Horton Heat, Streetlight Manifesto, Elvis, Saves The Day, Los Straightjackets, The Rat Pack, Tony Bennet, Farewell My Enemy, Dean Martin, Mad Sin, Calvara, Taking Back Sunday, Phil Collins, Genesis, Coheed and Cambria, Roger Miller, Frank Sinatra, Lovefist, AC/DC, Bon Jovi


Saved, Kill Bill, Motel Hell, Swingers, Pulp Fiction, Billy Maddison, Pirates of the Carribian, Any B-rated Movie, Mae


Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, Space Ghost, Brak Show, History's Mistory's, Monster Garage, Family Movies, Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Monster House, Sopranos


Harry Potter, Books about the paranormal, Pop-Ups, and the Bible... hmm... mixing them all together.... interesting thought!


Phil Collins... who the hell doesn't look up to that guy! Walter Payton... the sweetness. George Kastansa, that's who I model myself after. And Jesus.

My Blog

Green with envy.... (complete with my irish drinking song)

One year ago today.... I got up on stage at a Hot Rod Carl show, about halfway through their set... after working with jake all week rehersing the song, "Question" By the old 97’s. It’s st...
Posted by Drew!!! on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:23:00 PST

Open for Businessssssssssssssss!!!!

I have started a business, and if your interested WE ARE OPEN!!!!PDX PrintsWe do custom screen printing for things like...T-Shirts, mens and LadiesStickersFlagsPatchesFlyersAnd much MUCH more... if yo...
Posted by Drew!!! on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:42:00 PST

Tired of being belittled

I am feeling like hell today... I am contuinuesly called some of the most hurtfull things, and today again, had to go through it. I was called a Fat, Pathetic, Looser. This isn't the worst I've been c...
Posted by Drew!!! on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:13:00 PST

For Sickness and In Health....

I am feeling so low at the bottom of my barrel. I am facing one of the worst times of my life... and trying to put on a smile. I can't...I am not writing for sympathy, or for help... it's more just be...
Posted by Drew!!! on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 03:12:00 PST

Ill ne 30 in 21 days... YIKES!!!!

So for my 30th b-day, Audree and I were talking... but I want to know... who would be interested in going to a cabin in the mountains with me for my B-day? I want to split the cost of whatever it wou...
Posted by Drew!!! on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 11:51:00 PST

just a peice of paper....

So as you all know right now, I am getting married! Just a month and a half away... and something I keep hearing from so many people in our generation, is " marriage!?!... Why would you want to do tha...
Posted by Drew!!! on Fri, 25 May 2007 11:42:00 PST

Addy's and Phone #'s!!!!

Hello peeps... I need all your addresses... this is the last call, so if you want a invite... DO IT NOW, and I just got a new phone soooo.... I need numbers. Or CALL ME!!! -Drew
Posted by Drew!!! on Sat, 19 May 2007 07:51:00 PST

It's official!!!

Yes it is official, last night on stage at Hot Rod Carls show, I got up durring the middle of their set and Proposed!  The night started like any other St. Patty's Day. I made corned beef and cab...
Posted by Drew!!! on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 01:58:00 PST

I got tagged... so damn it... here we go... Thanks Kristen

Once you have been tagged, write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose five people to be tagged, list their names and why you tagged them. Do not forg...
Posted by Drew!!! on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 11:14:00 PST

Sad Day.....

Well, my Bears did amazing this year, and really looked good in the first half. It was a great run, and unfortunatly they just couldn't pull it off in the end. But here is to all of the great plays an...
Posted by Drew!!! on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 08:28:00 PST