Joaq'ams profile picture


Every crotch is a sunny sky.

About Me

First off let me tell you that we are the facilitators of our own creative evolution. Don't limit anything you do.I love Horror, Beer, Eating shit that could kill small children, Anime, Comics, I'm a Video Game Junkie as of right now God of War is one of the most amazing game EVER MADE! Tattoos, Art, Writing, Creating, Creating sections of art and writings, I love to read, photography, Japan, I can't live without music. Expanding my knowledge of everything. I can quote more movies than you. I know the lyrics to 50,579,897 songs, some of which are great songs. I have watched X-Files for 12 hours straight, and played a video game for 48 straight hours, and don't care who knows it (The game was Fallout 2.) If you want to know more just ask me.Also my friends and family are everything to me.I am the bastard byproduct of The Zodiac Killer and Traci Lords, and this is my story.

My Interests

Horror, B movies, Zombie Movies, My Lovely Kristen, Tattoos, Music is my muse, Video Games, Film Making, Art, Drawing, Writing, Photography, Gore films,True Crime, Serial Killers,Crimnology, Papts Blue Ribbion, Ghost Hunting, The Paranormal, UFO's, Fangoria, Anime, Bettie Page,Comics, Kevin Smith, Japan, McFarlane toys, Mythology, Occult any thing that can expand my knowledge. My reason for believing in love again. She is my world.

I'd like to meet:

Mike Patton, Miyamoto Musashi, and Hunter S. Thompson. ..


Anything by Mike Patton: Fantomas, Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, Peeping Tom, Kadaa Patton, Lovage Tool: Opiate-Aenima Tori Amos Lords of Acid, Ministry, Acid Bath, Tom Waits, Mindless Self Indulgence , Johnny Cash, Hank Willams, Pink Floyd, Goat Whore, The Gorillaz, Janes Addiction, The Blood Brothers, The Doors, The Clash, Green Jello, Misfits, Danzig, Louie Armstrong, Dead Milkmen, My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult, Mazzy Star, The Ramones, The Pillows Madness, AC/DC, Oingo Boingo, Martika, Blondie, Samhain, System of a Down, Tristania, THE PIXIES, Refused, 3 INCHES OF BLOOD, The Pharcyde, A Perfect Circle, Cradle of Filth, Authority Zero, Project Pitchfork, RUN DMC Eazy-E, N.W.A, Bad Religion, Lovage, Guttermouth, KMFDM, NIN, Gwar, WHITE ZOMBIE Rob Zombie, Pantera, Tupac, Wu Tang Clan Marilyn Manson, Stabbing Wesward, Dillinger Escape Plan, Vast, Digital Underground, Converge, Melt Banana Slayer, OutKast, Hank III, Ass Jack, Dropkick Murpheys Gito-Gito Hustler Floggin Molly, The Buissness, Social D, Frank Black, Killswitch Engage, Pro-Pain, Public Emeny, Zard, Ice-Cube, Onyx, Hi-C, Anime Music, Video Game Music, Dimmu Borgir, Joan Jett, The Grass Roots, Leonard Cohen. The greatest album ever made is Kaada Patton- Romances


Anthing with alot of bloody, stabby, cutty, dimembery, deflowery, sacreligousy, brain splattery goodness. Heres a small lists that grows every day. ANYTHING THAT TAKASHI MIIKE TOUCHES!!!! Anime: Vampire Hunter D, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Ghost in the Shell, Wicked City Akira, Samurai X, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, FLCL, Evangelion, Trigun, Hellsing, Vampire Princess Miyu, Slayers, Ranma 1/2, Those Who Hunt Elves, Love Hina, Neo-Tokyo, Tenchi, Sorcerer Hunters, Gasaraki, Devil Man, The Professional, Fist of the North Star, Cat Girl Nuku-Nuku, Doomed Megalopolis, Goldenboy, Blood: The last Vampire, Devil Lady, 3X3 Eyes, Devil Hunter Yohko, Burn Up W and many more. Movies: Star Wars, Evil Dead 1 & 2, House of 1000 Corpses, all zombie flicks like Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead ( the Original), Day of the Dead, Dead Alive & Re-Animator, Coen brother films, Freddy Vs. Jason, SIN CITY, Cube, Texas Cainsaw Massacre (the original), Cemetary Man, Kill Bill, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Lock, Stock and two smoking barrels, Snatch, Se7en, Fight Club, It's Alive, Witchboard 1-3, Night of the Demons 1-3, Slither, Hard Candy, Little Miss Sunshine, Clerks II, Friday the 13th series, Soilent Green, Hellraiser series, Halloween series, Nightmare on elm street series, Pump up the Volume, Labyrinth, The Fog, They Live, 2,000 Maniacs, Monster Squad,The Burbs, Blood Feast 1 & 2, ALL John Wayne, All Sonny Chiba, Dairo Argento Movies, Raising Arizona, Big Lebowski, Donnie Darko, Goonies, Suicide Club, Wild Zero, OLDBOY, Volcano High, KUNG FU HUSTLE, SHAOLIN SOCCER, Hero, Battle Royale, Bio-Zombie, Attack the Gas Station, Stacy, The Last Life in the Universe, Ju-On, Ringu, Ringu 2, Ringu 0, The Ring, ICHI THE KILLER, Gozu, Visitor Q, Happiness of the Katarkirus, One Missed Call, Three Extreams, Spiderman 1&2 Ghostbusters 1 & 2 ALL John Huges movies, Kung Fu movies and much more.


Family Guy, Married...With Children, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Twin Peaks, South Park, Liquid Television, Red Dwarf, The Maxx, Space Ghost, Cops and Worlds Widest Police Video, Most Extreme Challange, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Futurama, The History Channle, Reno 911, Court TV, Fawlty Towers, The Young Ones, Beavis and Butthead.


Anything from H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe, Clive Barker, Chuck Palahniuk, Hunter S. Thompson, and Tom Robbins. Zodiac, By Reason of Insainty, Animal Farm, 1984, Catcher in the Rye, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Enders Game, The Giving Tree actually All Shel Sliverstein. Where the Wild Things Are, If Chins Could Kill, books on serial killers, Criminology, Abnormal Psycology, Criminal Investigation, Demonology, Mythology, Dante's Inferno, Paradice Lost, and Game Design.


People who have made my life better just by who they are. People who have held me together when I needed it. Friends and family who never gave up on me, never turned their back, and never looked away. The ones who never gave up and the ones who never let go. So to my mother, Kristen, Patty, Breanna, Shana, Emily, Hernan, Tanis, my father, Jared, Jenny, and everyone else: Thank you.

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My Blog

Mr. Mouse and the Row Boat Charade.

A rowboat charade with ribbons and thread. Left Mr. Dave Mouse all tied up and wet. Nothing too big but a damp ego boost. Lifted with cotton, and tied with a noose. He follows his dreams with a sm...
Posted by Joaquin on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 01:30:00 PST

Textures of Twilight.

"It's a strange world we live in." She says these words, while staring at the ceiling making faces out of shadows. Her formality is nothing more than a faint breeze. Kissing my shoulders, with the t...
Posted by Joaquin on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 03:26:00 PST

Mordancy Turning Pantomime

Walking on feet that jump at the sight of their own shadows really gets you nowhere. Crisp, clean, and probably gets better gas mileage than a standard conversation. But, in the end, it's always the...
Posted by Joaquin on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 04:16:00 PST

The Virgin Birth of a Sleeping Geisha

From a path of digital logic, comes something I never thought I would see. Sleeping in giant fields of ones and zeros, creating patterns to form a perfect shape. Taken with the sharpness of eyes, sm...
Posted by Joaquin on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 03:52:00 PST

The Red Chambers of a Phallus Memory

While this memory rips the sky open, you never expect to see a place like this. So long, light in weight, like an false decision that needs help crying out. Fuck me. Slaughter me. Spread legged, sod...
Posted by Joaquin on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 02:58:00 PST

Naked Dreams for Fields of Clay

In a world where nothing seems to matter anymore, something always finds you here. No guidance, no pattern, nothing but blind senses. The fact of knowing isnt more than sufficient, its the precision...
Posted by Joaquin on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:18:00 PST

To The Mouth of Kanickie

Staring into open spaces made her dizzy. Always had glassy eyes at the sight of an endless landscape. "To open this is an adventure."Her words melt like sugar cane in the summer heat. This was always ...
Posted by Joaquin on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 09:16:00 PST

The Dismal Dance of Helen Arsenic

The day held little to no promise, dark clouds loomed overhead like a prying lover, and the wind held a chill that had razor sharp teeth. These days always bring the best, she thought as she pulled a ...
Posted by Joaquin on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 02:58:00 PST

Origammi Facial Scars Part Three: Final Section

"Of good and evil much they argued then, Of happiness, and final misery, Passion, and apathy, and  glory, and shame, Vail in wisdom all, and false philosophy; Yet with a pleasing scorcery, could...
Posted by Joaquin on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 07:44:00 PST

Origammi Facial Scars Part Two: The Tapes

Case follows Setup follow through Section Two: The Tapes. Transcipt of Tapes is as follows. Witness: Unknown Location: Unknown Subjects: <Censord> Written By: Male Subject Side A Page break i...
Posted by Joaquin on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 03:44:00 PST