Golf, independent films, politics, books, chess, trivia and logic games.
I don't really give a damn. I just hated having my page blank.
I absolutely love music. You will be hard pressed to find a genre of music from which I do not have at least a couple of songs. I have everything from broadway musicals to rap to country and african music. I love it all.
I love independent films. The latest film that I saw and loved was Brick. Any film that makes you think and that can spawn an intelligent conversation. Some of my favorites include Quills, Hard Candy and Priscilla Queen of the Desert.
Sports. I love to watch football and golf. I am a Sports Center addict.
I have been working my way through the classics. I loved 1984 and Catcher in the Rye. Though most of my friends hate it, I also do like books by John Grisham, Steven Frey and James Patterson.
It is hard for me to define my heroes. My father has been the greatest influence on my life. He is the one who taught me to use logic and reason. I respect the work of many people but I cannot consider them my heroes.