Heaven 17 - BEF profile picture

Heaven 17 - BEF

The First "Temptation"

About Me

From Glenn.................... From A Hazy Memory Picture thisA cold and rainy November night in Sheffield.After a night of fun in the Hallamshire Hotel on West Street the young Heaven 17 decide to go back to the studio with a few new friends.Two of these were girls from Sheffield University, one German one Spanish. Im afraid their names escape me after so long. I do however remember playing some of the tracks we were working on at the time, the early demos for the next Heaven 17 album as yet un-named.Lots of loud music and cheap wine led us to asking the girls to sing on the tracksa common chat up line for most bands I think youll find. Of course the chances of a good voice appearing were few and far between. Tonight would be no exception.The best we got were a few out of tune Spanish backing vocals on what would turn out to be Let Me Go and a spoken German accented version of Temptation.Which would have remained just a hazy memory were it not for the fact that my mom keeps just about everything Heaven 17 A few months ago when on a visit to London to see her lovely grandson Louie she brought a 7 inch spool down with her, all it said was demos November she said shed found it in a box but didnt know what it was and couldnt play it to find out. It could have been anything and it was a few weeks until I bothered listening to it. What a joy, what a laugh. Lots of daft bits of us messing about + some really early demos from the Luxury Gap, including the version of Temptation with the German vocal. It sounds great and after some sterling repair and mastering work by the genius Simon Heyworth we have got it sounding reasonably listenable and the good news is I think we are gonna put it out on the new Best of Heaven 17 Sight and Sound album. So looks like youll all be able to hear the fruits of our chat up linesAnd no I cant remember if any one actually did anything with anyone else that night, I certainly didnt it would have been home on the night bus and a cold cheese and bean toastie then bed for meI also have no idea where or who that girl is now, she just might get a shock!

My Interests


Member Since: 6/22/2005
Band Website: heaven17.com
Record Label: BEF / Alpha Engineering (UK) / Ninthwave (US)
Type of Label: Indie