Derespina Knives profile picture

Derespina Knives

Derespina Knives Brooklyn, N.Y.C.

About Me

One thing you need to know about me is that when it comes to music, I am very opinionated. I try my best to walk the middle path but find my self-leaning to the left often. I detest most of the trends in music nowadays. I endeavor to play music as I once did way back when. I was the guitar player for a couple bands in the hardcore genre I have also played other styles of music. Most notable was Hell No. We toured a few times, put out some decent records and that was that, it was a blast.I am a knife maker and Owner of Derespina Knives. I am also a "Security Professional". That means a Bouncer at nightclubs and private Security for special events and Body guarding part time. Currently on hiatus from the Security work to care for my children and focus on my business.It's my goal to maintain a healthy life of exercise, both mental and physical, a Vegan Diet, which I've been on since 1988, music and cutlery. It sounds weird I know, but these are my "things". Although it may appear that I've dropped out of music completely and it has taken a back seat to my business. I am still in love with it and write all the time. Looking to release a solo/band project on my own in the near future.I'm a fairly PC person but I have a sense of humor and refuse to ever bend and take it too seriously. I love the word retard. I dabble in metaphysics occasionally, when life calls me to it. I dabble in conspiracy theories as well. I can make connections between everything on all levels. I endeavor to use E prime but fall back into my old language constantly.These days I am happily married to Valerie my beautiful partner. She's wonderful and our story is as fantastic and "gay" as can be! We are now the proud parents of Zen Antonio Derespina our wonderful amazing Son born December 27 3 weeks early and a power house of a lil' boy. We are expecting Luna Soleil Derespina any day now almost to th year that Zen was born.I do not subscribe to the concept of "God" as handed to us by organized Religion. Religion in its various forms implies some theological superiority over one another. Further separating people and distracting us from the more provable realities of Physics in it's various forms. Any ideas or stories worth noting in any Religion are metaphoric. I tend to agree most with Taoist, Zen, and Hermetic Philosophy as they are more scientific than most realize. But these are not "Gospel" either.These Philosophies and their relative ideas and sciences weren't Religions in their original and purest form. Rather they are/were the Science of self-cultivation and understanding in this 3 dimensional physical existence. They were theories in Physics before man had the word Physics. We are the Creator and Destroyer of all "things" whether material, emotional, and physical. Faith is a concept born of slavery. Faith in a deity outside self is lack of personal accountability. What we do affects all around us, positive or negative as they are but extensions of you. Hence they are as much self as your self.Unfortunately, most of us do not see that connection and instead create more division firmly planting our feet in 3 dimensional existence. Understanding why we do what we do, and reacting accordingly or not at all is all I can imagine at this point in life to be any sort of answer to the question. However, surrendering to your reactions is a judgement call and if the extreme route isn't taken but reactions and actions are committed I cannot find fault but can only understand. The Microcosm is the Macrocosm and vice versa. From the Monad, Dyad, Triad and on into innumerable configurations, life takes form and slips back into the void at any given point. It is evidenced by the various theories of Physics.It is witnessed in our relationships and our altercations. You can see it in Microforms under a Microscope via chemical reactions. It is used in Martial Arts, and Building. Mathematically, Geometrically these things are evident. It is experienced in our daily lives, Politics, human interaction, etc.I support all Martial Arts. I've studied some Filipino Martial Arts, Jeet Kune Do, certain of the Chinese styles and plan on taking on some more styles and Internal Arts when time allows. I make Karambits specifically which is an Indonesian design originally making it's way through Malaysia and the Philippines as well as variants in other SE Asian countries. My style is of course more modern with my own take on them. I use fine materials and also now do production knife work. I truly feel any practitioner of the Arts of Kali, Arnis, Silat and their subsets and styles by other names will find my knives to be among the best of their class. Excellent ergonomics and design are of the utmost improtance.DO NOT EMAIL ME WITH REQUESTS TO BE ADDED IF WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN COMMON! DO NOT MAKE REQUESTS UNLESS THERE IS SOME PRIOR CONNECTION! DO NOT MAKE REQUESTS IF YOU ARE TRYING TO SELL ME SOME BULLSHIT ITEMS, A WEB SITE OR NUDIE PICS, LIVE WEB CAM NONSENSE! DO NOT YOU WILL BE DENIED AND DELETED DO NOT WASTE OUR TIME!Lastly, a list of my web Dealers:

My Interests

Knives, Martial Arts, Metaphysics, Music, ebay!I have an interest in destroying the continuing gentrification of NYC! I support crime waves against the rich and yuppie tools that get fed "the elite's" scraps. All for the instant gratification of sports bars and the higher tax bracket notion of success.Conspiracy theories!!!Geometric constants within apparently natural landscapes and all life forms.Biomechanics. Health, fitness. Acupuncture, Massage, Herbology, Homeopathy. Meditation.Art. Particularly illustration. Film.Spontaneous Combustion

I'd like to meet:

Martial Artists, the "huddled masses", the "down trodden", musicians who are in it for the music and not the money. Artists or any medium who are in it for the Art and not the money. Conspiracy theorists. Knifemakers and knife company/industry people. People who know this quote "We know and we understand, Almighty God is living man. You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time. So now we see the light, stand up for your rights" and realize how profound that line is. People who recognize trends and rather than follow them, stray from them. People highly critical of the Government no matter which wing seems to be controlling it. Non religious people. Anti religious people. Anyone who likes a good debate.


Everything from Black flag to D'Angelo, to X to Jimmy Castor bunch to Iron Maiden to Tribe called Quest to Fugazi to James Brown to Big Boys to Really Red to Chicago (albums 1 - 6), to Dead Kennedys to Kuro to Koro to Today is the Day to Pinback to Eric B & Rakim to Dag Nasty (just til Wig out not after) to the Specials to Desmond Dekker to Sabbath to the Cro Mags to the Inbred to The Clash to Blue Hearts to Black Sheep to De La Soul to Negative Approach and the list goes on and on. As long as it's real. all music!, Real Soul, Real Punk!, Real Hardcore! real Funk, Jazz, old school RnB from circa the late 60's to early 1980's. "Northern Soul", Ska, The period in Hip Hop from about 1984 - 1992 (was a fuckin' great stretch for Hip Hop) Anything with an ounce of guts and honesty and atleast a hint of originality.


Godfather 1 & 2 but not 3. Goodfellas, Suburbia (Spheris), Decline of Western Civilization, Raisin in the Sun, To Sir with Love, Blade (Tsui Hark NOT Wesley Snipes), Marathon Man, Dog Day Afternoon, the Party, Stripes, Bad Boys (Penn & Morales NOT Lawrence and Smith!), American Me, Live Flesh, Mean Streets, Death Trap, Battle Royale, Anything Takeshi Kitano, Nil By Mouth, Once were Warriors, Happiness, Romper Stomper, On Golden Pond, Suicide Club, The Fog, The Thing (Carpenter), City of God, Kung Fu Hustle, O brother where art thou?, One flew over the Cuckoos nest, Straw Dogs, the list is endless!


Hello Larry, The Facts of Life, Sanford and Son, All in the Family, M.A.S.H., Simpsons, News Radio, Kids in the Hall, TAXI, Mama's House, Maude, the Office (British NOT US), Young Ones, Good Times (Thelma was the shit!), Too Close for comfort (RIP Ted Knight), Curb your Enthusiasm, Chappelle Show, SNL, Starsky and Hutch, What's Happening?, another area I could go on all day!


Historical Illuminatus Trilogy, Illuminatus Trilogy, Hua Hu Ching, Ashtevakra Gita, Zen Teaching of Huang po, Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma, Secret teachings of all Ages, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Messianic Legacy, Be Here Now, Get in the Van, American Hardcore, The Voice of Silence, A tooth fom the Tigers mouth, Kybalion, the Hymns of Hermes, Rule By Secret, Gods of Eden this list is also endless.


No heroes, No Gods, No Masters! Just a few people deservant of respect. Siddhartha, Lao Tzu, Noam Chomsky, Albert Einstein, Manly P. Hall, Ghandi (later in his life), Benjamin Franklin, Meister Eckhart, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Karl Marx, Helena Blavatsky, Annie Beasant, Raymond Pettibon, Pushead, Carl Jung, Wilhelm Reich, Bruce Lee, Dan Inosanto, Antonio Ilustrisimo, John Robbins, Robert Anton Wilson, Leo Gaje, Ram Dass, Hazrat Inayat Khan, Aleister Crowley, George Mason, John Brown, etc...

My Blog

Knife discusskon website I support!!!

These are some Knife discussion site I suggest for anyone interested in talking, buying or trading knives and their related products and arts. Don’t be a jerk, just check em’ and play nice...
Posted by Derespina Knives on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:54:00 PST

Derespina Knives Dealers!      &nb sp;         &...
Posted by Derespina Knives on Tue, 22 May 2007 06:57:00 PST

Luna Soleil Derespina

That's right Mr. Supersperm is at it again! On December 15th at 223 pm Luna Soleil Derespina was born 7 lbs and 14oz. She's perfect and beutiful and healthy as can be! She eats as much as her bro did ...
Posted by Derespina Knives on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 07:17:00 PST

Reality or Christmas?

1. Christmas or the alleged Birthday of Jesus Christ is a made up date. Based on the Winter solstice of older "Pagan" ideologies. The actual bday of Christ is unknown. But is likeley between  -->...
Posted by Derespina Knives on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 08:58:00 PST

Alternative Screamo Jesus Freaks!

So I'm channel surfing this morning and I come across FUSE tv with supposedly alternative programming to MTV's barrage of wack television shows. They have this Warped Tour behind the scenes thingy o...
Posted by Derespina Knives on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 10:31:00 PST

All time great, must have Hardcore Punk Records!

Must have records/bands of the Hardcore/Punk Genre. In no specific order and some may be not so punk and not so hardcore but are certainly relative to the genre. Arguably the best releases and bands...
Posted by Derespina Knives on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 10:19:00 PST

Exchange one enemy for another...

So anyone see how we've traded the War against Communism for the War on Terrorism? The same German, English and American banks funded Marx, Stalin & Lenin as now do so much business with Saudi and...
Posted by Derespina Knives on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 08:20:00 PST

The world isn't me..

Recently a lot of religious fanatics and people looking for answers have posed opinions as to why so many natural catastrophes have taken place lately. Well, between Thailand, Pakistan, Indonesia, Ne...
Posted by Derespina Knives on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 09:24:00 PST

Good Charlotte suck and here's why!

I have said it before and will say it 1000 times more. Good Charlotte SUCK! They are a plant by music executives to undermine anything punk stood for. Evidenced by several things but most recently tha...
Posted by Derespina Knives on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST