About Me
Vokalna skupina AVE iz Ljubljane je bila ustanovljena leta 1984 v župniji Ljubljana - Vic. Zagnanost, trdo delo, pristna ljubezen do glasbe, mladost in svezina v petju so vrline, ki so skupino pod zanesljivim vodstvom Andraza Hauptmana privedle v sam vrh slovenske in evropske vokalne glasbe. Skupina je zrasla ne le kakovostno, ampak tudi stevilcno, zato se je preimenovala v Komorni zbor AVE.
Zbor je uspesno sodeloval na stevilnih drzavnih ter mednarodnih tekmovanjih in festivalih ter koncertiral po Sloveniji in na turnejah v tujini (Argentina, Avstrija, Belgija, Bosna in Hercegovina, Cile, Danska, Egipt, Estonija, Francija, Grcija, Italija, Juznoafriska republika, Kanada, Makedonija, Nemcija, Spanija, Svica, Vatikan, ZDA, Srbija, Finska).
Sodeloval je tudi na seminarjih zborovske glasbe: leta 1995 je bil izbran za demonstracijski zbor na Evropskem simpoziju za zborovsko glasbo v Ljubljani, ki ga je vodil priznani svedski zborovski dirigent Eric Ericson. Leta 1997 je komorni zbor AVE nastopil na Ameriskem simpoziju za zborovsko glasbo (ACDA) v San Diegu v ZDA, naslednje leto pa je v sodelovanju s svedskim dirigentom Garyjem Gradenom organiziral seminar za zborovske dirigente v Ljubljani. Leta 2004 je kot demonstracijski zbor sodeloval na seminarju v Kopru.Komorni zbor AVE je dobitnik Nagrade mesta Ljubljana za leto 1994, Plakete mesta Ljubljana za leto 2000 in Nagrade Presernovega sklada 1994. Poleg tega pa je doma in v tujini osvojil številne nagrade in priznanja na zborovskih festivalih in tekmovanjih.Nazadnje je AVE visok nivo vokalnega ustvarjanja pokazal aprila 2007, na prestižnem nacionalnem tekmovanju Nasa pesem, kjer je tekmoval v mesani in moski zasedbi ter zasedel prvo in drugo mesto. Prejel je tudi posebna priznanja zirije, in sicer za najboljso izvedbo skladbe iz 19. stoletja, najboljso izvedbo skladbe, napisane od 20. stoletja do danes ter najboljso izvedbo obvezne pesmi tako za moski kot tudi za mesani zbor.Komorni zbor AVE je svoje tretje desetletje pricel s projektom snemanja in predstavitve slovenskih velikonocnih skladb ter izdajo zgoscenke z naslovom »Kristus je vstal« (2005). V letošnjem letu med drugim nacrtuje udelezbo na mednarodnem zborovskem tekmovanju v Tolosi (Spanija).The vocal ensemble AVE was established in 1984 at the parish of Ljubljana Vi... The love of singing, the youthful zeal and freshness of interpretation have brought the ensemble, under the artistic guidance of Mr Andraž Hauptman, to the very peak of Slovene and European vocal music. In time, the ensemble has attracted many new singers and eventually changed its name to Chamber Choir AVE.
The choir has taken part in numerous national and international competitions and festivals with great success.
Its impressive concert activity encompasses countless performances in Slovenia as well as several concert tours in other countries (Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Denmark, Egipt, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, South Africa, Canada, Macedonia, Spain, Switzerland, USA, Vatican, SCG, Finland). Chamber Choir AVE also takes part in seminars for choral music: in 1995 it was chosen to be the demostration choir at the European Symposium for Choral Music held in Ljubljana (Slovenia) under the direction of the acknowledged senior choirmaster Eric Ericson from Sweden. In 1997 the choir performed at the American Symposium for Choral Music (ACDA) in San Diego, and in the following year it organized a seminar for choral conductors in Ljubljana with Gary Graden from Sweden. In 2004 it took part as demonstration choir at the seminar for choral music in Koper (Slovenia).
The choir has taken part in numerous national and international competitions and festivals with great success. Its impressive concert activity encompasses countless performances in Slovenia as well as several concert tours in other countries (Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Denmark, Egipt, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, South Africa, Canada, Macedonia, Spain, Switzerland, USA, Vatican, SCG, Finland). Chamber Choir AVE also takes part in seminars for choral music: in 1995 it was chosen to be the demostration choir at the European Symposium for Choral Music held in Ljubljana (Slovenia) under the direction of the acknowledged senior choirmaster Eric Ericson from Sweden. In 1997 the choir performed at the American Symposium for Choral Music (ACDA) in San Diego, and in the following year it organized a seminar for choral conductors in Ljubljana with Gary Graden from Sweden. In 2004 it took part as demonstration choir at the seminar for choral music in Koper (Slovenia).In 1993 and 2000 Chamber Choir AVE was awarded the City of Ljubljana Plaque, in 1994 the City of Ljubljana Župan..i.. Prize, and in 1994 the Prešeren Fund Prize. It has won numerous high prizes and awards at choral festivals and competitions both in Slovenia and abroad.Most recently, AVE has proven its high level of vocal performance in April 2007 at a prestigious Slovene national choir competition »Naša Pesem (Our Song)«. The choir AVE was competing in the categories of mixed voices and male voices and won both the first (as mixed choir) and the second prize (as male choir). Furthermore, AVE won the following special prizes awarded by the jury: for the best performance of a 19th-century composition, for the best performance of a composition written in the period from the 20th century till the present and for the best performance of the compulsory piece both in the category of mixed as well as in the category of male voices.Chamber Choir AVE enters its third decade with a programme of Slovene Easter music, recorded and available on CD (Kristus je vstal). In June 2006 the choir took part at the international choral festival at Embrun (France) and in Niš (Serbia) choir festival.
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