Dungeons & Dragons, RPGA, Wizkids Games, Wizards of the Coast, Role playing games, board games, war games, miniature games, card games, collectible card games, 7th Sea CCG, Aberrant, Acquire, Advanced Civilization, Age Of Mythology, All Flesh Must be Eaten, Alternity, Amber Diceless, Amoeba Wars, Amun-Re, Angel RPG, Anno 1503, Arkham Horror, Around the World in 80 Days, Atlas Games, Attack!, Awful Green Things from Outer Space, Axis & Allies (Revised), Axis & Allies Miniatures, Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge, Axis & Allies: D-Day, Axis & Allies: Europe, Axis & Allies: Pacific, Babylon 5 CCG, Babylon 5 RPG 2nd Edition, Babylon 5: A Call to Arms, Battlelore, Battlemasters, Battlestations, Classic Battletech, Beowulf, The Legend, Betrayal At House On The Hill, Big Eyes Small Mouth, Blackmoor, Blood Bowl, Bloodshadows d6, Burning Empires, Call of Cthulhu, Car Wars, Carcasonne, Carcassonne: The City,Caylus, Changeling: The Dreaming, Cheapass Games,Citadels,Cities & Knights of Catan,City of Heroes,Clan Wars,Clans,Cleopatra & the Society of Architects,Clout Fantasy,Combat Assault Vehicle,Command & Colors: Ancients,Conquest of the Empire, Arcanis,Forgotten Realms,D&D Miniatures,Ravenloft,D&D Survival Dungeon,d20 Future ,d20 Modern,d20 Past,d6 Adventure,d6 Fantasy,d6 Space,Dance Dance Revolution,Dark Ages: Vampire,DC Heroes RPG,Deadlands,Death Stacks,Deliria,Demon: The Fallen,Descent: Jouneys in the Dark,Dilbert: Corporate Shuffle,Dino Hunt,Diplomacy,Doom The Board Game,Dragonfist Kung Fu RPG,Dragonlance Board Game,Dragonlance d20, Dragonstar d20, Dread, Dungeon!, DUNGEONEER, Earthdawn, Emira, Empire Builder, End of the Triumvirate,Everlasting, Evo, Ex Machina, Family Business, Final Days, Fluxx, Forbidden Kingdoms d20, Forge: Out of Chaos, Formula De, Fortress America, Fury of Dracula, Giant Monster Rampage, GodLike, Guitar Hero, GURPS, Hackmaster, HALO, Hammer of the Scots, HarnMaster, HeroClix, Heroes of Rokugan, Heroquest, Heroscape, History of the World, Hordes, Horrific: Terror In The Cards, HorrorClix, Hunter: The Reckoning, Confrontation, Ironclaw, JadeClaw, Kingmaker, Knights of the Dinner Table Hack!, Kobolds Ate My Baby!, Legacy of the Green Regent, Legends of the 5 Rings CCG, Leonardo da Vinci, Little Fears, Living Arcanis, Living City, Living Death, Living Dragonstar, Living Force, Living Greyhawk, Living Kingdoms of Kalamar, Living Spycraft, Lord of the Rings Risk, Lunch Money, Marvel Super Heroes, Mechwarrior, Mesopotamia, Monkey Arena, Mordhiem, Mutants & Masterminds, Nobilis, Palladium Fantasy, Paranoia XP, Wizkids Pirates, Princes of Florence, Puerto Rico, Ra, Race Day, Reef Encounter, Renegade Legion, Rifts,Rio Grande, Risk (Classic), Risk Clone Wars, Risk Godstorm, RoboRally, Rommel in the Desert, Saganami Island Tactical Simulator, Savage Worlds, Seafarers of Catan, Serenity, Settlers of Catan, Shadowrun Missions, Shogun, Silent Death, Silver Age Sentinels d20, Space Hulk, Spycraft CCG, Spycraft d20, Star Fleet Battles, Star Frontiers, Star Wars d20, Star Wars Miniatures, Star Wars Monopoly, Star Wars: Epic Duels, Star Wars: The Queens Gambit, Starfarers of Catan, Stargate SG-1, Starship Trooper Miniatures, Starship Trooper RPG, Struggle of Empires, Talisman, The Riddle of Steel, Ticket to Ride, Traveler, Twilight Imperium, Vampire: The Eternal Struggle CCG, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Requiem, War of the Ring, Warcraft, Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Miniatures, Warhammer Quest, Warhammer Skirmishes, Warlord CCG, Warmachine, WarZone, Werewolf: Dark Ages, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Werewolf: The Wild West, Wings of War, Witchcraft, Wizard Kings, World of Darkness LARP, World of Warcraft TCG
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Gary Gygax