MACE by Justus Productions profile picture

MACE by Justus Productions

MACE, the Carolinas largest gaming con by Justus Productions

About Me

Got Game?

The Carolinas' largest gaming con!

Hello, and welcome to the Justusproductions/MACE MySpace. The purpose of this MySpace is to help spread the word about our con to all those interested in gaming, getting together with other Carolina gamers in one place and having a great time. If you were contacted by us,we found you in one of our searches in hopes that you will look over this site and our web site and find something that piques your interest. We bring the best quality gaming the Carolinas has to offer, so please check us out.

See our web site here

The next MACE is November 7-9, 2008!

What is JustUs Productions?

See our web site here,

JustUs Productions, the business organization behind MACE and mini-mace, is a company born of a love of a hobby. It is a business owned by Jeff and Karen Smith.

What is MACE?

Mid-Atlantic Convention Expo, (MACE) is the largest gaming convention in the Carolinas. Originally called ROC 96.5, MACE was created after the parent convention ROC of Ages went out of business. It started in High Point and has been held there ever since. But, MACE was not just an idea by Jeff, it developed into the con that it is, by loyal gamers who are still playing at the con today. In 2006, we celebrated our 10th anniversary, proudly bringing the best gaming the Carolinas has to offer in one place.

What is mini-mace?

mini-mace (yes, all lower-case), is a small game day event we host at least once a year that we like to hold in an eating establishment that usually serves a buffet. Our goal is to supply the two things gamers like the most - good gaming and good food.Free MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Dungeons & Dragons, RPGA, Wizkids Games, Wizards of the Coast, Role playing games, board games, war games, miniature games, card games, collectible card games, 7th Sea CCG, Aberrant, Acquire, Advanced Civilization, Age Of Mythology, All Flesh Must be Eaten, Alternity, Amber Diceless, Amoeba Wars, Amun-Re, Angel RPG, Anno 1503, Arkham Horror, Around the World in 80 Days, Atlas Games, Attack!, Awful Green Things from Outer Space, Axis & Allies (Revised), Axis & Allies Miniatures, Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge, Axis & Allies: D-Day, Axis & Allies: Europe, Axis & Allies: Pacific, Babylon 5 CCG, Babylon 5 RPG 2nd Edition, Babylon 5: A Call to Arms, Battlelore, Battlemasters, Battlestations, Classic Battletech, Beowulf, The Legend, Betrayal At House On The Hill, Big Eyes Small Mouth, Blackmoor, Blood Bowl, Bloodshadows d6, Burning Empires, Call of Cthulhu, Car Wars, Carcasonne, Carcassonne: The City,Caylus, Changeling: The Dreaming, Cheapass Games,Citadels,Cities & Knights of Catan,City of Heroes,Clan Wars,Clans,Cleopatra & the Society of Architects,Clout Fantasy,Combat Assault Vehicle,Command & Colors: Ancients,Conquest of the Empire, Arcanis,Forgotten Realms,D&D Miniatures,Ravenloft,D&D Survival Dungeon,d20 Future ,d20 Modern,d20 Past,d6 Adventure,d6 Fantasy,d6 Space,Dance Dance Revolution,Dark Ages: Vampire,DC Heroes RPG,Deadlands,Death Stacks,Deliria,Demon: The Fallen,Descent: Jouneys in the Dark,Dilbert: Corporate Shuffle,Dino Hunt,Diplomacy,Doom The Board Game,Dragonfist Kung Fu RPG,Dragonlance Board Game,Dragonlance d20, Dragonstar d20, Dread, Dungeon!, DUNGEONEER, Earthdawn, Emira, Empire Builder, End of the Triumvirate,Everlasting, Evo, Ex Machina, Family Business, Final Days, Fluxx, Forbidden Kingdoms d20, Forge: Out of Chaos, Formula De, Fortress America, Fury of Dracula, Giant Monster Rampage, GodLike, Guitar Hero, GURPS, Hackmaster, HALO, Hammer of the Scots, HarnMaster, HeroClix, Heroes of Rokugan, Heroquest, Heroscape, History of the World, Hordes, Horrific: Terror In The Cards, HorrorClix, Hunter: The Reckoning, Confrontation, Ironclaw, JadeClaw, Kingmaker, Knights of the Dinner Table Hack!, Kobolds Ate My Baby!, Legacy of the Green Regent, Legends of the 5 Rings CCG, Leonardo da Vinci, Little Fears, Living Arcanis, Living City, Living Death, Living Dragonstar, Living Force, Living Greyhawk, Living Kingdoms of Kalamar, Living Spycraft, Lord of the Rings Risk, Lunch Money, Marvel Super Heroes, Mechwarrior, Mesopotamia, Monkey Arena, Mordhiem, Mutants & Masterminds, Nobilis, Palladium Fantasy, Paranoia XP, Wizkids Pirates, Princes of Florence, Puerto Rico, Ra, Race Day, Reef Encounter, Renegade Legion, Rifts,Rio Grande, Risk (Classic), Risk Clone Wars, Risk Godstorm, RoboRally, Rommel in the Desert, Saganami Island Tactical Simulator, Savage Worlds, Seafarers of Catan, Serenity, Settlers of Catan, Shadowrun Missions, Shogun, Silent Death, Silver Age Sentinels d20, Space Hulk, Spycraft CCG, Spycraft d20, Star Fleet Battles, Star Frontiers, Star Wars d20, Star Wars Miniatures, Star Wars Monopoly, Star Wars: Epic Duels, Star Wars: The Queens Gambit, Starfarers of Catan, Stargate SG-1, Starship Trooper Miniatures, Starship Trooper RPG, Struggle of Empires, Talisman, The Riddle of Steel, Ticket to Ride, Traveler, Twilight Imperium, Vampire: The Eternal Struggle CCG, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Requiem, War of the Ring, Warcraft, Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Miniatures, Warhammer Quest, Warhammer Skirmishes, Warlord CCG, Warmachine, WarZone, Werewolf: Dark Ages, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Werewolf: The Wild West, Wings of War, Witchcraft, Wizard Kings, World of Darkness LARP, World of Warcraft TCG

I'd like to meet:

Gamers in the Carolinas and surrounding states.

Warbunny sitings!? Submit your warbunny pictures to us

The Warbunny has been known to visit many cons in the Carolinas and many of you may have pictures of him. If you think you have a pic of the warbunny, submit it to us via email at ron(at)justusproductions(dot)com and we'll post it here...


Who has time for music when you are GAMING!


Gamers, Ubergoober


Who has time to watch TV when you are GAMING!


D&D books


Gary Gygax

My Blog

MACE 2008: Additional Games Added to the Schedule

Here are a few more games that we have added.. Magic TournamentFri 8pm - Booster DraftSat 1:30pm - Constructed TournamentSat 8pm - Booster Draft Settlers of Catan TournamentBrought to you by the ...
Posted by MACE by Justus Productions on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 08:09:00 PST

MACE 2008: Schedule Update

Hello all,   Now that mini-mace is over, MACE 2008 planning continues in full swing.  I have recently posted the most recent preliminary schedule up on the MACE web site.  This schedul...
Posted by MACE by Justus Productions on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 04:55:00 PST

Running a game at MACE 2008

If you want to run a game for MACE 2008, all you have to do is email us and let us know.  We just need to know a few things. * Your name and email address * the Game you want to run and what type...
Posted by MACE by Justus Productions on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 06:30:00 PST

MACE 2008: Preliminary Schedule Posted

Hello all,   MACE 2008 planning is in full swing (along with a mini-mace for September 20).  I have recently posted a VERY preliminary schedule up on the MACE web site.  This schedule...
Posted by MACE by Justus Productions on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 08:18:00 PST

Check out this event: MACE 2008 - Gaming Con

Hosted By: MACE Gaming Con by Justus ProductionsWhen: Friday Nov 07, 2008 at 3:00 PMWhere: Radisson Hotel High Point135 South Main Street High Point, North Carolina|34 27260United StatesDescription:MA...
Posted by MACE by Justus Productions on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 12:21:00 PST

MACE 2008 is coming!!!

It's that time of year again when gamers from the Carolinas and surrounding states come together uner one roof and game.... and game.... and game some more.  And somewhere in there, they might ea...
Posted by MACE by Justus Productions on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 12:02:00 PST

mini-mace II 2008 - The Second Helping

OK, it's official, we are going to do a minimace Sept 20, 2008, first session starts at 9 AM.It will be at the Golden Corral, Hanes Mall, in Winston Salem.I will get the preregistration up on the site...
Posted by MACE by Justus Productions on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 03:05:00 PST

World of Darkness LARP at MACE

MACE Camarilla LARP The WoD LARP this year willl be ran by a local group. The local Camarilla group will Hosting the World of Darkness LARP at MACE. There will be NO Charge to play at the Event. Only...
Posted by MACE by Justus Productions on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 04:41:00 PST

D&D Games Day, June 7, 2008 - in the Carolinas

Saturday, June 7, 2008. The day after the release of D&D 4th Edition! Free Games Day. Come Learn how to play the newest edition of D&D. Here is a list of the current ...
Posted by MACE by Justus Productions on Thu, 01 May 2008 07:38:00 PST

mini-mace 2008 - Jan 26 - Golden Corral Hanes Mall, Winston-Salem NC

Just a little reminder about minimace 2008 January 26, 2008Golden Corral Winston Salem, NC and food. What more can you ask?$28 pre-reg; $3...
Posted by MACE by Justus Productions on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 03:10:00 PST