Welcome to The Official MySpace page of Frank Semmer!Since 2000 Frank Semmer has been working as a freelance drummer with different bands in different genres. Here are some credits:
1993-98 Big Band Pretzsch (Swing & Jazz), 1993-99 Seventh Lane (Rock), 1996-98 Carnival of Souls (Metal), 2001-06 Sonaurus (Stonerrock), 2001 Shocked! (Funk Musical), 2001 Grain of Sand (Rock), 2002 Maro (Pop,Gala), 2002-04 LungFullOfWater (AvantgardeJazz), 2002-03 GryshynSeherSemmer-Trio (Jazz), 2004-05 The Parsley's Track (NoisePop), 2005 Nono (Pop), 2003-05 Peter "Cäsar" Gläser (Blues, Deutschrock), 2006 Tassilo Männer (Rocksessions), since 2007 Safi (Punk/Pop/Rock).In 2002 a CD production with Sonaurus (progressive post rock) received great attention from the music press. Due to a lack of time of all band members turns the live band into a studio band.From 2003 to 2005, he toured with Peter "Cäsar" Gläser, the famous German Blues/ Folk Singer/Guitarist, who used to play with the Klaus Renft Band.Although in 2004 he played drums for the Parsley's Track Projekt for some gigs and a DVD and live CD Production with a 12piece band (piano, keys, string quartet, guitars, bass...drums (of course).Frank is NOW, since 2007 on tour and in the studio with the german Singer/ Songwriter POET PUNKROCKJAZZPOP Lady SAFI !!! ***
!!!THE NEW SAFI ALBUM ---- coming soon!!! LOOK FOR IT--- brand new!!! Release: autumn 2008!!!***Moreover, the Parsley's Track Band is working on new material in smooth trip- hop style and the studioband sonaurus produces new songs.Since 2007 Frank Semmer teach drums, bandplaying and music theory at Modern Music School.Besides, the Frank Semmer Band Debut CD is in progress ---release winter 2008???YoU WiLl fInD mOrE dEtAiLeD iNfOrMaTiOn AbOuT FRANK's DrUmMiNg On HiS oFfIcIaL wEbSiTe, FeEl FrEe !!!******
******Frank Semmer arbeitet seit 2000 als Schlagzeuger in verschiedenen Formationen.Momentan seit 2007 mit SAFI auf Tour & im Studio. Außerdem arbeitet Frank Semmer an seiner Debut CD, welche sich im Nu-Jazz/Fusion Jazz Bereich bewegen wird, oder wir werden sehen...;)Seit 2007 arbeitet Frank Semmer außerdem als Schlagzeugdozent an der Modern Music School und unterrichtet dort Schlagzeug (Jazz, Rock, Pop), Bandkontext/Bandplaying und Musiktheorie.Mehr Infos und aktuelle Termine auf der deutschen Webseite/Netzside/Homepage/Heimatseite unter:www.franksemmer.deoder:www.diesafi.dewww.modernmusicsc