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mit unbändiger wucht und erbarmungsloser hingabe verdreschen die drei jungen damen von sleazy, inc. operated nun schon seit 2003 ihre instrumente. ein aufrichtig poser-attitüde-freier, vorwärts drückender mix aus mitreißend melodiöser instrumentierung mit überraschend gebrochenen drumparts und einer leidenschaftlich starken stimme. postrock, melodic trash und grunge - ungekünstelt und aus ganzem herzen prügeln sie queer durch das ganze land und über die grenzen hinweg.
after gingerly attempts to walk with a shortplayer they release their first self-produced longplayer “sleazy listeninc†2006. 2 years later appears their second self-produced longplayer "chiaroscuro“. in summer 2006 they play as leading actresses and as a band in a cinema production called "meer is nich" (www.meerisnich.kinoweltde) written by hagen keller. the full-length movie first can be seen on screen at october, 24th at 41. hof international film festival. the summer before they get up for their successful german-tour and refresh the buffer in march 2008 with a meer-is-doch-tour in the context of the national debut of “meer is nichâ€. The origin of all that explosive touring fever was in may 2007, when they landed in greece and took a look at the greek D.I.Y.-scene.
At least they finished their successfull "rising..s dawn tour 2008" in september! Keep your eyes open what..s coming up next!
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